How to program your pendulum


So you’ve done it! You’ve taken the plunge into self-trust and acquired yourself a pendulum. Awesome! Pendulums, when programmed and used correctly, can help you learn to trust your intuition.

I’ve met some people who say they cannot get a pendulum to move for them, and that is simply because there is too much fear energy that is blocking the trust that is necessary to receive guidance from the higher, wiser self. It could also mean that the pendulum has not yet been programmed and doesn’t know what direction to flow to answer those important questions. In that case, here are some steps to follow.

Cleanse and clear your pendulum

Your first step in procuring a pendulum is to clear it of all previous programming and energies. There are many different methods to clearing energies from crystals and pendulums. My favorite go-to is to place my pendulum or crystals on a bed of Citrine crystals, as shown in the above photo. Citrine is a meticulous cleanser. I also keep my pendulum in a black drawstring pouch with a Citrine point to keep it clean between uses.

If you don’t have a Citrine point or bed, you can simply hold the pendulum or crystal in your dominant hand (the one you use to write with) and say, “I clear you of all previous energies and programming,” and then blow on it. I usually give it three powerful gusts of my personal wind before I’m satisfied.

Program your pendulum

When it comes to programming your pendulum, you definitely want to state your intentions, and you also want to make sure you are in charge of where the information is coming from, so it is important to clarify this in your programming ritual.

Hold the pendulum in your dominant hand and say:

“Pendulum, I dedicate you to the greatest and highest good. I program you to only share absolute truth from my highest self.”

Of course, you can add whatever else you want to your programming intentions.

Giving your pendulum direction is always advisable.

Some people will ask their pendulum to show them a yes answer, then a no, allowing the pendulum to decide, but I personally feel this is offering a divination tool too much control and that doing so invites tomfoolery. Remember, YOU are in control, so it is up to YOU to decide which way your pendulum swings to indicate a yes or no answer.

For me, a yes answer swings toward my chest and away. A no answer swings sideways, from shoulder to shoulder. The “generating an answer” motion is always circular.

There is also possibility for strong and weak “maybes,” and this can be helpful when there are too many variables around an answer to get a solid yes or no. For me, a maybe answer swings diagonally. A strong maybe, or “maybe, leaning toward yes” swings diagonally toward my right shoulder and away. A weak maybe (leaning toward no) swings diagonally toward my left shoulder and away.

You can program your pendulum to swing whatever directions you choose for your answers. Simply hold your pendulum and swing it the direction you choose for a yes answer and say, “This direction indicates a YES answer.” Do the same with your chosen “no” direction, stating, “This direction indicates a NO answer.” Repeat the same with your maybe answers if you choose to include them.

Dowse for answers

Once your programming is complete, you are ready to begin dowsing for answers. This is where you’re going to switch hands. Your dominant hand is for sending energy and programming crystals and divination tools. Your nondominant hand is for receiving energy and information.

Hold your programmed pendulum with your nondominant hand and start with simple questions for which you already know the answers to get your pendulum moving. If you’ve never done this before, it may take your breath away the first time it moves for you. Been there.

Remember, this is NOT weird. Humans have been dowsing for centuries, and, if your pendulum moves for you right away, you’ve most likely done it before in another (or several other) lifetime(s). That being said, try to keep your breathing calm and steady, and relax your arm and hand and body as much as possible. Keep your pendulum aligned with your heart chakra.

Some dowsing experts advise to hold your dominant hand underneath the pendulum while dowsing. Others say dowsing over a Red Jasper gemstone will give you more accuracy. I say do whatever feels right and works best for you, but truth does come from your heart, not your lower solar plexus chakra, so definitely keep your pendulum aligned with your heart!


If you notice erratic swinging, jerkiness or abnormally fast responses from your pendulum, there may be some interference from tricksters. The answers will also seem inconsistent, and you may feel heaviness or dense swirling above your crown chakra. This is where you want to call on assistance from your preferred protectors to help clear the energy and cleanse your pendulum before continuing.

Don’t allow this type of energy to intimidate you. I’ve been dowsing since 2008, and I cannot tell you how many times my crystal pendulums have broken, cracked or shattered. This is why I now use a sterling silver pendulum, but I have found it mysteriously disconnected from its chain several times since I started using it in 2009. What can I say? Tricksters gonna trick!

If you choose a crystal point pendulum, it will be super important to cleanse it after every dowsing session, especially if it is a darker crystal, such as Amethyst.

You may also find it helpful to build a protective shield around you, ask for protection, or hold or surround yourself with protective light or crystals when you dowse.

Personally, I access the Akashic Records before I dowse. This moves me into the higher frequencies of the protective energies of the sixth dimension – the dimension of innocence and truth. I have experienced far more accuracy since I began doing this
in 2010.

Tips for questions

You will notice it is easier to receive answers for questions that are not emotionally charged. If there is strong ego or emotional attachment driving the questions, it is best to hold off asking until feelings are less intense.

Yes/no questions can sometimes be vague, so if you find you are receiving inaccurate answers, this is an indicator that you need to get more specific or rephrase your questions. This is why I often ask a question three different ways before I am satisfied with an answer — especially for clients.

I have found the greatest inconsistencies when the word “will” is used in the phrasing of questions, so be conscious of this particular word and how you are using it, and let me know if you run into similar issues of inconsistency.



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