Holiday Anxiety?


It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Although we’re serenaded this festive message through various types of speaker systems everywhere we go in our holly-jolly matrix (hahaha, hohoho) at the moment, we might not be feeling it.

Holiday anxiety is definitely a thing, and it can sneak up and get the better of us when we least expect it.

Here are a few reasons we may be feeling anxious:

Lack of money
I don’t know about you, but I’m a giver at heart, and there’s nothing I love more than being able to shower the people I love with gifts this time of year. When I’m not in financial position to do this, I tend to turn to crafting handmade gifts, but then I feel like “how many beaded bracelets and necklaces can my loved ones stand?” Of course, they say they love everything I make, but, I create my own anxiety by thinking it’s not enough, or that maybe they secretly don’t like what I’ve made them, and then I start wishing I had money to buy them a gift or gift card so they could get something they actually need/want. This is all consumerism conditioning, of course, and I am fully aware of it, BUT… when my MegaMillions numbers gonna come in, yo???!!!

Family feuds
Trust me, I’ve spent a lot of holidays with many different families because of this very issue with my own family. What I’ve observed is that no family is perfect or immune from holiday drama. There’s always an elephant or two in the living room at every holiday family gathering. Whether we are part of the problem or not – and especially if we’re empaths – it’s always awkward, isn’t it?

Missing loved ones
The holidays are never the same when we lose someone – whether it’s a grandparent, parent, sibling, child, spouse/partner or best friend, this is the time of year that we feel their absence the strongest and the hardest.

Break ups/divorce
Speaking of awkward, divorced parents of young children may feel a great deal of anxiety when it comes to “who gets the kids for the holidays?”

And then there’s always showing up to the holiday parties and gatherings minus your previous “plus 1” and dealing with questions from those who fell out of the who’s-with-who loop.

Whatever the case may be for you, it’s always an uneasy conversation, especially if the wounds are still fresh.

Entertaining or playing host/hostess
Oh, the planning! SO much work goes into hosting a party or family gathering for the holidays, and, even though there are some of us who absolutely LOVE to do this as a gift to our friends and loved ones, there is still a bit of anxiety that comes with fulfilling the host/hostess shoes. At our house, a ton of energy is put into deep cleaning (we have four dogs, a cat and an eight-year-old) then decorating, and then spot cleaning daily until the event; menu planning; shopping for food and gifts; food prep/baking; gift wrapping; and activity planning.

Sprinkle in the concerns regarding food allergies and who’s allergic to what and who might drink too much and, as a result, say too much… you get it, I’m sure.

And, of course, after all that work and energy, after everyone leaves, a ton more energy is spent on cleanup efforts. Sometimes just thinking about all of it is enough to prompt us to treat ourselves to a tropical getaway instead!

Feelings of judgment or inadequacy
Expectations! Everyone has them, but close family and friends always seem to have those “when you gonna” questions that put you on the spot at these holiday festivities and make you feel as if you’re not quite living up to their expectations.

Some of my personal favorites (not!) from my past:

  • When are you going to get married?
  • When are you going to have children?
  • When are you going to publish your book?
  • When are you going to get a “real” job?

Who can relate?

And then there are those family members who don’t bother asking questions and just start teasing/poking or criticizing your very existence.

All of this is enough to spike your anxiety through the roof to the point where you just want to pull the covers over your head and stay home and drown in your own “cup of cheer.”

Inappropriate conversations
There’s always someone who thinks these holiday gatherings are the prime time to discuss religion or politics, and they are almost ALWAYS contradictory to what you believe, making you want to blast Silent Night at top volume (not for religious purposes, of course, but simply to provide a cinder-block hint to the perpetrator to STFU).

Personally, I have witnessed other awkward and embarrassing inappropriate holiday conversations that have included sexually explicit topics and racial slurs/jokes that have made me cringe and wish I had booked that flight for the Bahamas. So much for “peace and joy,” am I right?

I’m sure there are dozens more reasons your holiday anxiety could be at an all-time-high this year. These are just some of the most common that I have experienced or observed myself.

The question is, with all this holiday anxiety, how CAN we find peace and joy?

Perhaps it begins with understanding the soul contracts and energetic dynamics between you and specific members of your family and learning from your personal Akashic Team what steps you can take to heal the issues that may be keeping you from interacting with or feeling love and compassion.

Or maybe a message from a loved one who has transitioned back to source energy will help you feel more peace this holiday season.

If it’s financial holiday anxiety that’s got you down, you may want to ask how you can attract more abundance and prosperity into your life, OR receive an outlook on your wealth front for 2020. It’s not to early to look ahead at what the New Year has to offer so that you can begin planning and manifesting the life you truly want for yourself.

There are tons of other questions you can also ask your Akashic Team to help yourself achieve the inner peace your deserve this holiday season; these are just examples.

My message to you is that I can totally relate on a personal level, and, on a spiritual and empathic level, I am here for you! Treat yourself or a loved one to an Akashic Reading.

My schedule is wide open this holiday season, so let’s book a reading today and get you back on your spiritual track!

Book an Akashic Reading Now

PLEIADIAN MESSAGE for April 2015: Calling all Starseeds! NOW is the time!

Brigid 3Greetings dear Starseeds of all Leagues and Nations currently embodied as human beings on planet Earth. Allow me to identify myself, so you may know, through complete transparency, from who this message flows. Most modern-day awakened Starseeds working with the light would recognize me as Master Sarah, ascended master daughter born to Jesus (Sananda) and Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada), however, that is a “newer” version of me. More old-world-religion zealots know me as Brigid, the Celtic patroness of healing, poetry and smithcraft; Roman Celtics and Roman Catholics know me as St. Brigid. Some people who think they are channeling Master Sarah have said that I am also the goddess Kali. This is false information. My soul essence and origin is Pleiadian, as my light being and energetic consciousness is a fractal of the central sun (Alcyone) of the Pleiades star system. My Pleiadian light-being name is Peunice, however, I prefer the nickname Scarborough. My first human incarnations on Earth were primarily on the lands known as Ireland and Scotland/Britain, now known as the United Kingdom. These incarnations were during the late Neolithic, Iron and Bronze ages.

How I came to be “Master Sarah” is this: Sananda and Lady Nada approached me and asked if I would like to be the physical embodiment offspring of their physical embodiments (most commonly known as Jesus and Mary Magdalene) to quietly serve as the incarnated harmonic balance of their two energies, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, and to create a bloodline that would share this light quotient essence for our Pleiadian soul group to incarnate into as a means to continually serve our sacred Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants. Some of the elite/criminal cabalists are trying to claim this bloodline as their own. This is also false information. Their souls do not possess the proper vibration to incarnate into this bloodline. That is all I care to share at this time regarding my soul ties with this bloodline. More will be revealed in time, as the light quotient on Earth rises, and more and more human beings are ready for absolute truth. Until then, know that we are many, and we are undetected due to our “commonality” across the many societies and cultures that make up the rich heritage of Earth’s human family.

For now, too many are still too deeply rooted in the lower fear-based vibrations to accept the absolute truth. They still cling to the grand deception as the only truth, and they still fight for it with fervor. This is to be expected, and it is alright, for it is simply how things are for the moment, but, as many of you Indigo Starseeds are aware, and through some of your very good work, truths are being revealed and will eventually be accepted as such, for there is too much evidence to suggest otherwise.

Of course, more of you are now needed to step into your Divine Will missions and incarnated soul purposes as Starseeds, should you wish to do so. You all have free will, even once you commit to you Divine Will mission, for it is your gifts, talents and interests and passions that will determine HOW you fulfill your mission, through your creative heart, with love and light for planet Earth and all her inhabitants. We encourage you to realize and step into your personal power with unconditional self love. Many of you already know in your hearts that you have incarnated on Earth to do “something big.” And, of course, this is true. You all volunteered to incarnate on Earth as physical embodiments of your higher selves (light beings) to bring the peace and harmony to a planet saturated in chaos and turmoil. You incarnated to lead by example, in the 5D vibration of pure unconditional love and light, and to help the spiritually unawakened and downtrodden raise their own personal vibrations.

Some of you have been gifted with healing talents; some of you are physical healers, others are mental and emotional healers, and some of you possess both talents. You may have one or many methods that you use as healing tools, including crystal healing, energetic healing, massage, acupuncture, light healing, intuitive healing (psychic/medium, Akashic readings, psychometry), empathic energetic absorption and transmutation, alchemy, horticulture, naturopathy, yoga, spiritual psychology, shamanic journeying and more.

Many of you are artists, delivering messages, inspiring others, and swaying emotions or offering healing through your medium of choice, be it writing, poetry, song lyrics, music, sculpture, canvas, photography, graphic, culinary, or any other craft, such as architecture, metal or stone work, soap making, oil and tincture craft… the list goes on and on.

So many more of you are teachers and coaches of so many different kinds, be they spiritual or academic, and your methods are many, including everything mentioned above and more.

Some of you are advocates and diplomats for peace, creating organizations to advocate for the poor and marginalized as well as endangered and abused species while others are challenging the corrupt systems that hold power and control over the human race.

And many of you identify as all, or more than one of these. Know that, in time, you will ALL be masters and victors in ALL of these roles as your light quotient intake increases. As Starseeds, you all have the ability to help Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants and resources heal, and you all have a variety of gifts and talents to help you do just that.

As a collective, your combined light and talents are amazingly powerful; now is the time for you to begin to combine your collective consciousness efforts by moving into self empowerment through forgiveness and unconditional self love. As you forgive (others and yourself) and move into the vibration of unconditional self love, all your fears fade away.

As you move into your heart-centered vibration of unconditional love for yourself, you find it easier to love others with no need to judge, criticize, compare or fear. Your self-love and approval is all that you have needed all along, for this is the very vibration that empowers you to create, teach, heal and advocate for one another and your precious Mother Earth.

Do not look to anyone else but yourself for approval. Looking to others who do not love themselves for love or approval will only leave you feeling defeated. Looking to organized systems or institutions for love or approval will also leave you feeling inadequate, for many of these systems were created by those who wish to keep you in fear, confusion, self-deprecation or self-loathing for there is nothing they fear more than a unified front of self-loving, self approving, spiritually empowered human beings who adhere to nothing but their own love and respect for themselves and each other. Remember, you are fractals of Creator-source energy and consciousness. You are many fragments of the same loving energy. When you combine your collective energy and consciousness in love, light and harmony, you become Creator-source energy.

Now is the time for all Starseeds incarnated on Earth to empower themselves with unconditional self love and come together in a combined conscious effort to create the united front that will end all chaos and suffering and bring peace and harmony and healing to Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.

Now is the time to collaborate with your fellow Starseeds and create projects and organizations committed to teaching self-empowerment, healing, and peacemaking.

Now is the time to begin imagining and building a better Earth.

Now is the time to focus on creating the peace and harmony that will ensure freedom, prosperity and abundance for all Earth inhabitants.

How will you do it? How can you contribute your gifts and talents to begin the peacemaking process with yourself… your family… your friends… your peers… your neighbors… your community… your state/province… your country… your island/continent… your planet… your galaxy… your multiverse?

We’ll give you a hint… it all begins with the human-ego surrender to love and joy. And each and every one of you holds this vibration of love and joy in your heart. It is time to stop swimming against the current, dear ones, for there is no pain in love or joy… there is only the human-ego fear that the love and joy will end. Release this fear, and move into your true personal power of unconditional love, harmony, and oneness, for this is where you will find peace, freedom, prosperity and abundance as your creative gifts and talents begin to flow and increase.

For those of you still skeptical, let us ask you, how much are you rewarded for being fearful, doubtful, worrisome, angry, judgmental, critical, cynical, argumentative, negative, hateful, stubborn, envious, egocentric, manipulative, greedy or self-serving? These attitudes only hold you in fear and cyclical patterns that only lead to more of the same: unhappiness.

You DO have a choice. And you DO have the ability to raise your vibration by exercising this choice. And once you reach this vibration through your own self-empowerment and self-love, you DO have the ability to unconditionally love others and help bring peace and harmony to Earth through your gifts and talents and collaboration with other Starseeds. And now is the time. Your planet and her inhabitants need you to step into your personal power so you can begin your Starseed mission.

So rise, Starseeds, and let the collective conscious manifestation and collaboration for global peace and harmony begin! NOW is the time!!

© Jen Freer 2015| | Pleiadian Message Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website,

Natural Born Empath

Emotional pain. Sorrow. Mental misery. Aching emptiness.

If you’re at all human, you may have experienced these feelings at one time or another, and, if you have experienced these feelings at one time or another, you know they’re not very pleasant. Feelings like these are so heavy at times, you can barely breathe. Sometimes emotions like these feel as if they could literally suffocate you, if you can’t – somehow – scratch and claw your way out of them.

It’s bad enough when you have to feel your own pain – can you imagine feeling the pain of someone else as well? Or how about a room full of people’s emotions? Can you imagine that?

If you’re not a natural born empath, then you probably cannot imagine that. If you are an empath, you may feel overwhelmed on a daily basis – not only by your own feelings, but by those of others around you or even by those who are far away, but with whom you are energetically connected. You may even feel the emotional stress or trauma of people you have never met, but who have just passed by you or who are traveling in your general direction.

For an extreme literal example, when I was a kid and I saw an amputee being wheeled toward me in a public place, I felt a sickness wash over me – a cold, nauseated sort of feeling. The site of an amputee would literally knock the breath out of me and immobilize me. This type of reaction was automatic enough that my mom would literally steer me away from the site of amputees if she managed to spot them before I did.

One time, when I was about 12, my mom and my sister-in-law and I were all walking together in the mall when my mom spotted an Army veteran with a missing leg being wheeled in our direction just seconds after I did. She steered me away and shielded my line of vision with her body.

“Why does that bother her so much?” my sister-in-law, a registered nurse, asked in her usual snotty tone.

“She’s sensitive,” my mom explained with compassion.

“She needs to get over it,” my sister-in-law said with a roll of her eyes.

Like I was some sort of mamby-pamby wimp. She had no clue what it was like to feel her own pain, let alone the pain of someone else.

Of course, these cold type of INsensitives make excellent candidates for the medical field, so they are always wealthy – and often cold, clinical, snooty and rude – while highly sensitive people like myself struggle to hold any kind of job because so many different things affect us and distract us in the daily world.

I don’t think a true empath could ever work in the medical field – and definitely NOT in a hospital. We take in the feelings of everyone in our general environment on a daily basis – on top of our own. This is why I cannot even visit a friend or loved one in the hospital. I can only last about twenty minutes in a hospital before I begin to feel claustrophobic and start to hyperventilate. I never really understood why until about a year ago – when I learned what a natural empath is, and that I am one.

I was in a medical clinic, actually, undergoing a breast biopsy, when the realization hit me with the most clarity. It was when they shoved this hollow needle – about the same girth as a Bic pen – into my breast. It didn’t hurt. No, I was more numb than a coke addict floating in 32-degree water, but my body recognized that something foreign had entered it, and immediately went into shock.

If your body has never gone into shock, this is what happens: a cold feeling washes over you and you begin to sweat. Profusely. I could feel beads of sweat the size of half-dollars pooling all over my body. At the same time, your mouth dries up and you feel like – well, you can’t decide, really, because you can’t swallow and you can’t breathe – so you’re really not sure if you’re going to puke or pass out. You hover just inches above your body in this wonky state of weirdness wondering: am I awake or dreaming? Dead or alive? Floating or–?

What just happened? Gasp, gasp, gasp!

And, yes, you are conscious the entire time.

This state of shock was a very familiar feeling to me – but this time it was much crisper – more real – and definitely more frightening than ever before. I later realized that this state-of-shock feeling was familiar to me because it was what I used to feel as a kid when I saw an amputee’s stump. I’d see it, hear it, and then feel it – meaning I would see the stump, hear the saw blade or the bullets or the bombs – and then, BOOM, I felt the state of shock their body felt when it happened – whatever it was that stole their limb. This is why I reacted the way I did when I was a kid; I’d feel the cold, nauseated panic of the amputee’s body as it realized – but could not yet feel – the loss of the limb.

The reason my experience with my body being in a state of shock felt so much stronger when I had my biopsy was because it was the first time the state of shock was actually my own. I’m glad I experienced it, though, because it made me realize what happened to me as a kid – back when I was so much more open – spiritually and psychically – than I am now.

There are other feelings I experience now, though, since I have managed to desensitize myself a bit to control the physical stuff. Now I’m more in tune to the emotional feelings of others. Even when they say nothing or deny what they are feeling, I already know how people are feeling, and sometimes even why they are feeling the way they do – even if they don’t know why they are feeling that way.

Over a decade ago, one of my best friends was struggling with the untimely death of both her parents, their alcoholism, and their abusiveness toward her as a child. It was hard to get a hold of her at times, but I managed to connect with her on occasion, and, when I did, it was usually a very emotional three to four hour phone conversation. In one conversation, she confessed to me that her father had held a gun to her head a few years prior, but then turned it on himself. Although he didn’t actually shoot anyone, it was simply the trauma of the incident that left her rattled.

I couldn’t tell her that I knew why – that I knew what he did to her when she was little. I didn’t know what he did to her because I actually witnessed anything firsthand, but I did “see” it – psychically that is. I couldn’t tell her, though, because the one thing I wasn’t sure of was whether or not she knew her father had molested her. I didn’t dare say anything because I realized that it was highly likely that this was something she had repressed. So I choked it down like rotten hamburger and left it there, unsettled and agonizing, in my gut.

Something similar happened a couple years ago with an acquaintance I hardly knew. I was helping her move some things to her new place. She had been staying at her sister’s house, so I met her there. Again, I knew nothing about this girl’s past; I barely knew anything about her present. When I pulled in the driveway, I noticed that all three cars parked there had rainbow stickers in the back windows.

“Who does that green car belong to?” I asked.

“That’s my sister’s,” she replied.

“Your sister’s a lesbian, too?” I asked as I peered deep into her hazel eyes which immediately – somehow – became a mirror-like silver.

“Well, yeah,” she smiled. It almost seemed as if she were laughing – as if to say “duh!”

But something else happened in that moment. Sometimes I see things. Sometimes I hear things. This time it was just a simple knowledge – one that startled me, so I know it was not an assumption. It was information passed from the all knowing directly from the source – her eyes to mine – her soul to mine – her guides to mine.

Another victim.

Again, I said nothing about the information I received.

A few minutes later, I met her sister in person; the introduction was brief and the exchange was monosyllabic. Creepiness. She made my skin crawl. Enough said.

I never mentioned anything to this person because I’m pretty sure this stuff is buried deep within her, too – most likely repressed – and it isn’t my place to mention it. Still, I have to live with the knowledge – and the stress of knowing, but pretending to not know anything – all while watching this person’s dysfunctional patterns repeat over and over again, and even feeling the panic, disappointment and frustration that this distant being feels on a regular basis.

Being an empath can be maddening. Seriously. Not just the knowing – but the feeling, too. Insensitive people can suspect something such as molestation, and, because they have no empathy for the feelings of that person, they can just bluntly ask the question, or, in some cases, blurt it out without hesitation. Empaths, however, are more energetically in tune, and we can feel exactly what our counterpart is feeling. That is how we know better than to pose the question or spew the accusation; we feel that person is not emotionally ready to deal with this information. In fact, such traumatic knowledge could throw abuse victims into a psycho-dramatic tailspin of denial and a feeling of betrayal that leads to eventual mistrust.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering how I could possibly know this information to be true if I have never asked my friends if it might be. You’re wondering if I have ever had feelings like this with anyone that I have confronted and learned that I was right on with what I was feeling. The answer is yes, I have.

Last spring I made a bracelet for a friend’s husband out of various medicinal crystals to help him deal with his own adult struggles with the knowledge of his childhood sexual abuse. The weekend after he received it, he and his wife (my friend) attended a family birthday party. He wore the bracelet to the party.

I have never in my life met this man; he lives in Massachusetts, but nonetheless, the night of the party, I was home alone in Michigan. I had just finished my dinner and I was putting my dishes in the dishwasher when all of the sudden I felt a strong craving I had not felt in almost two years: I desperately wanted to smoke a cigarette. I felt the same way I did when I was a chain-smoking fiend – I had to have that after-meal cigarette, and it was just about killing me. I remember thinking: No way. This is not me. This is not my craving. This has to be someone else. Suddenly my mind felt cloudy, and I leaned against the counter to brace myself for a new wave of weirdness.

My vision darkened, and I leaned on the counter for support. A biracial man’s right forearm with a rolled white shirt sleeve appeared in front of my eyes; his left hand came across his forearm  with a razor blade pinched between his thumb and forefinger. I saw him cut his forearm with the razor blade, then the vision faded, but I felt the release of blood gush out of my own arm and felt the relief that I assume cutters feel. I inspected my arm to see if I was cut or bleeding, but I was fine. I still kind of wanted a cigarette, though – but I knew it wasn’t really my want or need.

The next Monday, when my friend and I were emailing back and forth, I asked her if her husband had been struggling with panic attacks at all Saturday night between 8-9 o’clock. She said he was going in and out of the building a lot to smoke, but she didn’t know if he felt panicked like he wanted to cut himself. So she emailed him and asked him. He told her yes, that he felt a strong urge to cut himself Saturday night. She was totally floored.

It’s a mystery to me how I was able to connect with the emotions of a man I had never met in my life, but it happened. I am just glad that I could separate his feelings from my own, and that I didn’t give into the urge to drive to the local quickie-mart to buy a pack of smokes. After being almost two years tobacco-free at that point in my life, I think I would have cut myself if I sparked up a cowboy killer –  to punish myself for smoking again!

Of course, cutting is no laughing matter, and I am glad to say that I now understand with compassion why people cut themselves, because I could actually feel the relief this man has felt from the bloodletting. That is not to say that I recommend it or condone it, I just understand it. I wish that no one ever had to feel that kind of pain – the kind that leaves them so numb they have to cut in order to feel something or cut to release their pain.

Being an empath, as you can probably imagine, feels like both a blessing and a curse. I do like having a built-in barometer and instantaneously knowing things about people in advance. Most of the time, if I listen to my gut, it saves me the hassle of wasting my time. Of course, I’m not always that lucky. The empath in me always wants to give everyone a chance, even though the clairvoyant in me is waving huge red flags, blowing an ear-wrenching whistle, and showing me street-sign flashcards that say “wrong way,” “do not enter,” and “detour!”

Feeling the emotions of others isn’t always fun, either. Especially when they are sick or dying or feeling panic. I can be absolutely fine one minute, and then an emotional wave washes over me and I suddenly feel like sobbing, or I’m practically doubled over in pain, or I’m fraught with fear or worry. I have to take a deep breath and think to myself: okay, who could this be, because I know it’s not me. Then I start checking in with friends or my spirit guides.

Fortunately for me, many of my friends are empaths, too, so when I call to check in with them, they don’t think I’m nuts, and they often are able to help me figure out who is in trouble. That is the blessing!