12.19.2019 Pleiadian Message: True Power


Yesterday day I received this simple message:

“True power doesn’t need money.”

This came from the familiar voice of one of my lead and highly trusted Pleiadian Mentors who my soul family affectionately refers to as “Grandpa James,” a name from our WWII era life we lived together on Earth. Recently he told me that his Pleiadian name is Pontius, but, with me, he prefers Grandpa James. So, refer to him however you wish: Pontius or Grandpa James. Either way, he is one of my personal most trusted advisers from The Pleiadian Ring of 500.

When I hear his voice, I know he is about to lay down some truth. My personal favorite quote from him is simple and true:

“Hearts don’t change. Only MINDS change. Hearts stay true. Forever.”

I love that. Simple. Pure. Yet profound, if you truly dig in and think about it.

Anyway, yesterday’s message from him was similar in tone. I wish I could describe his voice to you, but I don’t even know how to begin. Is it distinct? Maybe. It is for me, anyway, because, even though it’s a male voice, it’s gentle, but still masculine. Divine Masculine is my best attempt here. And it’s pure in pitch and tone. Full of honesty and love.

“True power doesn’t need money.”

It may seem like a super simple statement. And for the 3D-minded, it, of course, sounds like a bunch of horse hockey. But for those on their spiritual path – the true seekers who know they are here to do much more than just work and pay bills – this statement is an invitation to dig deeper and self-trust harder than ever before.

Now, when I’m talking about self-trust, I’m not talking about what you THINK you know in your ego mind. I’m talking about that stuff you knew about yourself when you were a kid that everyone told you was nonsense. That stuff that you still fantasize about today or catch glimpses of in dreamscape. Invincibility. Yep. That’s it!

True. Raw. Power. Flying power. Healing power. Teleportation power. The kind of power that, if you had it, you would never need money. Oh yeah. Here we go! Now we’re talking, right?

So yesterday, when I heard the message, THOSE were the things that came immediately to mind for me with that simple statement. That’s the stuff I KNOW about. In my heart. And, yes, in my mind, too. I see it in my dreams: I’ve healed people by merely touching them or shaking their hands; I’ve taught people how to fly and teleport using their Merkaba vehicles. I’ve traveled to other dimensions via wormholes that operated like fully-enclosed water slides. This is the REAL stuff. The FUN stuff. The stuff that actually matters SO much more than this mundane 3D Matrix we seem to be stuck in during our “waking” (hahaha) hours. Oh my god, it’s so opposite, isn’t it? It’s like the nightmare we can’t wake up from, and our dreamscape is the real world we all want to be in (when the dreams are good, I mean; I know some are still experiencing sad and horrifying dreams, and for that, I am truly, deeply sorry).

Let’s get back to “True power doesn’t need money.”

When I heard it, I knew a Pleiadian Message was coming… that something was brewing. But, you see, I made a deal with my peeps before I agreed to share messages from them on my blog site. The deal was that it HAD to be something different than all of the other channelers were sharing. Or, if it was different, it at least had to be more detailed or more specific than the others in some way. AND, it had to be ACCURATE. No more of this “soon” crap. Who knew their “soon” would be 10, 15 or 20 Earth years, right? (Don’t get me started! Hahaha!) But, ultimately, the “when” really IS up to us – our consciousness, our vibration, and our ability and willingness to activate and USE our powers. And to trust ourselves: our claircognizance, clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairsentience. AND our TRUE POWER.

So, when I heard “True power doesn’t need money,” I waited, but I didn’t hear anything else.

“That’s it?” I asked. That’s it, I felt. Yep. That’s all. I need to write that down. So I posted it as a blog. A very simple, profound statement that is packed with SO much unpacking for the human collective that it needed to stand alone for 24 hours. I even realized after the fact that I wrote the wrong damn date on it! It was December 18, and I wrote 12.19.2019 in the title. When I realized it, I heard my higher-self say, “It’s from the future.” So I left it alone.

I laid down to rest, and, as I settled my head, I heard a BELL bong. It was like a church bell sound, but only one bong that vibrated a bit before it faded.

Now I’ve heard a LOT of things as far as tones and frequencies. High pitched. Low pitched. Varying pitches, like the old FAX machine sounds. Static. High-pitched white noise. Low-pitched white noise. Bee hive humming. Metallic clinking. Whirring. Popping. Crackling. Brief complete and total deafness, even. But never have I ever heard a BELL bong like that. Something NEW! So there was my confirmation that the short simple message I posted was what they wanted me to do. For the time being, anyway.

Today, while driving home after dropping my son off at school this morning, I received a LOT more information about it. So, I’ll be writing when I get home, I thought as I sat at a traffic light, and the light turned green. GO. I felt a sudden urgency to get home and begin writing. Once home, I hung up my coat and walked to the stove to heat the tea kettle. I had a feeling this would be a long one. As I crossed over the highest traffic area of our home, I noticed a tiny piece of paper on the floor. Now I had crossed this spot several times this morning and never once saw that piece of paper until this very moment. And, it’s a black floor, so the white paper was quite an eye catcher.

“What the heck?” I said, as I picked it up. It was from a Yogi Tea Bag, and it said:

“Develop the power of listening.”

At first I was like, “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” and I threw it in the trash. I went to my office to turn on my laptop, and all of the sudden I was like… wait… I need to take a photo of that for this blog. It’s important somehow. So, here it is…



SIDE NOTE: This is ironic because last night I was watching the episode of Shut Eye where Charlie keeps seeing this crow with a sign that says “Are you listening?” and then follows the trail to a spiritual seminar with the same title that was presented to him by a spiritual teacher in an earlier episode.

Most of you who follow my blog know that when I “channel” Pleiadian messages, I ALWAYS open my Akashic Records first in order to create a clear, secure line of communication between me, my higher-self and my Pleiadian soul family, but for those of you who are new to my site (welcome!) I want you to know that I am not communicating with just any voice that comes through claiming to be Pleiadian. That’s not how I roll. I have very high, strict standards, and I ONLY communicate with those on my Akashic Team who I am familiar with; I ask them to identify themselves so that YOU know who they are, as well.

For those of you who are not aware, the Akashic Records are kept in the sixth dimension, the dimension of innocence and truth, and this is the vibration we shift into when we access our personal records. I keep mine open almost all of the time now, but, when I am about to work on a message for the collective, I always say the formal pathway prayer to open them before I begin.

Now that I have done this, I will begin asking Pontius (Grandpa James) some pointed questions about yesterday’s short message. My questions will appear in bold, and his answers will appear in regular text.

Grandpa James, yesterday you said: “True power doesn’t need money.” Can you tell me who this message was for?

This message was for humanity. Those who get it, and those who don’t quite yet (but they will).

For me, this simple statement says a LOT of things, but, at the same time, it also makes me go: “Yeah, right.” (Eye roll.) As you know, the mindset in the 3D Matrix is “Money IS Power.” So how can you help us better accept your message that true power doesn’t need money?

Money IS power? That is a chuckle. The problem here is that you, as a collective, GIVE the power to those who wield control over humanity. Your thought process is that those with the money have the power, and, because they have the money, they must somehow be smarter and better than you, so you must look up to them and obey them.

Have you stopped to think about how they GOT their money? Not by wielding POWER, but by generating FEAR in a system that THEY created to work ONLY for them. They created this fake value (money) and told you that you have to work for it in order to pay for goods and services and food and shelter. Then they tax you on the money you make, and you fear the fees and/or imprisonment if you don’t pay the taxes. They are not powerful. They are bullies. And this is not the kind of power we are talking about. No, TRUE power is not accessible to them because they are full of fear; fear of losing their fake money and fake power.

So, tell us more about TRUE power. What is it? What do you mean by that?

TRUE power is the stuff you are made of. It comes from the heart; your soul. It is all you are – all you have ever been – and everything you have ever learned and experienced in all lifetimes, across all dimensions and star systems. You are only now just beginning to remember who you TRULY are at soul level; it has taken some time, yes, and it will continue to unravel for you as you take in more energetic downloads that activate those dormant strands of DNA. As those continue to fire up, more and more information and gifts and talents will become available to you. The more you are aware of this, the faster you will access all of it. We understand that many of you are still sleepy. Awakening is not always easy, but it is happening for all of you in much grander ways than you ever realized.

This is what we want to talk to you about today. Realization. And we’re talking about more than the “ah ha!” moments of realizing in your mind that you have these gifts and talents available to you that occasionally present themselves. We’re talking about actually putting your gifts and talents to use on a regular basis. Instead of being amazed by them, start USING them. These are not collector’s items that sit on shelves, dear ones. (You know why they’re called “collector’s” items, right? Because they collect DUST.) Look, we understand that your dormant gifts and talents, which we will herein refer to as powers, have been collecting proverbial dust for lifetimes within the 3D Earth Matrix, but that is no longer an excuse to not exercise them.

Trust us when we say: You are smarter, you are stronger, and you are more powerful than those who bully you into debt slavery over currency that isn’t even truly real, dear ones. Develop your powers and begin creating (together, as a collective) a more loving, caring and supportive human race that embraces peace, trust and harmony. Stop waiting for politicians and governments to give these things to you; they are not in the business of creating peace, trust, freedom or harmony because, if you have those things, then they can no longer control you and take your money. Think about this a little harder and a lot longer, dear ones.

We’re going to say it again:

Stop waiting for politicians and governments to create peace, trust, freedom and harmony.

Peace, trust, freedom and harmony can only come from the collective consciousness. You have to own the 5D vibration in order to collectively share it with one another. As you share it with one another, your collective vibration grows and overpowers those who manipulate you.

You cannot do this by raising your vibration for a 30-minute or 60-minute mass meditation (this would be comparative of trying to drive a car down a highway intermittently pressing the gas pedal in spurts to get to your destination). All of you need to consistently be in your highest vibration at all times, pedal to the metal, from here on out, in order to begin owning your TRUE power.

Yes, we know you are tired, but you are all getting a strong second wind now, and it will carry you through all of 2020, so buck up and power up. This is what you volunteered and incarnated to do as Ground Crew. You’re being called to duty.

Called to duty in what way? Can you clarify that for us?

 You’re being called to be in your highest potential power at all times. That means being alert, awake and aware, with love and compassion for your fellow human family. That means serving humanity before corporations, governments, churches, military complexes, etc. That means…

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Some of us work for the corporations, governments, etc. What are you saying, here?

 Look back in history. All the mightiest empires fall. Survival can’t happen within a debt slavery system. While it does for some time, all end up failing, and, as more and more of the human collective awakens, less and less will be able to function in debt slavery.

Remember: True power doesn’t need money.

What does true power need?

Trust/love, compassion… all those 5D capabilities.

So, is there going to be a ginormous financial collapse in 2020?

Oh, the crash has already happened. You’re just riding on fumes at this point. No one is going to announce it. That would be admission of failure and loss of control. This is why we’re urging you to step into your personal power. Those of you reading this missive, that is. There are many others who claim to be in their spiritual power or “awakened” who will never, ever see or read this, and that is, quite simply, because they aren’t.

Anyone can wave or shoot or gun or point and fire a missile. That doesn’t make them powerful.

Just like anyone can make a claim to be an intellectual genius, spiritual chosen one, or a “royal.” Those things don’t make anyone powerful, either.

Believe us, there ARE chosen ones, and they are not the type to go around announcing it on a grand scale. The REAL chosen ones are those reading this message now.

Remember, it takes real, TRUE power to be compassionate and to stand up in the midst of adversity to do the right thing. It takes TRUE power and courage to love yourself, trust yourself (your heart), and to allow yourself to be loved. It takes TRUE power to let go of a dying, crumbling matrix with the trust that something better can be created that is beneficial to all instead of only a select few. It takes TRUE power to know, without a doubt, that everything you could possibly ever need to survive is already within you, and that it will all unfold for you at the very moment that you need it.

Rely on your intuition now more than you ever have before. Have faith. Be smart. Stay strong.

You ARE invincible, even though you’ve been conditioned to believe you’re not.

Also, to those reading this, you ARE the leaders for the human collective consciousness within the Earth Matrix. Keep your thoughts positive and focused only on what humanity needs to survive at this time. You may choose words to meditate on such as: Health. Wealth. Abundance. Freedom. Peace. Love. Compassion. Sovereignty. Prosperity. Unity. Harmony. Purity.

You get the picture. Envision it. Feed it. Water it. Express gratitude for it. Watch it manifest.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Is there anything else you’d like to add before we close? How about the “develop the power of listening” message that I keep seeing. Is that just for me, or for the crew?

 It is for all of you. clairaudience is strong for most of you now. Listen for prompts, instruction, and advice. We will be in communication with all of you, so please take the time to create sacred space for yourself to listen daily. Ask for clarification when you need it. We want to make certain everyone feels loved and supported as you carry out your missions.



© Jen Freer 2019| FreerSpirit.com | Pleiadian Message Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website, FreerSpirit.com

I didn’t incarnate to get my ass kicked; did you?

It has come to my attention lately — over the past year or so — that many “lightworkers” have become quite a bit jaded and cynical, even. Bitter, maybe? I dunno. Anyway, this is why I have moved away from posting positive messages from our Pleiaidan Ascended Masters (yes, many of them are from the Pleiades, and, no, I’m not going to argue with all the know-it-all newbs about this fact, which comes directly from the Akashic Records, which I have been reading since 2010, and trust far more than some hyper-accelerated third-wave person on an ascension trip).

Here’s the truth… just because you’re suddenly “woke” does not mean you have all the deets or facts or truth, even. Many of the newly awakened are in their initial stages of 4D consciousness, and they want to say they are 5D, but yet they are still so tangled up with ego that they post comments all over the interwebs that make them seem very troll-ish.

Frankly, it’s a chaotic MESS, and most of the time it seems not even worth approaching because, for me, it’s a waste of my precious time and energy.

Here’s the T (which means “truth” for those of you who do not follow Rupaul’s Drag Race): we are ALL on unique and SEPARATE spiritual journeys. What Tom experiences on his ascension trip (yeah, this is my new favorite phrase for “spiritual path/journey”) is designed specifically for Tom by his Akashic Team (Ascended Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones in spirit and his higher-self who are in soul contract to assist Tom and ONLY Tom). Now Dick might experience some similar things on his journey, and he might be more of an A(hole) type personality, so he is going to INSIST that he knows EVERYTHING about ascension trips and he may THINK he is “more woke” than Tom, so he is suddenly going to start coaching Tom in a way that is not at all comfortable or even jiving with what Tom feels is going on within his personal, uniquely designed journey.  (Starting to sound familiar? Or do we need examples?)

YAY! Examples! Okay! Let’s say, for Tom, he feels that 11:11 has something to do with the Law of Attraction, and that when he sees this number (everywhere, ALL the time) that is a reminder to him to keep his thoughts and feelings positive so that he can “attract” or, better yet, “manifest” the life he desires. Well, along comes Harry who insists that 11:11 is all about the Twin Flame soul mate who serves as a “mirror” to him to reflect the things he needs to work on (or let go of) in order to surrender his ego and become one with his soul. Dick, who somehow manages to ruin every good thing that comes along for him in the romance department (and blames it ALL on his counterpart, of course) INSISTS that there is NO SUCH THING as a TWIN FLAME, and launches into a diatribe debunking every Twin Flame theory known to humanity. And Dick’s the expert cuz, you know… he’s been there and done that already. Fell down that rabbit hole, which was a quicksand to H E double hockey sticks. Which doesn’t exist, by the way, but Dick does a great job of creating it for himself.

So now everyone is perplexed and ready to just forget this whole spiritual path thing because no one can agree on anything and what it all means. And this is why I have always HATED organized religion and group stuff when it comes to spirituality or… well… ANYthing, really. Creative Writing workshops. Peer edits. Okay, I digress, but you get it. Opinions are like a-holes. Yeah, yeah. Everyone has one. The PROBLEM is… everyone lately is presenting their OPINION as if it is FACT. And this is causing more confusion and polarity than we ever expected possible on an ascension trip, because everyone is looking to others for the answers, but the answers are not matching up or jiving.

Welp, here’s the beauty, folks. We DON’T have to agree. The Ascension Trip is not going to be the SAME for everybody. Yes, we’re going to see repeating numbers as messages. They are not going to mean the same thing for everyone. And, how about this? They’re not even going to mean the same thing every time you see them. How’s that for a mind bender?

I keep seeing “the veil is getting very thin.” Yes, it is. Why? Because more and more people are in 4D consciousness (awareness of spirit) than ever before. Is this a good thing? Well, here’s what I’ve learned about 4D from the Akashic Records and also from exploring it in many, many lifetimes. The fourth dimension is the spirit dimension. There are 12 realms. That means 12 different types of 4D beings. Some are very loving and kind. Some are playful. Some are pranksters. And some are downright mean and nasty. The fourth dimension still holds duality and polarity and the root energies of fear and love and everything in between. Now by Dimension, we are not talking about another “physical place.” In fact, the Akash says that all the beings here are spirits. And they are right next to us, living side by side with us, but, until we are open enough (consciously and vibrationally [okay, so that’s not a word, but I’m using it anyway] we aren’t aware of them. Or perhaps we are only partially aware of them, through clairsentience (feeling) or claircognizance (knowing) or clairaudience (hearing) or even by smell, which is a common one. Of course, there are those who can see them quite clearly, but they can’t hear them or communicate clearly with them. And, again, that is because we are all unique and we have chosen which sixth-sense abilities we will have as gifts (natural givens) and which ones we will have to work to develop. Regardless, we are all waking up to our awareness of spirit, and that is a good thing because they can help us THROUGH 4D (we’re not staying to play; this time we’re just passing through) on our
way to 5D.

I’ve been hearing from many of my clients that they have been experiencing psychic attacks by malevolent beings. I have even experienced some weird and unexpected stuff lately, as well. And that is because we ARE being tested. Do we have what it takes? How will we react and respond to negative energy? It’s all around us these days. We thought we were through the woods, many of us, but then we ran into this HUGE WTF situation that has sent many of us reeling ass over elbow. What we thought we could fix with unconditional love, oneness and unity has seemingly… well… stirred the turd, rattled the cages and kicked up the hornets nests. And, I get it, the resurgence of hatefulness has collectively brought us down into sadness, hopelessness and defeat. Some have even decided to “fight back” with anger and resistance. Which is natural. For 3D and 4D conscious humans. We tried. But we’re just not there yet. We’re just not ready for oneness and unity. It was a nice dream. But the reality is…

… well, the reality is that we forgot how to lead by example. We forgot how to resist the temptation to respond with anger. We forgot that our true power lies in our blissfulness. Yes. Blissfulness. No, not ignorance. We are not required to watch the or read “the daily news.” (And we’re not even required to believe it!) We are also not required to agree to the “terms and conditions” of the 3D Matrix. We did not incarnate to play by the rules in this lifetime, my loves. No, we did not. We didn’t even come here to change the rules or create a “new system.” Let’s face it, systems are not inclusive, and they certainly don’t equally support everyone. Jobs are for slaves. Money isn’t real. And power is for the weak and fearful.

Wait, what???!!!

Power is for the weak and fearful? Oh, here we go. Ascended Master wisdom is kicking in.  Here it comes.

Yes. Power is for the weak and fearful. And this is what you absolutely MUST understand about malevolent 4D beings (and malevolent 3D beings, as well). Think about it. If you have love and compassion, that is all you truly need. Power… it’s an ego thing. And what is ego? Ego is fear. People who own guns “to protect themselves” are fearful. If they were not fearful, they would not need guns to protect themselves. And, of course, by being fearful, they are manifesting situations for themselves in which they will need to protect themselves. They will claim by owning a gun that they are no longer fearful, but this would be a false statement. They are fearful.

So this is much like the bully, the homophobe, and the narcissist… we all know that they are insecure and fearful and that is what drives them to behave the way they do.


But yet we still allow them to somehow steal our joy… whether it’s through anger or fear or impatience…

All of those are fear-based feelings.

True. Anything that is not love, trust, joy or bliss is pretty much a fear-based vibration. I get that. So how do we avoid falling into that trap?

It’s simple.

It always is.

True. If it’s not simple, then the ego is involved and complicating it with fearfulness. 

Such wisdom.

There’s this song you listened to as a teen. You were thinking of it a few minutes ago. How did it go? “Girl, don’t go away mad. Girl, just go away?”

Yes. Motley Crue.

And so it’s like that; don’t walk away mad… just walk away. Just walk away. No need to get tangled up in the drama of 3D emotional mindsets or allow them to drag you down into lower vibration (and your vibration is ALWAYS your choice; if you believe otherwise, that’s your ego talking).

Yeah, if we choose to lower ourselves into those fear-based vibrations and put up a fight or argument or whatever, then we’re just spinning our wheels ’round and ’round. (RATT. HA!!)

We’re glad you’re having fun with this.

Yes! FUN!!! That is why we came! To raise the bar, raise the vibration, and help humanity rediscover the JOY of incarnation. I mean, I didn’t come here to get my ass kicked. So why are we allowing ourselves to lower in vibration? Individually and collectively? Over STUPID shit. Aren’t we (“lightworkers,” “wayshowers,”) ABOVE all of this? Don’t we know better? Are we not aware that, despite the chaos of the duality and polarity trickery, we still have wings? That we CAN fly high and still help others do the same? That we CAN walk away without being mad or sad or psychotically charged? Systems are for sissies, and we do NOT need to participate in it any longer. In fact, participating only prolongs the life of the 3D Matrix and it’s insidiousness.


Why would we do that? Collectively, I mean. There are way more of us than there are of them.


But they have weapons. Crazy, high-tech weapons.

Which they are not allowed to use. Starting forest fires with them to make you fear them was a cute trick, but, we ensure you, they are not allowed to use them against humanity.

What about all the poison they put into the air, ground and water.

Oh, the power of suggestion is a curious thing, dear one. 

That’s IT, isn’t it? It’s all power of suggestion.


So bliss isn’t ignorance after all! Bliss is BLISS.


And there is no need to pay attention to the “warnings” because it is ALL fake news and fear mongering that throws us into malevolent manifestation mode.

Now you got it. 

I already knew this.

Of course you did. And so do all the other lightworkers and wayshowers.

So we avoid the trap by walking away from the trap.

Mm hmm.



But what if we don’t see the trap?

You already know there’s a trap. Anything that is not love or joy or bliss or happiness, remember.

BLISSFUL bliss! You’re so right!

Thank you. We pride ourselves on it. 

I know there is a lot more that you can see from your perspective, and that is why I trust you all with the wisdom you share. Of course, I see a lot of people like myself… healers, wayshowers and lightworkers and whatnot… say things like, “Okay, I know that the masters say that, but that is not the reality we are living in here.” So what do you say to those who have sort of given up and resorted to these kinds of statements?

It would all run much smoother and more quickly if you all, collectively, walked away from the 3D Matrix and mindset and created your OWN better way of living (which you do see some brave trailblazers attempting, by the way) but some are still hoodwinked into believing they need governance and systemic structure for fairness and stability.

But none of the systemic structures are fair OR stable!

Well, only for the elites, of course. 


Which you ALL know. 

Yes. I don’t think there is a soul out there who doesn’t realize this.

So why do you continue to allow it? You incarnated with a huge soul group and extensive star family to change that. 

Right. And I didn’t come here to get my ass kicked by a crumbling system that’s on its last legs, either. But this team of peeps you’re talking about. This crew of crusaders… I dunno. I feel like they are waiting for something that is never going to come. Some “event” they keep talking about. Some tsunami of energy that is supposed to wake everyone up and magically make everything better. Well, SOME still believe that. But some don’t believe that at all anymore. Some have even walked away from their light work back into 3D slave jobs. It’s like they had some big romantic idea about this ascension process, but it didn’t happen quickly enough or in the way they expected, so they walked away mad.

We are aware of this. And, as we have said all along, YOU are the ones you have been waiting for. YOU are the galactics you have been waiting for… as starseeds, you came back to save yourselves. 

Why are so many not aware of this, then?

We call it 3D fog. To incarnate into the 3D Matrix, you agree to forget all you know, and you take on the hindrance of the human ego. 

So the higher vibration doesn’t really come from the cosmos, then, right? It comes from us, as a collective?

You do get SOME help from the cosmos. And spirit. Good spirit. And your multidimensional selves, yes. You’re all connected in that way. Once you reach 4D consciousness, you are able to recall both backward and forward, all the lives you are simultaneously living. The 3D Matrix enables you to slow down and focus on just one life at a “time,” but the matrix itself has been corrupted in the most malevolent ways.

And here I thought the word of the day was “gerrymandering.”

[Chuckles.] Yes, malevolent does seem to be the word of the day, does it not? Well, then, so be it. But, yes, the 3D Matrix has been corrupted and that is originally why many of you agreed to incarnate to it (despite the density and destructiveness of it all) as a means to upgrade it to something more meaningful and far less corrupt.

But then the 3D fog takes over and we forget why we’re here, and we fall into the fear-based traps…

True, but many of you do know, to some extent, why you’re there this time, as you’ve all been living awakened lives this time around, and, more than likely, for a few go arounds. 

By “go around” you mean incarnated lifetimes in the 3D Matrix?


Hey, speaking of that, (and not to change the subject or interrupt the flow… )

No, by all means, it’s your blog.

Thank you. I feel this is important, so I want to get your take on it. So there are some “lightworkers” out there who have been selling themselves as experts and making themselves out to be a bit more important than others. Not that this rattles my chain or anything; I mean, we’re all special and we all have work to do here that is important to the ascension of humanity or the matrix or whatever, but what can you tell us about that and this notion by some that there are only 144,000 who are meant to ascend in this lifetime.

Well, firstly, those 144,000 souls (ascended masters) have incarnated in multiplicity, so there are way more than just 144,000.

Okay, so, “incarnated in multiplicity” means one soul incarnated as several different humans living parallel lives within the same matrix?

That is correct. And, yes, you are correct when you say that you are ALL special with important contributions to make, so any one individual trying to sell themselves as “the one and only” or one of the 144,000, (and we are aware that there are many who are doing this) is simply suffering from a bit of egomania and not honoring our code of ethics.

Rule number one of 144K Club is that we don’t talk about 144K Club?

Precisely. We understand proclaiming identity for authenticity’s sake and to share credentials to give others confidence when seeking advice or wisdom, and that is fine. Knowing who you are at soul level is a great accomplishment, and, for those within your soul group you are in soul contract to assist, that is one thing, but to proclaim your identity as a means for power or manipulation, that is simply unbecoming of an Ascended Master. 

I just want to take a moment to say that even though I do know who I am, and I have shared my soul identity with others, I hope that I have never come across as manipulative or power-seeking. I don’t really care about any of that. My main goal is finding and sharing TRUTH. I have been given a number of opportunities to “go big time,” but I have declined. In fact, when I asked my higher-self for guidance on the matter, she said quite simply, “we don’t sell out.” And I was relieved, because I agree with that 100 percent. I don’t wish to be onstage selling “truth” or teaching webinars or seminars. That’s one of the reasons I don’t publish the novels I wrote. I don’t want to go on book tour. I prefer to stay humble and unknown, helping only those I am in soul contract to help. This is also why I don’t channel Pleiadian messages anymore. Especially if there is nothing “new” to share. (Not that I don’t believe in y’all, but you are me and we are ONE.) Anyway, that being said, I know that there a quite a few humble lightworkers and healers who have sort of backpedaled at this point on theories regarding “ascension.” Some are saying now that they don’t believe all of humanity will ascend in this lifetime. So I am curious as to what you have to share with us about that.

All are, indeed, meant to ascend in this lifetime, but it is up to each individual to do the work required to ascend. 

So it’s not an automatic, guaranteed thing, like some were touting a few years ago — some magical “event” that saves us all?

We already told you that you (humanity) ARE the “event.” We know that it is far more gradual than you all had hoped, but ascension can be MUCH quicker for everyone if they simply surrender their ego and move into oneness with their soul. But humanity hangs onto fear-based vibration and ego as if it is their life preserver.

I think the main fear is, “What if it’s not true? What if there is no such thing as bliss or oneness? What if what we got right now is as good as it gets?”

Ah. Yes. But you can never swim in the blissful waters if you continue to cling to the “life-as-you-know-it preserver.” What you’re describing is, of course, fear of the unknown.

Right. And then there is also that fear of getting a taste of it, and then losing it.

The only way you can “lose” your bliss is by allowing yourself to lower your vibration back down into fear. And why do that? For what purpose? Because it’s lonely in 5D? Because misery loves company? Because your comfort zone is the fear zone?

Well, being an empath, I do know that it is difficult to stay in high vibration when everyone around me is feeling cruddy.

So blaze a new trail and invite others to join you. If they want to remain wallowing in 3D, that’s not your responsibility, and you don’t need to wallow with them.

True. I mean, I said it before, and I’ll say it again. I didn’t incarnate to get my ass kicked.

I came to slay.

And by that, I mean, I came to help create something better for ALL of humanity, without fighting or violence or knives in the back, even if it is gradual progress, but slow and steady wins the race, aye?

So who’s with me?

PLEIADIAN MESSAGE for April 2015: Calling all Starseeds! NOW is the time!

Brigid 3Greetings dear Starseeds of all Leagues and Nations currently embodied as human beings on planet Earth. Allow me to identify myself, so you may know, through complete transparency, from who this message flows. Most modern-day awakened Starseeds working with the light would recognize me as Master Sarah, ascended master daughter born to Jesus (Sananda) and Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada), however, that is a “newer” version of me. More old-world-religion zealots know me as Brigid, the Celtic patroness of healing, poetry and smithcraft; Roman Celtics and Roman Catholics know me as St. Brigid. Some people who think they are channeling Master Sarah have said that I am also the goddess Kali. This is false information. My soul essence and origin is Pleiadian, as my light being and energetic consciousness is a fractal of the central sun (Alcyone) of the Pleiades star system. My Pleiadian light-being name is Peunice, however, I prefer the nickname Scarborough. My first human incarnations on Earth were primarily on the lands known as Ireland and Scotland/Britain, now known as the United Kingdom. These incarnations were during the late Neolithic, Iron and Bronze ages.

How I came to be “Master Sarah” is this: Sananda and Lady Nada approached me and asked if I would like to be the physical embodiment offspring of their physical embodiments (most commonly known as Jesus and Mary Magdalene) to quietly serve as the incarnated harmonic balance of their two energies, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, and to create a bloodline that would share this light quotient essence for our Pleiadian soul group to incarnate into as a means to continually serve our sacred Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants. Some of the elite/criminal cabalists are trying to claim this bloodline as their own. This is also false information. Their souls do not possess the proper vibration to incarnate into this bloodline. That is all I care to share at this time regarding my soul ties with this bloodline. More will be revealed in time, as the light quotient on Earth rises, and more and more human beings are ready for absolute truth. Until then, know that we are many, and we are undetected due to our “commonality” across the many societies and cultures that make up the rich heritage of Earth’s human family.

For now, too many are still too deeply rooted in the lower fear-based vibrations to accept the absolute truth. They still cling to the grand deception as the only truth, and they still fight for it with fervor. This is to be expected, and it is alright, for it is simply how things are for the moment, but, as many of you Indigo Starseeds are aware, and through some of your very good work, truths are being revealed and will eventually be accepted as such, for there is too much evidence to suggest otherwise.

Of course, more of you are now needed to step into your Divine Will missions and incarnated soul purposes as Starseeds, should you wish to do so. You all have free will, even once you commit to you Divine Will mission, for it is your gifts, talents and interests and passions that will determine HOW you fulfill your mission, through your creative heart, with love and light for planet Earth and all her inhabitants. We encourage you to realize and step into your personal power with unconditional self love. Many of you already know in your hearts that you have incarnated on Earth to do “something big.” And, of course, this is true. You all volunteered to incarnate on Earth as physical embodiments of your higher selves (light beings) to bring the peace and harmony to a planet saturated in chaos and turmoil. You incarnated to lead by example, in the 5D vibration of pure unconditional love and light, and to help the spiritually unawakened and downtrodden raise their own personal vibrations.

Some of you have been gifted with healing talents; some of you are physical healers, others are mental and emotional healers, and some of you possess both talents. You may have one or many methods that you use as healing tools, including crystal healing, energetic healing, massage, acupuncture, light healing, intuitive healing (psychic/medium, Akashic readings, psychometry), empathic energetic absorption and transmutation, alchemy, horticulture, naturopathy, yoga, spiritual psychology, shamanic journeying and more.

Many of you are artists, delivering messages, inspiring others, and swaying emotions or offering healing through your medium of choice, be it writing, poetry, song lyrics, music, sculpture, canvas, photography, graphic, culinary, or any other craft, such as architecture, metal or stone work, soap making, oil and tincture craft… the list goes on and on.

So many more of you are teachers and coaches of so many different kinds, be they spiritual or academic, and your methods are many, including everything mentioned above and more.

Some of you are advocates and diplomats for peace, creating organizations to advocate for the poor and marginalized as well as endangered and abused species while others are challenging the corrupt systems that hold power and control over the human race.

And many of you identify as all, or more than one of these. Know that, in time, you will ALL be masters and victors in ALL of these roles as your light quotient intake increases. As Starseeds, you all have the ability to help Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants and resources heal, and you all have a variety of gifts and talents to help you do just that.

As a collective, your combined light and talents are amazingly powerful; now is the time for you to begin to combine your collective consciousness efforts by moving into self empowerment through forgiveness and unconditional self love. As you forgive (others and yourself) and move into the vibration of unconditional self love, all your fears fade away.

As you move into your heart-centered vibration of unconditional love for yourself, you find it easier to love others with no need to judge, criticize, compare or fear. Your self-love and approval is all that you have needed all along, for this is the very vibration that empowers you to create, teach, heal and advocate for one another and your precious Mother Earth.

Do not look to anyone else but yourself for approval. Looking to others who do not love themselves for love or approval will only leave you feeling defeated. Looking to organized systems or institutions for love or approval will also leave you feeling inadequate, for many of these systems were created by those who wish to keep you in fear, confusion, self-deprecation or self-loathing for there is nothing they fear more than a unified front of self-loving, self approving, spiritually empowered human beings who adhere to nothing but their own love and respect for themselves and each other. Remember, you are fractals of Creator-source energy and consciousness. You are many fragments of the same loving energy. When you combine your collective energy and consciousness in love, light and harmony, you become Creator-source energy.

Now is the time for all Starseeds incarnated on Earth to empower themselves with unconditional self love and come together in a combined conscious effort to create the united front that will end all chaos and suffering and bring peace and harmony and healing to Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.

Now is the time to collaborate with your fellow Starseeds and create projects and organizations committed to teaching self-empowerment, healing, and peacemaking.

Now is the time to begin imagining and building a better Earth.

Now is the time to focus on creating the peace and harmony that will ensure freedom, prosperity and abundance for all Earth inhabitants.

How will you do it? How can you contribute your gifts and talents to begin the peacemaking process with yourself… your family… your friends… your peers… your neighbors… your community… your state/province… your country… your island/continent… your planet… your galaxy… your multiverse?

We’ll give you a hint… it all begins with the human-ego surrender to love and joy. And each and every one of you holds this vibration of love and joy in your heart. It is time to stop swimming against the current, dear ones, for there is no pain in love or joy… there is only the human-ego fear that the love and joy will end. Release this fear, and move into your true personal power of unconditional love, harmony, and oneness, for this is where you will find peace, freedom, prosperity and abundance as your creative gifts and talents begin to flow and increase.

For those of you still skeptical, let us ask you, how much are you rewarded for being fearful, doubtful, worrisome, angry, judgmental, critical, cynical, argumentative, negative, hateful, stubborn, envious, egocentric, manipulative, greedy or self-serving? These attitudes only hold you in fear and cyclical patterns that only lead to more of the same: unhappiness.

You DO have a choice. And you DO have the ability to raise your vibration by exercising this choice. And once you reach this vibration through your own self-empowerment and self-love, you DO have the ability to unconditionally love others and help bring peace and harmony to Earth through your gifts and talents and collaboration with other Starseeds. And now is the time. Your planet and her inhabitants need you to step into your personal power so you can begin your Starseed mission.

So rise, Starseeds, and let the collective conscious manifestation and collaboration for global peace and harmony begin! NOW is the time!!

© Jen Freer 2015| FreerSpirit.com | Pleiadian Message Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website, FreerSpirit.com

Now TRENDing: #Twin-Flame #SoulMates# ~ Debunking the Myths (Part One)


Have you noticed lately that some of the most non-spiritual people in your life – or on your “friends list” – are suddenly posting esoteric memes or using phrases like, “soul mate” or “twin-flame soul mate,” even? I mean, I’m talking about people who don’t even believe in reincarnation. When I started to witness this, I thought, “Oh, boy, here we go. #Twin-flame will soon be trending on Twitter. Time to consult with my Akashic Records and create a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).”

Because, let’s face it, we THINK we know what twin flames are and all that. But, when it’s all said and done, we really don’t. Some are still stuck spinning their wheels thinking their twin-flame soul mate is the ONLY one for them and that, even though they are estranged now, that is the person they will be with one day. And, until that day, they will drown in a sea of sorrow. This is the kind of mentality we need to nip in the bud, for it serves NO ONE. Trust me. I waited five years for my twin-flame to come back around, and even though we did reunite “one more time,” it did not last and was nothing but a huge disappointment. What I learned from it: I deserve MUCH better. And so do you. And this is why I challenged my Akashic team to set the record straight and get the truth about all these human-ego ideas we read about twin-flame soul mates when everything comes crashing down – even after we loved without conditions and took every exhausting “test” and “challenge” our twin flames threw at us, accepted every “mirrored reflection” they showed us and integrated it into our own unconditional self love and it still wasn’t good enough.

Most twin-flame gurus will tell you that you’re estranged from your twin flame because you “still have work to do,” or that you “need to work on yourself more; love yourself more.” Even after you’ve done all the therapy and loved yourself raw and you’re still finding yourself alone, you’re still thinking, because THE GURUS said so, that you can’t make it to 5D without a harmonious reunion with your twin-flame soul mate. You believe without this unconditional love for yourself and each other, you simply cannot ascend. Some may even try to tell you that the one you believe to be your twin-flame was actually a “false twin” or a “catalyst,” leaving you even more confused than ever before. That’s the last thing you need when you feel like you can’t breathe… can’t function… can’t even LIVE anymore.

So I decided it’s time for us to really dig for the truth about this twin-flame business. (See what I did there?) Using some of the “information” found around the internet that never resonated with me about twin-flame soul mates as well as some questions from my clients, I created the following list and asked for my Akashic team to please reveal the truth for all of us.

I asked my Akashic Records:

What are twin-flame soul mates?

Twin-flame soul mates are two souls that have split from one light being, much like identical twin humans have split into two beings from one egg.

Does every light being split into twin-flame soul mates?

No, not every light being does this.

Why do some beings split into twin-flame soul mates?

This is often done by beings who incarnate into a physical embodiment on a physical planet, such as Earth. The main reason is to have two aspects of the one soul – either both incarnated or only one incarnated while the other stays in spirit – to assist in the evolution of the soul.

Let’s focus on those who incarnate together for a moment. What is their purpose together? Why do they incarnate together?

Ultimately, twin-flame soul mates incarnate together to push each other onto the path of unconditional self love and to harmoniously reunite in unconditional love for each other. As far as mission or purpose to serve together once harmoniously reunited, it all depends on the contracts they make together before incarnation. They may also be in contract with other soul mates to help teach lessons to them. For example: the twin-flame soul mates incarnate on Earth as an interracial couple to help teach their respective families tolerance and love for other races. It can be as simple and complicated as that. At the same time, they may be in contract with one another to teach each other the same lesson and so many more that come along with cultural differences and learned prejudices. In short, the missions are usually to help teach unconditional love and bring peace to Earth.

Do twin-flame soul mates always incarnate with the intention of being romantic partners or sexual partners, and if so, why?

Mostly, yes. But some may choose to change it up and create some very challenging situations by being born to the same bloodline. Twin-flame soul mates mostly incarnate with the intention of being romantic sexual partners because there is a bond and a trust there like no other. The sharing of Kundalini energy is also very powerful, especially between twin-flame soul mates because of the sacred, spiritual bond that exists between them.

But wouldn’t this be much like having sex with yourself, in a way? Or your twin sibling?

With yourself, yes. Twin sibling, no.

Why would we want to have sex with ourselves, though? That seems a bit narcissistic.

Who do you trust most when it comes to such intimacy?

Why, then, if there is this sacred trust, is it so hard for twin-flame soul mates to stay together? Why is there always a runner and a chaser?

There’s not always a runner and a chaser. It seems that way, but that is not always the case. What creates the difficulty is the human ego entertaining the lower, fear-based energies. Each life experience is different. The difficulties and hardships faced in every life are what form and shape the ego-learned fears. It is possible to have two runners, just as it is possible to have two highly spiritual beings who are committed and willing to stay together through thick and thin. To have a constant game of chase in every life would be madness, and that is not every twin-flame story. We know that this is a common philosophy regarding twin-flame soul mates, and we would like to state that this is not the absolute truth; this is an ego-based philosophy based on a sampling or case-study of human experiences in your current now. It is not completely accurate.

Since we are on the subject of twin-flame myths, there is one floating out there that twin flames always incarnate as the same gender. What is the truth regarding this belief?

Not true. Although a specific gender may be preferred, all souls have incarnated as both genders numerous times.

So that brings us to a few more twin-flame myths. Some believe that the one soul splits into a masculine energy and a feminine energy. What is the truth regarding this belief, and, do the twin souls share one higher self, or do they each have their own?

When we talk of souls, what we are talking about is conscious energy known as light beings. They are genderless when not incarnated in physical bodies, and they have an equal balance of masculine and feminine energy. That is not to say that they don’t favor or project more of one energy than the other, however, which is the same for human beings. Each twin soul has its own higher self identity.

What about twin-flame soul mates who incarnate as the same gender together? Is their intention also to be romantic or sexual partners?

Yes, most of the time. These are usually more experienced and evolved souls who have learned that love transcends gender, and it is their mission to teach the younger souls incarnated on Earth this lesson – that love is love – regardless of gender, race, religion or culture. These souls are the strongest and bravest, and they usually incarnate with their twin-flame soul mate knowing they will need to rely on each other in such courageous efforts.

What about those twin-flame soul mates who cannot succeed in their union with each other? What happens to their “mission” they agreed to serve together?

They cannot complete their mission if they cannot overcome their issues to unite and serve together. Contracts can be rewritten, however, by the higher selves.

There is another myth out there that twin-flame soul mates must reunite in order for the souls to ascend into the 5D vibration. What is the truth regarding this belief?

It is not true. First of all, most souls are already of 5D vibration. Twin-flame soul mates incarnate together to assist one another in their individual soul evolution as human beings. The secret to achieving the 5D Christ Consciousness vibration while incarnated as a human being is self mastery and self love. Once the ego is tamed and the need to compare, judge and criticize (self or others) no longer exists, then it is time to move into unconditional love and complete and total acceptance of the self. Self love must be achieved by both individuals before unconditional love for each other can thrive. Unconditional love does not necessarily mean that the two marry or live together or even remain a couple; it means that they are able to love and accept one another as they are, and they are able to let go of old ego attachments to allow one another to be free and happy. For most twins, this does mean that they stay together as a couple. For others, it means that they lovingly let each other go and truly wish them well for the remainder of their journey without feeling longing or need for one another.

In the Twin Flame “guru” world here on Earth, some terms are being thrown around that only add confusion. The first is: catalyst. The second is: false twin flame. Sometimes the terms are being presented as interchangeable; other times they are presented as two different things. What can you tell us about catalysts and false twin flames?

There is no such thing as a “false” twin flame. There are some soul mates who will serve as “near” twin flames, to prepare individuals for their real twin-flame. The near twin will challenge those hang ups that may arise with your twin flame and help you hurdle some of the smaller issues to clear the way. The difference here is that you will feel this near twin is your soul mate until you discover your twin-flame soul mate and discover how much deeper you can go into love. A catalyst could be anyone, really, but usually is a member of your soul group who comes along to shake up your soul mate relationship so that you can move onto your twin-flame, but this really only occurs in extreme cases. Catalysts are not always necessary. Most go directly from the near-twin soul mate experience to the twin-flame soul mate. Some may confuse the actual twin-flame as a catalyst if the first reunion attempt is fast and furious and a failure (which is common if the near twin did not fully accomplish its mission). Catalysts are a one-time thing. There is always a sense of rockiness with a catalyst, so when the relationship is over, it’s over. There’s no going back, and both parties strongly feel this way. With a twin-flame separation, a constant longing is always felt by both parties and it cannot be shaken, despite the hurt they may have caused one another in their first reunion attempt.

There is still another myth out there that we have more than one twin-flame soul mate. What can you tell us about this belief?

It is true that higher selves create many aspects of themselves in physical bodies, so, in theory, there are individuals walking Earth (and other planets) who share the same higher self. Although it is rare, there are special cases in which an incarnate being wishes to discontinue its life, but the higher self wants to continue, so contracts are rearranged and that individual encounters another aspect of its twin-flame counterpart in the same life. We want to reiterate that this is extremely rare, but it is possible. For the most part, higher selves have already decided in advance which aspects will be paired together.

Why do so many people have problems with their twin-flame soul mates hurting them?

Sometimes it is contracted; most of the time, however, it is not intentional, but, rather a result of a lack of self love which can be manifested in many different ways, including addictions, (substance or alcohol, prescription drugs, tobacco, sex, pornography, pedophilia, food… the list goes on and on) low self-esteem, self-mutilation, self-deprecation/sabotage, mental illness, physical dis-ease and illness, anxiety, depression and more.

Some suggest that there are negative beings on Earth who want to prevent twin-flame soul mates from reuniting. What is the truth in this regard?

It is true. They are the ones who create obstacles we just mentioned to keep the human ego in lower vibration.

What happens when a twin-flame couple fails and separates and one is able to raise vibration into self love while the other is unable to rise and stays in lower vibration? Does this mean that the one who achieves unconditional self-love never gets the opportunity to reunite with his/her twin-flame for that incarnation?

In this case it is possible for those other aspects of the higher selves of the twin-flames to reshuffle and begin attracting to those who are of similar vibration. So those aspects who achieve unconditional self love begin pairing up, while those who choose to stay in lower vibration either find another aspect who matches their vibration, or they remain alone or settle for someone else who is not a twin-flame who is of equal vibration.

What if there is no match for the higher vibrating aspect to reunite with? What happens to that aspect?

This is where walk-in situations will occur. These contracts are usually in place before incarnation with soul group mates who are willing to “trade higher selves” if their own twin-flame union fails or if they have incarnated without their twin-flame (which is usually the case). The other option is for a twin-soul attract once unconditional self-love is achieved because this 5D vibration is the same as harmoniously reuniting with a twin-flame soul mate. Or the higher vibrating aspect will most likely be perfectly happy flying solo since there is really no need for a partner once unconditional self love is achieved.

What is a twin soul? How is a twin-soul different than a twin-flame?

This is the whole-soul twin of your higher self. One who is of higher vibration who has also achieved unconditional self love. You will find you have more in common with your twin soul than you do with your twin-flame and that your differences don’t matter at all; unconditional love is free-flowing and drama is at an all-time low.

So what is better, a harmoniously reunited pair of twin-flame souls or a reunited pair of twin souls?

If the twin-flame souls have each achieved unconditional self-love (which is the only way for them to be harmoniously reunited) then there really is no difference. It is about vibration. Soul mates will only attract to one another when they share a similar vibration; they repel when they are discordant in vibration. If one half of a twin-flame pair achieves the 5D vibration alone, that half automatically becomes a whole – with or without a partner who is an aspect of the other half. All are one, you see. So whether the 5D vibration is achieved with or without the other half, it is still a successful union into a whole for the half who achieved unconditional self love. It’s the vibration that counts. Not the union.

What happens to the lower vibrating twin, then, if the higher vibrating twin moves into union with a higher vibrating aspect or twin-soul?

The lower vibrating twin may move into union with another aspect who is a match in vibration or the higher-self may opt out and a walk-in situation may occur for that individual.

So what the heck is the twin-flame union even FOR then?

Twin flames serve as mirrors to one another, to show where there is an imbalance (between masculine and feminine energy) or to reflect those issues of self-esteem that need work for unconditional self-love to be achieved. The union is also usually a lesson in what unconditional love really is – as opposed to conditional or emotional attachments. Twin flame unions – whether successful or not – help awaken and guide each half toward the path to unconditional self love. Unconditional self love is what is necessary in order for the collective to rise and ultimately bring and maintain peace on Earth. When humans achieve unconditional self love, they no longer feel a need to judge, criticize, compare or compete. Instead they prefer to express compassion and compliment and help one another. And this is what Earth needs in order to heal and thrive.


So there you have it, friends. Straight from the Akashic Records. For those of you ambitious enough to change your ways and raise your vibration, there’s not “just one” possibility in the twin-flame arena. There are higher vibrating options if you feel you need a partner to help “get you there.” For those of you flying solo, isn’t it nice to know that you can achieve the 5D vibration on your own by mastering human ego and achieving unconditional self love? And isn’t it nice to know there are those accomplished whole-soul, twin-soul counterparts awaiting you when you reach the summit if you go it alone? So why waste another day pining for someone stuck in low gear? Start loving yourself and raise your vibration so you can attract a healthier, happier life partner (who just happens to have the same higher self as that original twin-flame). Or why not just fly solo? You already have everything you need inside you, and once you achieve unconditional self love, you complete yourself and the 5D vibration. Who better to love you without conditions than YOU? Trust. Fly!

Resolve to know your purpose, mission and truth in 2015


Welcome to the New Year!

Are you the type of person who makes a list of resolutions each New Year, or do you prefer to let go of the steering wheel and let Universe drive?

Well, regardless of your approach, it never hurts to know a little more about your soul purpose and mission for this life. It may also be a great time to consult with your Akashic team regarding your game plan for 2015. Here are a few starter questions to ponder for a New Year Akashic reading:

  • How can I ensure that this year will be my best year for… (fill in the blank; here are some suggestions: love, luck, career success, abundance/prosperity, soul evolution, improved health…)?
  • What are the things I need to learn to help me… (fill in the blank; here are some suggestions: improve my spiritual gifts, improve my relationship(s) at work, home or in my social circles, evolve emotionally…)?
  • How can I gain better control over my… (fill in the blank; here are some suggestions: thoughts, ego, emotions, personal vibration, reality…)?
  • What kinds of things can I do to love myself more?
  • How can I let go of…  (fill in the blank; here are some suggestions: my anger regarding…, my fear of…, the belief that…)?

Of course, you can ask whatever you want. These are merely suggestions. Your Akashic team is always happy to help you understand how you came to be who you are and why you are who you are, but remember, regardless of other lives and your current past, there really is no better time than the present to raise your vibration and change your reality to attract what you desire most for yourself and your loved ones.

In this moment… there is only now! Why not learn how to master that human ego and begin creating a more loving, patient, gracious, healthier self who attracts everything s/he desires with a more positive vibration? You really do have that power. Tap into it!

Ben #1, 2014. Photo © Kevin Horan. www.kevinhoran.com

Ben #1, 2014. Photo © Kevin Horan. http://www.kevinhoran.com

My 2015 Year of the Sheep/Goat/Ram specials (good through March 31, 2015) are as follows:

  • Donate $40 and receive up to five (5) questions answered by your Akashic Records via email.
  • Donate $60 and receive up to eight (8) questions answered by your Akashic Records via email.
  • Donate $45 and receive an Akashic Skype-session reading of up to 60 minutes (normally $50).

CLICK HERE to schedule an Akashic Reading.


Please remember to always give a little background with your questions, provide full legal names and dates of birth and relations for people you are asking about (and whether they are incarnate or in spirit, and whether or not you have personally met them), and also to form your questions using: Who, what, where, why, or how. When questions cannot and will not be answered. Yes/no questions and “should I” questions also cannot be answered. Please also refrain from asking five more questions within one question.

A donation of $6 – $12 per question is suggested based on what you can afford. (PayPal takes fifty cents out of every $5 sent to me via donation, so I have had to adjust the range a tiny bit.)

Referral Rewards Program

Don’t forget! You can earn a free bonus question for each new person you refer to me for a reading of five questions or more. (Offer only good for the first-time referral, but you will earn one bonus question for each new person you send my way.) There’s no limit to how many free bonus questions you can collect. You can use them anytime for yourself or give them to a friend or relative (who is at least 18 years of age) to use anytime. Have the person you are referring to me mention your name and email address, and I will credit you one bonus question and notify you by email.

Please feel free to share these special offers from FreerSpirit.com across all of your social media channels!!!