12.19.2019 Pleiadian Message: True Power


Yesterday day I received this simple message:

“True power doesn’t need money.”

This came from the familiar voice of one of my lead and highly trusted Pleiadian Mentors who my soul family affectionately refers to as “Grandpa James,” a name from our WWII era life we lived together on Earth. Recently he told me that his Pleiadian name is Pontius, but, with me, he prefers Grandpa James. So, refer to him however you wish: Pontius or Grandpa James. Either way, he is one of my personal most trusted advisers from The Pleiadian Ring of 500.

When I hear his voice, I know he is about to lay down some truth. My personal favorite quote from him is simple and true:

“Hearts don’t change. Only MINDS change. Hearts stay true. Forever.”

I love that. Simple. Pure. Yet profound, if you truly dig in and think about it.

Anyway, yesterday’s message from him was similar in tone. I wish I could describe his voice to you, but I don’t even know how to begin. Is it distinct? Maybe. It is for me, anyway, because, even though it’s a male voice, it’s gentle, but still masculine. Divine Masculine is my best attempt here. And it’s pure in pitch and tone. Full of honesty and love.

“True power doesn’t need money.”

It may seem like a super simple statement. And for the 3D-minded, it, of course, sounds like a bunch of horse hockey. But for those on their spiritual path – the true seekers who know they are here to do much more than just work and pay bills – this statement is an invitation to dig deeper and self-trust harder than ever before.

Now, when I’m talking about self-trust, I’m not talking about what you THINK you know in your ego mind. I’m talking about that stuff you knew about yourself when you were a kid that everyone told you was nonsense. That stuff that you still fantasize about today or catch glimpses of in dreamscape. Invincibility. Yep. That’s it!

True. Raw. Power. Flying power. Healing power. Teleportation power. The kind of power that, if you had it, you would never need money. Oh yeah. Here we go! Now we’re talking, right?

So yesterday, when I heard the message, THOSE were the things that came immediately to mind for me with that simple statement. That’s the stuff I KNOW about. In my heart. And, yes, in my mind, too. I see it in my dreams: I’ve healed people by merely touching them or shaking their hands; I’ve taught people how to fly and teleport using their Merkaba vehicles. I’ve traveled to other dimensions via wormholes that operated like fully-enclosed water slides. This is the REAL stuff. The FUN stuff. The stuff that actually matters SO much more than this mundane 3D Matrix we seem to be stuck in during our “waking” (hahaha) hours. Oh my god, it’s so opposite, isn’t it? It’s like the nightmare we can’t wake up from, and our dreamscape is the real world we all want to be in (when the dreams are good, I mean; I know some are still experiencing sad and horrifying dreams, and for that, I am truly, deeply sorry).

Let’s get back to “True power doesn’t need money.”

When I heard it, I knew a Pleiadian Message was coming… that something was brewing. But, you see, I made a deal with my peeps before I agreed to share messages from them on my blog site. The deal was that it HAD to be something different than all of the other channelers were sharing. Or, if it was different, it at least had to be more detailed or more specific than the others in some way. AND, it had to be ACCURATE. No more of this “soon” crap. Who knew their “soon” would be 10, 15 or 20 Earth years, right? (Don’t get me started! Hahaha!) But, ultimately, the “when” really IS up to us – our consciousness, our vibration, and our ability and willingness to activate and USE our powers. And to trust ourselves: our claircognizance, clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairsentience. AND our TRUE POWER.

So, when I heard “True power doesn’t need money,” I waited, but I didn’t hear anything else.

“That’s it?” I asked. That’s it, I felt. Yep. That’s all. I need to write that down. So I posted it as a blog. A very simple, profound statement that is packed with SO much unpacking for the human collective that it needed to stand alone for 24 hours. I even realized after the fact that I wrote the wrong damn date on it! It was December 18, and I wrote 12.19.2019 in the title. When I realized it, I heard my higher-self say, “It’s from the future.” So I left it alone.

I laid down to rest, and, as I settled my head, I heard a BELL bong. It was like a church bell sound, but only one bong that vibrated a bit before it faded.

Now I’ve heard a LOT of things as far as tones and frequencies. High pitched. Low pitched. Varying pitches, like the old FAX machine sounds. Static. High-pitched white noise. Low-pitched white noise. Bee hive humming. Metallic clinking. Whirring. Popping. Crackling. Brief complete and total deafness, even. But never have I ever heard a BELL bong like that. Something NEW! So there was my confirmation that the short simple message I posted was what they wanted me to do. For the time being, anyway.

Today, while driving home after dropping my son off at school this morning, I received a LOT more information about it. So, I’ll be writing when I get home, I thought as I sat at a traffic light, and the light turned green. GO. I felt a sudden urgency to get home and begin writing. Once home, I hung up my coat and walked to the stove to heat the tea kettle. I had a feeling this would be a long one. As I crossed over the highest traffic area of our home, I noticed a tiny piece of paper on the floor. Now I had crossed this spot several times this morning and never once saw that piece of paper until this very moment. And, it’s a black floor, so the white paper was quite an eye catcher.

“What the heck?” I said, as I picked it up. It was from a Yogi Tea Bag, and it said:

“Develop the power of listening.”

At first I was like, “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” and I threw it in the trash. I went to my office to turn on my laptop, and all of the sudden I was like… wait… I need to take a photo of that for this blog. It’s important somehow. So, here it is…



SIDE NOTE: This is ironic because last night I was watching the episode of Shut Eye where Charlie keeps seeing this crow with a sign that says “Are you listening?” and then follows the trail to a spiritual seminar with the same title that was presented to him by a spiritual teacher in an earlier episode.

Most of you who follow my blog know that when I “channel” Pleiadian messages, I ALWAYS open my Akashic Records first in order to create a clear, secure line of communication between me, my higher-self and my Pleiadian soul family, but for those of you who are new to my site (welcome!) I want you to know that I am not communicating with just any voice that comes through claiming to be Pleiadian. That’s not how I roll. I have very high, strict standards, and I ONLY communicate with those on my Akashic Team who I am familiar with; I ask them to identify themselves so that YOU know who they are, as well.

For those of you who are not aware, the Akashic Records are kept in the sixth dimension, the dimension of innocence and truth, and this is the vibration we shift into when we access our personal records. I keep mine open almost all of the time now, but, when I am about to work on a message for the collective, I always say the formal pathway prayer to open them before I begin.

Now that I have done this, I will begin asking Pontius (Grandpa James) some pointed questions about yesterday’s short message. My questions will appear in bold, and his answers will appear in regular text.

Grandpa James, yesterday you said: “True power doesn’t need money.” Can you tell me who this message was for?

This message was for humanity. Those who get it, and those who don’t quite yet (but they will).

For me, this simple statement says a LOT of things, but, at the same time, it also makes me go: “Yeah, right.” (Eye roll.) As you know, the mindset in the 3D Matrix is “Money IS Power.” So how can you help us better accept your message that true power doesn’t need money?

Money IS power? That is a chuckle. The problem here is that you, as a collective, GIVE the power to those who wield control over humanity. Your thought process is that those with the money have the power, and, because they have the money, they must somehow be smarter and better than you, so you must look up to them and obey them.

Have you stopped to think about how they GOT their money? Not by wielding POWER, but by generating FEAR in a system that THEY created to work ONLY for them. They created this fake value (money) and told you that you have to work for it in order to pay for goods and services and food and shelter. Then they tax you on the money you make, and you fear the fees and/or imprisonment if you don’t pay the taxes. They are not powerful. They are bullies. And this is not the kind of power we are talking about. No, TRUE power is not accessible to them because they are full of fear; fear of losing their fake money and fake power.

So, tell us more about TRUE power. What is it? What do you mean by that?

TRUE power is the stuff you are made of. It comes from the heart; your soul. It is all you are – all you have ever been – and everything you have ever learned and experienced in all lifetimes, across all dimensions and star systems. You are only now just beginning to remember who you TRULY are at soul level; it has taken some time, yes, and it will continue to unravel for you as you take in more energetic downloads that activate those dormant strands of DNA. As those continue to fire up, more and more information and gifts and talents will become available to you. The more you are aware of this, the faster you will access all of it. We understand that many of you are still sleepy. Awakening is not always easy, but it is happening for all of you in much grander ways than you ever realized.

This is what we want to talk to you about today. Realization. And we’re talking about more than the “ah ha!” moments of realizing in your mind that you have these gifts and talents available to you that occasionally present themselves. We’re talking about actually putting your gifts and talents to use on a regular basis. Instead of being amazed by them, start USING them. These are not collector’s items that sit on shelves, dear ones. (You know why they’re called “collector’s” items, right? Because they collect DUST.) Look, we understand that your dormant gifts and talents, which we will herein refer to as powers, have been collecting proverbial dust for lifetimes within the 3D Earth Matrix, but that is no longer an excuse to not exercise them.

Trust us when we say: You are smarter, you are stronger, and you are more powerful than those who bully you into debt slavery over currency that isn’t even truly real, dear ones. Develop your powers and begin creating (together, as a collective) a more loving, caring and supportive human race that embraces peace, trust and harmony. Stop waiting for politicians and governments to give these things to you; they are not in the business of creating peace, trust, freedom or harmony because, if you have those things, then they can no longer control you and take your money. Think about this a little harder and a lot longer, dear ones.

We’re going to say it again:

Stop waiting for politicians and governments to create peace, trust, freedom and harmony.

Peace, trust, freedom and harmony can only come from the collective consciousness. You have to own the 5D vibration in order to collectively share it with one another. As you share it with one another, your collective vibration grows and overpowers those who manipulate you.

You cannot do this by raising your vibration for a 30-minute or 60-minute mass meditation (this would be comparative of trying to drive a car down a highway intermittently pressing the gas pedal in spurts to get to your destination). All of you need to consistently be in your highest vibration at all times, pedal to the metal, from here on out, in order to begin owning your TRUE power.

Yes, we know you are tired, but you are all getting a strong second wind now, and it will carry you through all of 2020, so buck up and power up. This is what you volunteered and incarnated to do as Ground Crew. You’re being called to duty.

Called to duty in what way? Can you clarify that for us?

 You’re being called to be in your highest potential power at all times. That means being alert, awake and aware, with love and compassion for your fellow human family. That means serving humanity before corporations, governments, churches, military complexes, etc. That means…

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Some of us work for the corporations, governments, etc. What are you saying, here?

 Look back in history. All the mightiest empires fall. Survival can’t happen within a debt slavery system. While it does for some time, all end up failing, and, as more and more of the human collective awakens, less and less will be able to function in debt slavery.

Remember: True power doesn’t need money.

What does true power need?

Trust/love, compassion… all those 5D capabilities.

So, is there going to be a ginormous financial collapse in 2020?

Oh, the crash has already happened. You’re just riding on fumes at this point. No one is going to announce it. That would be admission of failure and loss of control. This is why we’re urging you to step into your personal power. Those of you reading this missive, that is. There are many others who claim to be in their spiritual power or “awakened” who will never, ever see or read this, and that is, quite simply, because they aren’t.

Anyone can wave or shoot or gun or point and fire a missile. That doesn’t make them powerful.

Just like anyone can make a claim to be an intellectual genius, spiritual chosen one, or a “royal.” Those things don’t make anyone powerful, either.

Believe us, there ARE chosen ones, and they are not the type to go around announcing it on a grand scale. The REAL chosen ones are those reading this message now.

Remember, it takes real, TRUE power to be compassionate and to stand up in the midst of adversity to do the right thing. It takes TRUE power and courage to love yourself, trust yourself (your heart), and to allow yourself to be loved. It takes TRUE power to let go of a dying, crumbling matrix with the trust that something better can be created that is beneficial to all instead of only a select few. It takes TRUE power to know, without a doubt, that everything you could possibly ever need to survive is already within you, and that it will all unfold for you at the very moment that you need it.

Rely on your intuition now more than you ever have before. Have faith. Be smart. Stay strong.

You ARE invincible, even though you’ve been conditioned to believe you’re not.

Also, to those reading this, you ARE the leaders for the human collective consciousness within the Earth Matrix. Keep your thoughts positive and focused only on what humanity needs to survive at this time. You may choose words to meditate on such as: Health. Wealth. Abundance. Freedom. Peace. Love. Compassion. Sovereignty. Prosperity. Unity. Harmony. Purity.

You get the picture. Envision it. Feed it. Water it. Express gratitude for it. Watch it manifest.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Is there anything else you’d like to add before we close? How about the “develop the power of listening” message that I keep seeing. Is that just for me, or for the crew?

 It is for all of you. clairaudience is strong for most of you now. Listen for prompts, instruction, and advice. We will be in communication with all of you, so please take the time to create sacred space for yourself to listen daily. Ask for clarification when you need it. We want to make certain everyone feels loved and supported as you carry out your missions.



© Jen Freer 2019| FreerSpirit.com | Pleiadian Message Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website, FreerSpirit.com

Pleiadian Message for January 23, 2016: Rise and Shine


Pleiadian Message for January 23, 2016: Rise and Shine.

Message from Scarborough (Master Sarah)

Greetings Starseeds and Enlightened Ones, and to those of you newly awakened ones, we welcome you to your newly created paradigm. It is with great love and admiration, and, yes, even pride, that we, your Ascended Masters, Master Teachers, Angelic Guardians, Star Families and Loved Ones keep watch over you. Although you are in the very early stages (and in varied states of awareness) it is quite clear to us that the majority of your human collective consciousness is on the rise. Sixty-four percent (for those of you who prefer numbers) of your human population is now fully grounded in 5D consciousness and maintaining this vibration quite steadily. That is very good news for Earth and humanity, and we, your Pleiadian brothers and sisters celebrate this victory, for it ensures the evolution of your planet and race into a more peaceful way of being and interacting with one another.

Congratulations to all of you, the Enlightened Ones who have served as the embodied master teachers and wayshowers, empaths, messenger and healers, and the starseeds who have accepted and are now fulfilling or moving into their missions to facilitate the necessary changes that will free the rest of humanity from debt slavery and elitist fear-based control systems. You have all worked so very hard to awaken and evolve into higher consciousness, and we applaud your efforts because we know exactly how much you have struggled with fear, self-doubt, criticism, judgments, accusations and financial setbacks to get where you are. Many of you had to sacrifice everything you thought you knew and everyone you thought you loved as you shed your skin along the way, and we know this was a painful process for you. It is never easy, but it is worth it, and we encourage those of you still struggling to simply let go of the old paradigm, for it is crumbling quickly now, and it is time to focus your collective consciousness toward creating a new Earth that honors all beings and Mother Earth equally with abundance, peace, love and harmony.

The main point we want to address with you today is your “state of wait.” Remember that everything is energy. EVERYTHING. Even consciousness is energy. And when you are in a “state of wait,” you create a specific energy that keeps everything you’re trying to manifest at bay. When you maintain the “wait and see” approach, you are literally pressing the “hold” button on manifestation.

We’re sure that you have all boiled water at some point in your existence on Earth, and you have probably noticed that it “seems to” boil much faster when you turn your attention to another task than it does when you stand and watch it. That is because standing, watching, waiting… you are prolonging progress with your state of wait. This is literally an energy you create that makes progress take longer. Remember that TIME is an illusion. TIME moves much faster when you let go of expectations and anticipation in the manifestation process. In other words, if you light a fire under a pot or kettle of water, you KNOW eventually that water IS going to come to a boil. If you turn your attention to another task during the process, the process “seems to” take less time. That is because you are not hovering with expectation and anticipation. You’ve moved your energy toward another task of preparing or doing, moving your consciousness and energy forward. If, in the time you wait for the water to boil, you busy yourself with the necessary slicing and dicing of ingredients that are to go into the boiling water, dinner is served that much faster, is it not?

While it is true that everything is energy and that there is a process or order in which that energy must be applied to manifest your desired results, it is also true that the process will take much less time to manifest those results if you move on with the other necessary tasks or preparation to bring it all to fruition. We encourage you to understand that this process is very much the same with manifesting progressive change on Earth. You can light the fire under the pot of water with your thoughts and feelings. For example, many of you want global peace on Earth. And a lot needs to happen in order to facilitate the changes necessary to make that a reality. But standing around “waiting” for it to happen after you have meditated on it, wished for it, prayed for it and envisioned it (lit the fire, so to speak) will only prolong it. Especially if you are waiting for that change to come from the top or from the heavenly skies. We’re sorry to tell you that it just doesn’t happen that way, and if you remain in a state of wait for it to happen that way, then you are actually creating the very expectation or anticipation energy that holds peace on Earth at bay – just the same as hovering over the pot of water in anticipation for it to boil. Yes, peace WILL come to Earth just as the water will boil because so many people on Earth WANT peace, but the problem is that not enough are moving forward with tasks and preparation that create that peace.


Create peace within yourself. Forgive others, forgive yourself. Let go of all anger, fear, worry and doubt. Release all grievances. This can take years or minutes. It is really up to you and how serious you are about mastering that 3D/4D fear-based human ego that likes to keep you down. It all begins with YOU and your well-being.

Create peace with others. Human egos clash often. Be aware of this and extend the olive branch in those moments in which human ego creates conflict. Each one of you is under pressure to release the old and embrace the new, but keep in mind that many fear change and the uncertainty of the future. Practice patience, compassion, empathy and forgiveness with those whose human egos are acting out in fear-based behavior (which includes anger or is fueled by it).

Advocate for peace. Regardless of your role in life, always advocate for peace and harmony over conflict, be it physical, verbal, emotional, or mental, personal or political. Even if you are a warrior soul type (military, police, athletics, etc.) you have incarnated on Earth at this time to promote peace and to stand up to those who have kept your planet gridlocked in duality and polarity for centuries. Your mission is to protect your planet and her inhabitants from those who create wars and destruction and deplete your planet’s natural resources for their personal gain. Your mission is to arrest those above you who implement corruption as a means to strip the human race of their personal rights and freedoms. Your mission is to protect the innocent beings on your planet who suffer endlessly and needlessly at the hands of your corrupt controllers. Your mission is to bring peace to your planet with the gifts and skills you have been given and have worked so hard to develop. If you are a diplomatic soul type, lobby for peace. If you are an artist soul type, create work that invokes peace, love and harmony. If you are a teacher, profess and exemplify peace and harmony.

Peacefully participate. In all you do, remain harmonious and peaceful. In so doing, you set a vibrational tone. Remember that a lot of the chaos and discord on Earth is merely illusion. The sky is not falling. All war/violence shown to you by your news media is contrived. They created Hollywood, dear one. Don’t be fooled by special effects and crisis actors. Remember that those who wish to keep you under their control feed off your fear-based vibrations. As long as you are somewhat fearful, you cannot ascend, and they manipulate your consciousness levels and personal vibration with their false-flag operations. If you do not react to their grandiose tactics to make you believe you are in danger or that you must comply to their commands, then you are no longer in their control. Remember that it will take all 64 percent of you peacefully participating on Earth to sway the remaining 36 percent of humanity to do the same. So it is time to peacefully participate – without anger or trepidation. Without quoting scripture that your controllers wrote themselves centuries ago. Of COURSE their prophecies APPEAR to be coming to fruition. That is all part of their plan. Understand that it is the illusion they created and peacefully help others understand it as well without investing any emotional energy into your presentation or discussion. Encourage those emotionally invested to unplug and prepare for peace by peacefully participating. (Light the fire under the pot of water and peacefully prepare your ingredients instead of expectantly watching and waiting for the water to boil, dear ones.)

Teach peace. Whether you are a literal teacher (in a learning environment) or not, you are always teaching. No matter what role you play in your career or at home, there is always someone watching you and learning from you in everything you do. Even if it is your pet. This is why it is so very important to peacefully lead by example. If you succeed in steps one and two, creating peace within yourself and with others, and you are peacefully participating in life by not emotionally investing yourself into the drama of others, then you’re already teaching and leading by example, and we encourage you to look for more opportunities to share these gifts within your community. Whether its volunteering to be a buddy or a coach of some kind to youngsters or serving on a board or committee that serves your community or region in some way doesn’t matter. Big or small, when the majority of the collective peacefully participates and teaches peace, your energy is shared and peace is promoted to others in a way that feels positive and uplifting, and this inspires others to hop on the peace train.

Become peace. Once you have mastered these steps, your personal vibration will match that of “peace,” and you will become peace. When you become peace, you attract peace and you create peace everywhere you go.

These steps are as simple or as complicated as you allow your human ego to make them out to be for you. If you find it “too difficult,” or “impossible,” ask yourself why. Write down your reasons. Now you have your list of what you need to forgive yourself and others for. Good start! You’re ready to begin changing the world by changing yourself. And you are the ones you are waiting for to become that change you wish to see in the world. When you release the expectation and anticipation and the state of wait by moving forward with the process of creating peace, you manifest global peace much quicker.

We share this with you because we know so many of you still believe you have to wait for the governments and world leaders to make or declare peace. Still others are waiting for some special “event” that has been promised to you (for several Earth years) by a number of self-proclaimed “lightworkers” who have duped you into believing they have more privileged information than the rest of you, keeping you in this state of wait that puts everything you wish to create on hold.

Trust your own inner eternal wisdom now and know that YOU are the ones you have been waiting for and that YOU are the ones with the power to raise the vibration and consciousness levels on your planet simply by moving into the mode of peacemaking through the above steps. As you collectively release the expectation and anticipation that this false “event” promise has manipulated you into and move forward with your peacemaking missions and roles, you will soon realize that YOU, as a collective peaceful energy and loving consciousness, ARE “the event.”

Now that you know this truth, go forth and share it with everyone, even those who still slumber, for your calm, cool, collective energy is power.

Create peace; become peace. Become peace; create peace. Infinity. It’s a peaceful cycle.

Believe in you as we do, dear ones, for you are far more powerful than you realize, and it is time for you to rise and shine.

All our love to you.


© Jen Freer 2016| FreerSpirit.com | Pleiadian Message Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website, FreerSpirit.com

Pleiadian Message: Occupy your mind, heart and soul.


March 27, 2014

Message from Peter:

Dear starseeds, bringers of light, lightworkers, light warriors, angelic humans, or however you choose to identify yourselves, this is Peter, your Pleiadian brother of light and affiliate of the Pleiadian Council of Light. I come to you now with this message of awareness, for some of you are finding yourselves feeling deceived or confused by the energies at play.

Be fully aware, now, dear ones, that ALL of the energies are very busily working their agendas. Dark. Light. A multitude of shades in between.

Yes, you are currently on a planet that engages both light and dark and all the shades in between, and, yes, as incarnated human beings, it has been your agreement to accept the challenges of being both, experiencing both, in order to know and understand duality and polarity. But remember who you are, dear ones. You incarnated on Earth at this time to help Gaia (Mother Earth) raise her vibrations. You are there to ground your light bodies (via your physical bodies) on and into her surface to help her raise and maintain her higher vibration. In order to do this, you must keep your own personal vibrations clean, clear and high.

We have talked about self love. We have talked about unconditional love. Today we must talk about wisdom, discernment and self protection.

First, you must understand that when we say ALL of the energies are at play, we mean ALL of them. You have true light energies working overtime, no doubt. You also have tons of dark and shady energies and entities at play, as well, and MANY of them are masquerading as light. Dark is dark, and we trust that you know the difference quite readily by now, but understand that there is a lot of dark out there posing as light, trying to convince you that Gaia has ascended and all is light and bright and safe and cheery on your planet. They tell you that the “cabal” or “powers that were” are in check. Then they tell you they are the new leaders of the planet and the “New Age.” Be wary, dear ones. Especially of those channels who continue to string you along regarding financial system and technology upgrades and keep saying “soon,” “soon,” for years and years on end. Be wary of those raising your hopes and vibration simply to harness your energy to keep themselves energized. Have you been feeling sleepy or exhausted lately, even though you feel optimistic? Only to be reassured that it’s simply “the energies” and “upgrades” that have you feeling lethargic? Oh, it’s “the energies,” alright, but it is not the solar flares and cosmic energies they refer to;  by “the energies,” they are referring to themselves. These dark and shady ones are definitely recharging their batteries off of your light.

You need to be fully aware of the duality and polarity that you are steeped in, dear ones. Understand that there will be no leaders or gods or deities of the Age of Aquarius, for this age is about oneness, not hierarchical systems and Pyramid schemes. It is about full equality and unconditional love.

The dark is still trying to control this new era with their layer upon layer upon layer of deception. False flag operations. Mind control and programming operations. They have even bought those who were once working for the light with wonderful gifts, such as “bestselling books” on the NY Times bestseller list. Huge web presence, including “alternative news networks” that shout and scream about conspiracy theories and those dastardly dark ones in charge who plan to disarm you and send you to internment camps. They show you all of their symbols and secrets in order to “expose” the dark and warn you about how powerful they are.

The truth is, the dark does not care whether their games (New Age or Conspiracy Theory) raises or lowers your vibration. They just want your full attention. They want to occupy your mind. For, if they occupy your mind, you will never find your heart and true soul power.

There is a theory out there that your pineal gland and chakras are “implants” for which the dark can manipulate you, and that is just what they are doing through their fake “New Age” religions.

Dear ones, as we discussed before in my very first message, YOU, the human race, created yourselves. You wired yourselves with 12 strands of DNA, and each one represents one of each of the 12 master races of the Multiverse. Consider this DNA your database. It is encoded with all of the wisdom and knowledge of the master races of the Multiverse. Your pineal gland is your hard drive, basically. If you want to call it an implant (planted there by yourselves) then so be it. It is up to YOU to protect it from malware, spyware and viruses. This requires maintenance and security checks and firewalls and anti-virus protection. Basically, you need to be responsible for what you allow in and with what energies you engage or entertain. And, no, we are not talking about your PCs and Macs. We are talking about your pineal gland and your chakras (which can be considered your browsers that connect you to all the energies outside of yourself). Remember who you are, and that YOU are ALL YOU NEED. Build your firewalls of light and surround yourself with an anti-viral mirrored sphere that deflects all incoming dark energies. That is how you avoid manipulation. Activate your pineal gland. Once it is activated, your pineal gland can no longer be manipulated, as long as you protect it and keep it clean.

Regarding wisdom and discernment with those shady energies (a hybrid of dark and light)…

Trust your body. Don’t just interpret information with your mind and ego. This is exactly how the dark manipulates and controls you. Check in with your heart/soul center and higher self. Pay attention to your physical body reactions and responses to the information. Feel a tightening anywhere? Then this information is most definitely created to manipulate and control you. Rely on your feelings and body responses MORE than your ego and mind reactions. This is how you practice discernment. If any information makes you feel uncomfortable, undecided or confused when you examine it through your heart, then it is most likely bogus information. Disengage.

These are exciting times. We understand that. Many of you are still allowing yourselves to be pulled into the drama. Remember who you are. You are not there for the drama. You are not there to engage or entertain it. You are there to ground the light. So clean and clear yourselves often, and bring in more light to ground into the planet that you have committed yourselves to save. Share your light. Spread your light through loving energy with others. Do not make attempts to expose the darkness. Just be aware of them, and work daily to shield and deflect their energies. Do not begin your day without building your safety and security shields. If nothing else, always keep yourselves surrounded with a mirrored sphere and ask your higher self for guidance and assistance with discernment. Do not rely on anyone else to tell you when all is safe and clean and clear. Make that assessment for yourself using your own feelers.

Be fully aware that many once “trusted sources” have fallen into the clutch of the dark by selling out their once clean spiritual agenda for a sudden rise in popularity and success. How can you tell? They suddenly have the money to travel quite extensively to expensive vacation destinations or high-spiritual energy sites around the planet. They ask you to direct your energy toward them while they are there to assist with repairing, healing, empowering or intensifying the energy of these sites. They claim to be experts or the new leaders or are even appointing new spiritual leaders and even going as far as to say they are “taking over for ‘God.’” Some of them are selling products (usually supplements of some type) and operating direct-selling pyramid schemes. They will also claim to be some superior being, ascended master or archangel incarnated as human. They may also even claim to be guided by a once dark entity that has suddenly risen to the light. Also be wary of those who disguise or change their voices or won’t show their faces, and also of those who appear to shapeshift or “morph” into a younger or older looking being while on camera.

Do not entangle yourselves with these shysters. They are exposing themselves with their greed and arrogance. There is no need for you to do anything to further expose the truth about them. True spiritual lightworkers will never position themselves as “leaders” or members of a hierarchical system that is “above you,” dear ones. They will simply share their light and love with you. They will not push products on you or make you follow their “system” or “religion,” if you will. And TRUE light workers will never sell out to the dark for fame and fortune or power.

It is true that some lightworkers will become popular on their own, without selling out to the dark. Many already have, and they have remained dedicated to the light. Many have written books with wonderful guidance for the New Age and the New Earth. And by that, we mean the TRUE New Age – the one that is free flowing and only encourages one thing: unconditional love.

There are many cultures, traditions, philosophies and religions out there. Originally and similarly to the New Age movement, they all taught and encouraged unconditional love, but many were tainted by those with dark agendas and manipulated and used to gain power and control over the masses. Do be aware, dear ones, that this is exactly what is happening now to the once clean and pure, light-inspired New Age movement. There are rumors out there that the New Age was created by the dark. That is not true. The New Age movement, like all the rest, has been TAINTED by the dark. Do not allow your hearts and minds to also fall into this trap of deception and mind control.

Stay clean and pure, starseeds, and reserve your light and energy for those who deserve it. Shield and protect yourselves daily, and be sure that you and only you control who and what occupies your mind, heart and soul.

We surround you and your planet with our love and light, and we wish you well.


© Jen Freer 2014| FreerSpirit.com | Pleaidian Message Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website, FreerSpirit.com

URGENT Pleiadian Message for all Starseeds 1.30.2014

ImageNote from Jen: Peter has not asked me to share any messages for a long time. This one felt rather urgent to share. He sounded quite grave and serious. I felt, at first, it might not even be him, and that the message would be all doom and gloom. However, what came through seems legitimate given my personal work and “mission” coming through my higher self Master Sarah/Scarborough. We began the Being Sarah chapter about the Web of Collective Consciousness last month which seemed to be put on hold for whatever reason. Now this message from Peter comes with what feels like a sense of urgency for all starseeds currently inhabited on Earth. If you know yourself to be a starseed, please become heart-centered before reading this message. Also, please share this far and wide AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE through all starseed channels to which you belong. Translation to other languages is requested.


Dear fellow brother and sister starseeds currently inhabiting planet Earth,

By this time, you know who you are. Or you at least know in your heart and soul that your light being originated from a star system that is not the one you currently inhabit. Whether you know yourself to be Pleiadian, Andromedan, Sirian, or the like, we call on you now to ascend into your higher self starseed being. It is time to shed the human ego and transcend all that keeps you imprisoned in 3D bondage.

As we told you before, YOU are the ones you have been waiting for. And now is the time for you all to rise and shine your light onto the truth of the power and control you have subjected yourselves to for so very long now. You are there to free humanity from its own debt slavery, human trafficking, poverty, war, environmental destruction, and planet resource stripping. You are there to usher in the new, positive energy and not only witness, but to participate in the “changing of the guards.” For you, dear starseeds, are the new guardians of planet Earth, and it is you who will educate those still slumbering about the new, peaceful way of living, without fear and in full confidence that your lives are meant to be fair, free and enjoyed to the fullest as you nourish your mother, Gaia, back to health while instituting the technology that enables free energy to sustain the entire planet.

You have waited long enough to blossom into your full power and potential, dear ones. Now is the time to believe in yourselves and your personal power. Now is the time to gather together with your fellow starseeds and to begin developing your grand master plan which has been encoded within you since the day you incarnated into physical form. You all have a piece of the puzzle, and it is time to share your piece with the others to create the big picture, which you all have a snapshot of in your mind’s eye. You all know in your hearts how this will play out. It is time to begin using your telepathic and visionary gifts and sharing them with one another. The faster and sooner the better!

You have a communication web that you all created for yourselves to use exactly for this time. It is now time for you to telepathically access that web of unity collective consciousness and begin filling it with your visions and heart knowledge/wisdom. Only starseeds of the proper vibration can begin using this web. If you cannot access it, then you need to work on your personal vibration. I am now sending out a visionary symbol that will give you access to this communication web. Close your eyes now and look to your mind’s eye to see it. This is what you must envision in order to gain secure access to the web. It is already encoded within you, so, if you are meant to see it, you will, and it will give you complete access to the web once you envision it if you are in correct, heart-centered vibration when you do so.

Many of you starseeds are clustered close together within various regions throughout your planet, and you are all encoded with your personal missions. Those you are living close to in proximity are all assigned to the same mission or missions that are linked to one another. Remember, you each hold a key piece to the puzzle, and each of you is needed at this time to contribute your piece. Do not hold back your energy from this project or your mission. The big picture cannot be complete without you. Trust us when we tell you that you KNOW in your HEART what your mission is.

Drop all fears and grievances now for the sake of your planet and all of the people you love so dearly. Become heart-centered, joyful and loving. You are needed. Immediately.

One people, one planet, one love.

Please relax and focus your intentions and connect to the web of unity consciousness. NOW is the time.

All our love and protection to you.

Peter and Pleidian Ring of 500.

My Akashic Journey – Chapter Seven – Timeline Whores of the Multiverse


Yeah, I said it. When I asked my higher self just how many different timeline lives she was living, she replied, “Oh, about 150.” And so, I admit it, I called her a Timeline Whore. She laughed, of course. And you are probably laughing, too, but, at the time I said it, I was really kind of pissed, to be honest. For about a day or so, it made me feel like I didn’t even have a soul. Like I’m just a pawn. An experiment on a timeline. A fucking GAME to her. I mean, seriously??? One hundred and fifty???!!! All at ONCE? C’mon!!! Who has time for that? Who can keep TRACK of all that drama?

“Don’t even try to comprehend it from where you sit,” she said.

So I didn’t. Whatever, right? It took a couple of days for me trust her assurance that she is with me, always, for every short and long breath.

The conversation happened after I wrote chapter seven of My Akashic Journey, which presented me with more information than I could process in one day about multiple timelines within the multiverse. It has taken me a couple weeks and a bit of consultation with my trusted advanced-consciousness cronies to actually make the decision to publish this mind-bender. Hold onto your hats. I kept seeing 555 codes everywhere before I conducted this reading and wrote this chapter…


On May 10th I was thinking about a reading I had just given and how it is interesting the way soul groups tend to surround a particular issue and weave in and out of it, playing all the different roles surrounding the issue in order to help one another come to terms with it. I realized it was a lot like higher education, in a way. As undergrads, we pick a major and we study all the components necessary to get a degree in that field. In that major we may feel drawn to a more particular sector, so we go on to investigate further and obtain a master’s degree. We may even decide to then take it one step further and get that doctorate in order to gain the expertise to help others. And once we are helping others, we know we have truly evolved, right? As I was pondering this metaphor, a tidal wave of information crashed down on me about my own life… and reincarnation… and timelines… and… how to finally explain, once and for all… that we are living ALL of these lives simultaneously. WHOA. Talk about drowning in TMI all at once! Damn. I feel like I have a concussion as I write this, but I know I have to, or I will forget everything as quickly as it hit me.

Okay, so I have been shown a few things in a matter of MINUTES, but I know it is going to take hours to explain it all, since the flashes of “Remember this? And that? And THIS? See how they’re all connected?” is going to actually take time for me to explain to everyone who does not live inside my head. Keep in mind, these are pieces of a puzzle that have shown up over several years of time in my own personal life in this particular timeline we are currently sharing. I will present them chronologically and as concisely as possible (sort of like Exhibit A, B and C in a courtroom drama, if you follow).

All my life, in my heart I have known about reincarnation. I have known of my roots and bloodlines, even, that connect me directly to who most know as Jesus Christ. Yes, crazy, I know. That is why I never, EVER talk about it… until recently, of course. As the puzzle pieces begin to come together and I am awakening to who I am – several fractals of one light being who is living many, many timelines all at once – it is starting to (very slowly) make more and more sense. I don’t have all of the answers yet because there is no photo to compare the puzzle pieces to, if you know what I mean. I am just blindly fitting these pieces together, unsure of what “big picture” they will ultimately create actually looks like. When I think about this stuff, I am reminded of the Terminator movies and Butterfly Effect.

Why Terminator you ask? Well, as I see it, what is actually going on is that we are living all these lives at once on different timelines and looking to our “future” selves to be the masters or the experts, if you will, who have the ability to look back or travel back into other timelines to share information or expertise that will enable our other fractal selves to solve problems and issues that could otherwise harm us or the planet in one way shape or form. And, like Butterfly Effect, we are even living some of the same lives during the same timelines over again to fix or repair mistakes that cost us in the future lives. WHEW!! Okay. Crazy, I know. Hard to follow? You bet! But, I finally GET IT!!! This is the way my guides explained it to me:

Imagine yourself at a BINGO Hall playing several cards at the same time. Say you have five cards. (Each represents a different life on a different timeline.) Now, it is unlikely that any two of those five cards will be exactly the same, but, while rare, it IS possible. (Meaning that you can live the same exact life as the same person during the same time period… BUT, the difference being that it’s a different timeline, so in that life the history can be completely different. Now we’re getting into Groundhog Day kind of stuff: do it over until you finally get it right). While the BINGO card metaphor doesn’t quite bring it home, it sort of helped make sense of how our higher selves are playing out several lives all at once… and sometimes even two versions (maybe even more) of the SAME life during the SAME time period on different timelines.

You’re probably wondering how this crazy stuff even came into my mind. Well, as I explained before, it arrived in pieces, over several years, which were all just presented to me in reminder flash fashion about 90 minutes ago in that tidal wave of TMI.

These flashes did NOT come in chronological order, so try to follow.

A few weeks ago I had a dream about my twin flame soul mate and I. I could tell by the songs on the radio, our clothes and our hairstyles and simply by the way we looked that this was the early 90s, back when we were just out of high school. We were sitting in her car in her parents’ garage listening to the radio. I had just told her something about some guy who had date raped me, and I leaned my head on her shoulder. There was so much love and trust between us, I could feel it. She then invited me into the folded down backseat as her dad’s silhouette appeared in the doorway that led into their house. We managed to duck just in time to escape his attention.

We curled up on the flat surface in the back seat and laid there in the dim lighting of the garage contently looking at each other.

“My parents think I’m a lesbian,” she finally whispered to me.

I felt myself gasp as the dream came to a screeching halt.

I woke up going, “Whaaat the FUCK???”

Primarily because it felt so REAL. Like I had actually BEEN there with her, in that very place, at that very time, in that very moment. What I mean is that it felt a lot more like a memory than a dream.

Holy crap, I thought to myself. It was real? It was real, wasn’t it? Scarborough? We didn’t know each other back then. Not at all. How can this be real?

“It was another life on the same timeline,” Scarborough, my higher self explained.


I scrambled out of bed and immediately went to my computer and wrote to Ariel Deangelis:

Hey… got a question for you regarding the concept that we live all our lives at once vs. the one-life-at-a-time-but-not-necessarily-in chronological-order philosophy…

Since we can hop into any timeline… is it possible for us to hop into the SAME timeline and live the same lives over and over again, but switching things up to get different results? (Sort of like Butterfly Effect, but it being an entire lifetime rather than just several time jumps?)

I had this weird dream this morning that is prompting this question. Just wondering what you think.

Ariel’s response:

Yes… have you sensed this happening… you are not alone.

My reply:

So what IS this? Groundhog Day? We keep doing it over until we get it right?

Ariel’s response:

Yes, interesting isn’t it? [Arch Angel] Michael likened it to me the other day as us being at a point which we’re ALL going to Ascend – those of us who have chosen to, anyway… as you might have deduced, we’re not all exactly ready to do that… lots of unfinished business, both here and “there”… so, in effect, we have the “ability” (if you want to call it that) to hit “rewind,” go back (or forward – cuz even if you go back, you’re still moving forward) to a previous (and/or slightly different) “timeline” (or “point of experience”) which enables us to “have another go” at it… yeah, that’s a kind of a “Michael-y” sort of explanation, but nevertheless, pretty close to what we are experiencing now… so you see, we really DO have ALL of ETERNITY to get it “right” …  the fun is just beginning…



Okay, so there is Exhibit A. The dream. There were other dreams I had about that timeline, too, that I don’t want to get into because they involve the one with the negative energy who threw the “curse” on my father’s grandfather and how my twin-flame soul mate became entangled with her. At first, my thought was that life had already been lived out and that we failed our mission, so we are doing it over, but now as I write this, I realize we are probably living that exact same life RIGHT NOW and perhaps we have not failed… YET… or perhaps, even, THIS is the life in which we could either succeed or fail. Or maybe everything… every OTHER life being lived at this very moment that we are tapping into through dreams or “memories” is actually CONTINGENT upon THIS life, THIS now. WOW. No pressure or anything. I’m not saying I’m right about this, because there is still a LOT that doesn’t add up or make sense. And no, I am not on a mushroom trip or any other “trip,” for that matter.

After they remind me of the dream, my guides show me Exhibit B. The photo. A few months ago, my twin-flame soul mate sent me a photo of herself when she was probably in fifth or sixth grade. She sent me several, actually, from grade school. She looked boyish, and very, very cute in all of them. There was the one photo, from fifth or sixth grade (she couldn’t remember which) that kept coming back to me over and over again for days and weeks after she’d sent it. I felt a deep connection with that one photo for some reason. I told her my feelings about it. Her only response was: “Weird.”

Yeah. Weird. Now I feel that maybe that is when we made our first connection with each other in this other life we are living on that “slightly different timeline” as Ariel describes it. You see, in “this life,” my twin flame and I did not even meet until May 5, 2007, when we were both 36 years old. But I am now beginning to have strong feelings that we met much earlier on this other timeline I have been dreaming about. And, this may sound really weird, but I almost miss that life and find myself longing to go back to it, even though I am not at all familiar with it.

I’m standing at the dishwasher loading dirty plates as this feeling comes over me about the photo again… the same place I’ve been standing and same chore I have been doing when the photo connection feeling has come up several times over the past few months. So maybe the dishwasher is some kind of link? It’s possible. We DID have dishwashers way back then – when I was in grade school and middle school – believe it or not. Perhaps loading and unloading it was one of my chores at that time when I often found myself thinking about her? I suppose my Akashic Records could tell me.

Then my guides show me Exhibit C, that ornate tile décor I noticed in my dormitory building at 4 Charlesgate East in Boston, Massachusetts, when I was a freshman at Emerson College. I recognized it immediately and realized “I’ve been here before,” with utmost clarity and certainty. Then I frowned. “But I’ve NEVER been here before,” I reminded myself. I later told my friend Wil (yes the Emerson shuttle bus driver I had a crush on for years) about it.

I remember how he stared straight ahead and said to me, “You’ve been there before.”

It gave me goose bumps.

“Fuckin’ Wil the bus driver,” I chuckled to myself. That dude and my attraction to him was always such a mystery to me. But I realized this morning that he served a purpose far greater than I ever imagined until… well… this morning. He was the very first person I talked to about reincarnation who actually affirmed it. Holy crap. That was 24 years ago! Wil the bus driver is now 68 years old. Sorry. I digress. But you get the idea of how long it has taken to put these pieces together.

And Exhibit C reminds me of the fact that my twin-flame soul mate was out there, in Massachusetts, around the same time as me (on this timeline, in this life). When I was out doing yard work the other day, her higher self Ulron told me that he wanted SO badly for us to meet out there. He tried so HARD to nudge her to go to Boston.

“I would have found you,” he said. “And she would have talked to you. Just imagine what it would have been like…”

“Dude, I thought I was straight then,” I reminded him. “Nothing would have happened.”

That led me to wonder, though… about this slightly different timeline… did I go out to Boston to college in that timeline or not?

So many things to ask my Akashic Records! Here I go…


I had this dream about me and my twin-flame soul mate sitting in her car together talking when we were in our late teens or early twenties, but I did not know her at that time in this life. Scarborough says we have lived this life as the same people during the same time period before. How is this possible? What can you tell me about timelines and simultaneous lives?

Jen, this is Christopher, a loved one and member of the Ring of 500. I will attempt to answer this question for you as best I can, me being in spirit world and you being in 3D. I have been there before, myself, so I know how difficult it is to grasp this concept since your entire life and world is run by a clock and timelines other than the one in which you currently live are also incomprehensible.

First, let’s be clear: You, Jen Freer, have not lived ANY other lives other than the one you are currently living. Your higher self, however (the REAL you — Scarborough) has lived many. Or created many, I should say. Some will call these many lives (or characters, if you will) “fractals.” Or, as we say over here in spirit world: “experiments.”

Remember when you were younger and you played with your Barbie dolls and Adventure People? You created story lines for them, right? And, as a writer, when you write your fictitious stories, you do the same thing, don’t you? You create characters and story lines. Well, higher selves do the same thing. They are the creators, or the authors, so to speak. And, just as you may have three or four different story ideas, all with completely different characters living in completely different places during different time periods that are in varied states of completion, your higher self has a lot of the same kind of thing going on. Now remember, higher selves are Masters. They are able to be in several places all at once. They can have many fractals (lives) going on simultaneously. And, just as an author can pick any time period for which their story takes place, master higher selves can do the same thing.

Okay, Christopher, if I may interject? I would like to ask, then, why am I having memories or dreams of other lives my higher self has lived?

Because you are connected. You keep reading and hearing the phrase “we are all one.” And that is true. Because every higher self is a fractal of source energy (or GOD energy). Your higher self is trying to share with you your connection to her and all the other creations she has made. You are an extension of her, just as all these other storylines and characters are extensions of her.

What about the twin-flame soul mate?

Also an extension of her. The masculine energy. Okay, see, Ulron and Scarborough are a pair that were split from one fractal into two. And they, together, can decide if they are going to co-create or not. So, while they mostly DO co-create together, sometimes they do not. For you, Jen, they have co-created, meaning that you and the person you feel is your twin flame will come together on your timeline to clear up old energy and move into oneness together to create healing projects. The exact details of these creative projects are pretty much unwritten because Scarborough and Ulron want to leave the creativity up to the two of you, once your vibrations are equal and the two of you are once again in harmony.

Okay, so, if we are ONLY us, then why is it we are affected by other lives our higher selves have lived? Like, why are we purging LIFETIMES of “past traumas” and fears and other general suckiness?

Because we’re all one. Think about it. When you’re writing a story, are the characters in your story influenced by your own emotions?

Sometimes, yes. But not always. Because sometimes I am writing as an escape.

Ah. But, still, the characters are an extension of you. So, whatever you are feeling or have experienced or imagine, they are essentially going to experience, too, at some time or another within the storyline. Because YOU are the creator. Right?

Yes. But I thought higher selves were supposed to be Masters.

Yes. They are masters. But they are not necessarily fully ascended masters. Do you understand?

No. I thought Masters meant fully ascended.

No. Not necessarily. Just like those with a master’s degree from grad school don’t yet have their doctorates, you see? It’s much like that, OR, Karate. You cannot get the black belt until you have all the other colored belts first.

So it’s another hierarchical system?

If you want to see it that way. But this is more about energy – vibration and frequency – more than it is about rank and power and authority. In a way, you are like the “feeler” for your higher self. Your higher self experiences energy through you and gains knowledge and wisdom from your experiences much the same way you as an author learn from your own characters in your stories, right? Not to be crude, but it is almost like the scientists who put mice in a maze and move the cheese around and change up the patterns of the maze to see how the mouse will react and respond. But that is more beginner level stuff.

So what is the higher self hoping to gain from all of this?

Understanding. Wisdom. And, ultimately, ascension into a higher vibration.

For what, exactly?

The opportunity to explore the higher dimensions. One must achieve a higher vibration in order to access the higher dimensions.

So it IS like a video game?

In some ways, yes. But far more exciting and rewarding.

How so?

Because it’s the multiverse. It is infinite.

Okay, so, explain to me again why a fractal like myself has to feel the pain and suffering of other lives (fractals) being lived by my higher self.

Well, it did not used to be that way. Because levels of consciousness are higher now, more and more fractals are becoming aware of their connections. Unity consciousness is beginning to connect more and more of these fractals to their source energy and all of its other fractals. Everything is energy, my dear. You know that whole deal about E-motion being energy in motion? How no emotion is good or bad, it’s just energy? That is exactly true. And it is exactly why fractals are tapping into their higher selves and the other fractals being lived by your higher self. So, WERE you on the Titanic with your twin-flame soul mate when it went down? No. JEN was not. But Scarborough was. And Ulron was. And they are the REAL you. So you feel the energy and emotion attached to that incident. Or as much as your higher self feels it, anyway.

I do not feel as affected by it as much as my twin-flame soul mate does, but let me ask you a couple of questions about that, since you, Christopher, were the one who came through when we did her reading about the Titanic. You said she was an architect and a designer who worked on that ship, but she went to another psychic and asked him if that was true, and he said no, that she was some sort of crew member who reported the iceberg and was dismissed and then was the first to die in a wall of water. Why are we getting conflicting stories about this?

First, let me ask you this… did the psychic open her Akashic records?

I don’t think so, but I don’t know for sure. I don’t believe it was an Akashic reading. Just an intuitive reading as far as I know.

Did the psychic speak directly with her higher self, Ulron?

I don’t know. Is it possible Ulron created two fractals of himself who were on the ship at the same time?

It’s possible, but I cannot say without her records being open.

What do my records say?

Your records say only one fractal on the Titanic with Ulron’s fractal. But that doesn’t mean he did not have another fractal on that timeline or a slightly altered timeline.

How would you describe a “slightly altered timeline?”

Staggered. One that is slightly behind. A do-over timeline, basically. You know how things are always being revised? Consider it something like that. It’s usually a fail. If you remember the movie you mentioned earlier – Butterfly Effect – it’s a lot like that. You know how he keeps going back and trying to “fix” or “repair” the past to create a better or more ideal present for the girl he loves, but everything he does only seems to make matters worse? Yeah. It’s a lot like that. Again, like I said, it’s all experimental. Nothing is actually made better or worse… just different.

But, with the Titanic, the ship goes down and 1500 people die. And JP Morgan gets away with it all.

On your timeline it does, anyway.

What does that mean?

It means… what you perceive as reality isn’t necessarily so. It all depends on which timeline you are living.

So there is possibly a timeline where the Titanic doesn’t sink?

There are many timelines where the Titanic is a success.


It’s all about energy, my dear. Collective consciousness energy. Remember the Matrix? Which pill will you choose? Red or blue? Which pill did your higher self choose? You see, this is why not ALL higher selves are “ascended Masters.”

What if I want a different timeline?

Well, I am afraid that isn’t possible from your vantage point. Although everything CAN be changed collectively… through collective consciousness. Or you can always merge and become one with your higher self.

Okay, what about this other “slightly altered” timeline in which my twin-flame soul mate and I are living (or lived)? What can you tell me about that life? Where did we first meet? How old were we?

On that timeline, you met in grade school. You transferred in to her school in Elkhart, Indiana when your dad got a job on the police force there. You were about 10. You were both little tomboys, although you were the more feminine and she was the more masculine. You got along swimmingly from the get-go. Dirt bikes, skateboards, basketball, baseball, fishing. You actually lived pretty close to each other, near the river, so you had plenty of adventures together. Until you went your separate ways after high school. You went away to college. Boston. She stayed in Elkhart. You got married. She explored same-sex relationships.

Scarborough said we failed our mission in that life.

Yes. The third party – the girl with lupus – bailed.



So what happens on that timeline, then?

It has already dissolved.

So is this the only timeline we have left to complete the mission?

Looks like it, yes.

Why did the other timeline dissolve? I mean, if only one person died?

Everyone eventually died, dear.

So it’s a past life, then? Not currently being lived simultaneously?

As I said before, timelines are staggered, so not every single fractal of your higher self is happening simultaneously. So, as your perception goes, from your current vantage point, yes, this could be considered a “past life,” since everyone on that timeline has expired.

So this life for us IS a “do over?”

You could consider it that, yes.

What happens if we fail in this one, too?

Why would you let that happen? You’re both consciously aware of why you’re here and what needs to happen. Your higher selves put you here in this particular timeline of heightened awareness so you would not fail.

Why is it so important that we “reverse the curse,” anyway? Can’t we just cancel the contracts?

Sure, you can cancel the contracts. But that doesn’t clean up the mess. That’s just calling quitting time before the job is done, you see. And it is important to fulfill the contract because your father’s grandfather’s family is a direct descendent bloodline of Sarah (higher self Scarborough), the daughter of Jesus and her twin-flame soul mate Luke. And Jesus likes to keep a tidy bloodline, you see. Not to mention that this dark energy has affected a LOT of people. Not just the families, but everyone the descendents of these two families come in contact with on a daily basis. All in all, that is a LOT of people.

Well, I feel like there is nothing I can do. I did the best I could, and it wasn’t good enough. What more can I do?

You’ve done all you can. The rest is up to the other two parties of the contract. Send love and light and keep the faith. The truth is out, and it is accessible. Other parties willing to lend their light and positive energy to the situation are welcome to assist at any time, should they find it in their hearts to do so. You did not fail. And this is far from over. Stay positive. Raise your vibration in faith and love. You have a good number of angels and ascended masters on your side.

I already know what they will say. They will say this is my ego talking, and that I am just trying to manipulate the situation to my favor.

What does Grandpa James always tell you? Hearts don’t change. Only minds change. Hearts stay true. Forever.Your heart is true. Your love is unconditional. It always has been. That is why you were chosen.

Thank you, Christopher.

Chosen. That is a word I heard a lot as a kid. In my head, when I was riding my bike alone or wandering through the woods. A gentle man’s voice told me over and over: “You are a golden child, Jen. A chosen one.” I do believe I asked my mom once what it meant to be a “chosen one.” Her answer sounded like a lot of pressure. I just wanted to play and be carefree. Needless to say, I ignored those messages as I moved into middle school and blocked out the voice. No wonder it is taking so long to put all the jigsaw pieces back together. If I had only listened…

But that is what free will does for us. Our egos want all this independence. Ego says: This is MY life! I’ll do as I please!

And, of course, ego never wants us to believe anything good about ourselves. No wonder our higher selves have to create so many fractals. So very few are willing to listen to them.

So now we know. We have a choice. We can follow the guidance of our higher selves, stick to our contracts, and ascend with them. Or we can be another junk fractal that didn’t work out. A used bingo card. An experiment. Or a failure requiring a “do over.”

Which will YOU choose?
