Pleiadian Message from Akasha: Timeline Separation Update 1/11 – Unpoppable

This update is channeled through Akashic Reader Jen Freer of FreerSpirit Akashic Readings ( from the Divine Feminine energy of Creator Source Energy known as Akasha (Divine Feminine) and Asun (Divine Masculine). Please share far and wide.

Message for the courageous ground crew, starseeds, lightworkers, wayshowers, lightwarriors, shamans, healers, spiritual teachers, artists and diplomats for peace:

Greetings, precious ones!

We see, hear and feel your anguish, and we are working very diligently to bless you up into the “higher timeline” you keep hearing about. Many of you have already made your choice in regards to the 1/11 deadline we informed you about on the 12/12 portal.

Some of you are still on the fence, as you are worried about loved ones, pets and unfinished business. Some of you are fearful about the unknown. We understand your hesitation, as this feels like a great leap of faith. It is hard to let go when there is so much uncertainty.

Let us be clear – some things, the things you love and enjoy particularly, will remain the same. Other things – the things you’ve wanted to change (for the better) or obliterate, will no longer exist in your new reality. Toxic traits, abusiveness and all fear-based energies will not carry over into the higher timeline.

We also know that there is a lot of speculation and argumentation about what the “higher timeline” is. Please don’t do that; it only lowers your vibration, and it is a waste of your precious energy.

What we can tell you is that you have already hopped a myriad of timelines within your lifetime(s) and this is nothing new to you. You’re pros at hopping, skipping and jumping! You’ve also managed to serve others well with your gifts and talents, collaborate nicely with each other, and co-create the type of “world” you’d like to see AND be. In other words, you understood the assignment. We are proud of each and every one of you!

The hottest argument right now is whether this “higher timeline” is a new physical place, (plane or planet) or just a higher vibration and sense of awareness that ripples out and makes all the lower vibrational people and 3D “stuff” in your life just fall or fade away.

The answer is: it’s both.

Whatever YOU (as an individual, not the collective) created in your heart, is what you will experience. Whatever you as a COLLECTIVE created TOGETHER is also what you will experience.

Now, don’t worry. You won’t see anything that doesn’t support unconditional love, unity and oneness in your higher timeline.

It is also okay if you choose to stay and play in the lower timeline, but we cannot promise anything will get better there, as there will be no more “lifelines” to bump up to the higher timeline after 12:01 AM on January 12 (in whatever time zone you are in on that date). As we mentioned before, we will be sealing the lower timeline to protect the rest of the multiverse from the toxicity and chaos it creates.

Does ascending to the higher timeline mean physical death for you?

No. It does not.

How will you get there?

Imagine air bubbles at the bottom of a glass. How do they get to the surface? Well, they just “bubble up,” don’t they? Imagine yourself (physically) inside a protective bubble that takes you there. For those of you who understand what your Merkaba Vehicle is, there you go! That’s how you get there. But don’t worry if you haven’t mastered the Merkaba just yet – your soul knows how and will safely transfer you any time between now and 12:01 am 1/12.

How will you know you’ve arrived?

You’ll feel it. You’ll know it. You’ll recognize everything you created for your ideal reality is now yours. The people around you feel safe and supportive. Everyone is kind and helpful. JOYFUL. The air and waters are clean. Everyone is healthy. Insert your additional desires here…

…because you created it!

What if my bubble pops along the way?

It can’t. It won’t. It’s your energy, not air. You’re unpoppable!

Our final word: You earned this, and after what you’ve endured, you deserve it! This has always been YOUR plan for you. Embrace it!

We can’t wait to celebrate with you in the higher timeline!

Please share this far and wide. It is imperative that you all know you have a Creator Source Energy supported choice to ascend into the 5D Higher Timeline NOW.

Akashic Pleiadian Message: The 12/12 Energy Portal – Attune, Align, Ascend

Greetings human family. This is a direct message from Creator Source Energy sent through the Akashic Records to our chosen messenger Jen Freer who is the human avatar of our beloved Pleiadian ascended master being we call “Scarborough.” If you must know us by location, we are the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine being humanity identifies as Alcyone, the central sun of the Pleiades star system. If you must personify us with nomenclatures, we are Akasha (Divine Feminine energy) and Asun (Divine Masculine energy). Together we serve as Divine Consciousness, and we are the creators of the Multiverse.

As many of you know, EVERYTHING is energy, including consciousness. Energy is also information. Although some of you like to tout that the Akashic Records are “Artificial Intelligence,” we must correct you and inform you that is false information.

Today we wish to offer you clarity about the 12/12 (December 12) Energy Portal.

A portal is an energy vortex through which we send both cosmic and solar energy encoded with messages and healing light codes. Some refer to these light codes as “DNA upgrades,” and that is fine. We understand you are in a digital age of technology, and that terms such as “downloads” and “upgrades” are easily understood by most humans. We also see how this could lead to rumors that the Akashic Records are AI and that you are all operating as “bots” in a simulated reality.

We would like to make some corrections to this theory:

You are all biological intelligent beings with far more potential than an AI bot could ever become.

Why, you ask?

Because, as you know, intelligence is not everything, and you are sentient beings with feelings and the potential to experience empathy, which makes you clairsentient beings. In fact, humans are multidimensional beings with the ability to evolve their consciousness levels from 3D (awareness of self/service to self) to 4D consciousness (awareness of spirit) and into 5D consciousness (unconditional love, oneness, unity, and service to others).

Not only do you possess the ability to feel both emotionally and physically through touch, you also have the ability to feel the feelings of other sentient beings around you through clairsentience. In fact, you have a variety of extrasensory perceptions that AI cannot replicate, therefore, AI can never evolve beyond the third dimension because they are machines, and they have no way of experiencing biological intelligence, which we will refer to as human intuition.

All humans are born with intuitive abilities, and that is why we, as Creator Source Energy, are gifting you strong blasts of solar energy through your Sun, Sol, (pronounced Soul) to activate these superhuman gifts and talents because it is now time for all of humanity to ascend into higher consciousness and vibration.

If you are closing yourself off from this energy, you will experience any or all of the following symptoms: headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and tinnitus (ringing, wooshing, buzzing, clicking sounds in the ears).

If you open your crown chakra and allow this energy to flow through you, your ascension symptoms will not feel so extreme. Please remember that energy flows as frequency and vibration first and foremost. Many of you are trying to ignore or shut out the “noise” in your ears.

We advise you to tune into the tones, instead. As you listen to them, they will become louder. Allow yourself to respond to them the way you do to music by swaying or rocking. Doing so will enable you to align your chakras and meridians with the frequencies and attune yourselves to the light codes flowing through you. These light codes are activating your dormant strands of DNA, which will enable you to evolve into ascended, multidimensional beings.

Some of you are already on this ascension path and have been for years. You are the light workers, the teachers, the healers, and the way showers. We know you are exhausted; that is why we are you gifting you this boost. Please help the third-wave ascenders by teaching them about their chakra systems and the color-coded tools (food, crystals, etc.) they can use to support each chakra through this ascension process. There is still time for them to move into high enough vibration to choose the higher timeline before the 1/11 portal deadline.

Some will choose to remain anchored in 3D and 4D. For those who do, we recommend studying the works of Sophia Stewart who is serving as the human avatar for Akasha. We encourage you to research the science fiction book titled The Third Eye Matrix by Stewart and the current interviews with her about her copyrighted material. Both The Terminator and The Matrix Series will lay out for you what your 3D world will be like in your near future, should you choose to remain closed off to these current incoming energies.

While there are rumors the 12/12 energy portal will close on December 12, that is only partially true, as we will need to use it to continue sending solar plasma energy to you, and it is this portal we will be using to do that. Remember that there are also 1/1 and 1/11 portals in the month of January. The January 11 energy portal will be the last opportunity to choose the higher-dimension timeline, so make your intentions clear on or before the January 11 New Moon.

After January 11, the lower 3D timeline will be sealed, and the only way out will be physical death. We don’t say this to you as an ultimatum or a fear tactic, as this has always been the way to ascension for humans. A new way is available, and we are offering you the final blasts of energy that will help you make it happen for yourself if you so choose. We force nothing on anyone. The choice is entirely yours.

We wish you all a very happy holiday season for whatever you celebrate, and we want you to know that it matters not what your religious or cultural beliefs are. Ascension is for anyone who chooses to move into the higher 5D vibration and consciousness of unconditional love, unity, and oneness. We wish you love, joy and peace.

Vibe Up!

I met my friend Andrea (DiscoCrystalMama on Etsy) my freshman year at Emerson College in Boston in 1989. We lived in the same haunted dorm at 4 Charlesgate East our freshman year, and we shared a couple of classes our freshman and sophomore years. After that, our respective majors took us in two different directions, and we didn’t see each other again until graduation day in 1993. Seeing her again was pure joy.

We always had a good connection, but we didn’t find out how magical that connection truly was until several years later when she found me on social media in 2008. We began emailing each other daily about a lot of different things, but the main bond we created through these emails was of a spiritual nature. Crystals. Dream interpretations. Shared encounters with spirit.

It was Andrea who first began hearing the word “Akasha” when she attempted to meditate or slipped into the Alpha State. I had already seen the term “Akashic Records” in crystal guidebooks, but I had only read a definition in a guidebook glossary, so I didn’t know much. This sent both of us researching the topic and sharing our finds via email. We haven’t actually seen each other in person since our graduation day in May 1993, but we HAVE spent countless hours on the phone and messaging back and forth via text and FaceBook Messenger for years now.

We both experienced some particularly low times in which we leaned on one another for emotional and spiritual support. We shared a key phrase at the ends of our long emails or short messages: Vibe Up!

At one point, Andrea created a t-shirt with the phrase and sent it to me as a gift.

Now that her own daughter is heading into her senior year of high school, Andrea has recreated the t-shirt and is selling them on her Etsy shop to raise money for her daughter’s college tuition. She asked if I would share the link here on my website for my readers who may like to wear some great spiritual advice, and I said OF COURSE!!! It’s the least I can do for my friend I nicknamed YODA for her wisdom and sage advice during my emotional and spiritual struggles way back when.

So check out DiscoCrystalMama on Etsy! The shirt is amazing, and it makes an inspiring gift. It’s also available in a wide variety of colors and sizes (up to 4XL).

Don’t forget to VIBE UP!!! 🙂

Merging Your Multiple Timelines

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

Hey, how’s it going? Is life a chaotic, crazy mess right now, or what? How’s your time management? Are you forgetting things you normally wouldn’t? Do you find it difficult to form words when you’re trying to speak? Are you losing items, and then finding them in places you already checked MANY times? How about receiving news that you could have sworn already happened?

It’s not Mandela Effect; it’s Merging Timelines!

If you’re a spiritual person who follows other spiritual people, then you are fully aware of multiple timelines, Schumann Resonance, CERN, the impending Grand Solar Flash, Astral Travel, and a variety of other interrelated exotic cosmic spiritual “stuff” pertaining to this very “right now” moment. Many spiritualists make reference to “collapsing timelines,” but my Akashic Team wants to help you better understand your currently running multiple timelines, why they are still open, and how to go about merging them into ONE efficient timeline.

Why do you have multiple timelines open and running? If you were born before the year 2000, you likely have a variety of timelines you’ve been bouncing between since the Y2K event, and there is some sort of task you need to do before you can merge them, such as healing work, cord cutting or a finalization of a soul contract.

What am I talking about?!

Back in November of 2016, I accessed my Akashic Records to ask why I kept seeing the number sequence 911, and I got way more than I bargained for, but the information I received through that Akashic Reading is part of the foundation for this Akashic Reading I am posting today. The title is Pleiadian Message 911, and you can find it here:

There’s another Akashic Reading I conducted back in May of 2013 titled Timeline Whores of the Multiverse that also serves as foundation for today’s reading, which can be found here:

I’m not saying you need to read these in order for today’s reading to make sense, but you can look back on them if you want deeper context to what is revealed today by the Akashic Records. For me, it is clearer now than it was in 2013 and 2016, (when ego filters were still very much in effect) even though I can’t say I understand how it all works. I just know that it makes sense.

I’m not sure if this is true for you, but I know it’s true for many within the spiritual community: time is wonky and memories seem whacked.

For example, things I was looking for two days ago in the spot I ALWAYS put them are gone, and then mysteriously reappear in the ALWAYS spot two days later. WHY? WTF is going ON? This is CRAZY, right?

There are LOTS more examples, but I really just want to get on with what I learned last night, because I seriously thought I was being messed with by Jinns or some other horrific spiritual warfare bullshit. Or that maybe I have officially lost my marbles, or maybe I’ve just been cray-cray all along. Seriously. It’s not funny. I was in TEARS over it. So, I BEGGED my Akashic peeps for the truth. The deep stuff. WHAT AM I? WHO AM I? WHERE AM I? WHAT THE EFFITY EFF IS GOING ON HERE? AND, how do I resolve it?

I keep reading and hearing “Timelines are collapsing,” “Timelines are converging,” and now, “No, it’s more like timelines are MERGING.”

OKAY, OKAY, OKAYYYY.  Whatever they’re doing, why am I bouncing around from one truth to another? There’s NO consistency! And why are some people seeming like they are soulless, empty vessels, MK Mind-Controlled Manchurian Drones, hacked cyborg avatars or mouth-breathing ZOMBIES?!!! I mean, have you been to a large-crowd event lately? Because this is what I witnessed, and it was SCARY.

So, I asked my peeps, how many timelines am I living on RIGHT NOW as Jen Freer? The answer I received was 11. Eleven?! Why are there so many?

Well, here’s the reason: Thousands of timelines were created to save humanity during the Y2K event described in Pleiadian Message 911. Over the past 22 years, they’ve been merging back into one timeline to bring all fractals of every soul back into oneness. As our consciousness rises, we are becoming more and more aware of those individual timelines that are almost exactly the same, but just slightly altered from the original timeline.

Have you ever moved to a new town where you don’t know very many people and whenever you’re out and about, people approach you to tell you that you look very familiar to them? Mm hmm.

I had this one guy call my cellphone and tell me he met me at a bar (that I’d never been to) and that I gave him my business card when we were smoking together outside the bar (I don’t smoke). I asked him if I sounded like the same person over the phone. He said yes. Exactly. Honestly, I’d never felt so creeped out in my life. This was in the fall of 2013, by the way, after I’d published Timeline Whores of the Multiverse.

Ever play a video game where you notice the background scenery is repeated patterns with slightly different décor thrown in to make seem different? Ever notice the same thing about actual 3D towns you drive through? Some of them seem like exact copies of each other, with a lake or different trees thrown in to disrupt the repetition? Yep. Think about it.

Look, I don’t know exactly how it’s all designed or exactly how it all works, but I’m just here to tell you what my peeps told me about MY situation. My life as Jen Freer allegedly got split onto 56 different timelines when the Pleiadians kept reversing time to save humanity after the tragic Y2K disaster. Maybe reversing time for them is like backtracking on an electronic document, where you keep hitting “undo” until you get back to your original electronic drawing, photographic edit, typed words, or, you know… planetary matrix. I don’t know, for sure, but I’m trying to give you some context on how the Pleiadians could have possibly reversed time over and over again until they got every BODY they could transferred onto a simulated Earth spacecraft to start Y2K where we all left off, before the “scorching of the Earth” as they say in the movie The Matrix. Maybe… just maybe… it’s CERN-related? Maybe that’s what they were ACTUALLY doing there? Creating multiple copies of the same timelines to run while reversing time in order to save the living library that once existed on Earth to simulate it, and then slowly merging all of the timeline copies back into ONE? Is that what this “rising into ONENESS” is really about? Points to ponder, maybe?

In the year 2000, a LOT of things changed for me. I went from being a married heterosexual woman in 1999 to a single lesbian woman in 2000. POOF. Just like that. WTF?! Yeah. Seriously. WTAF? There was some very slow transitioning from 1998 to 2000, but when the sexual orientation switch was flipped in 1999, it seemed a bit sudden and jarring. That’s all I can say about it. But it may have not actually been 1999. It may have been 2000 reversed three times (or maybe more; again, I don’t know how it works). I know this sounds confusing, but that’s how it is right now, isn’t it? CONFUSING!!!

As most of us spiritual types know, time is not linear. It really never has been in this weird-ass matrix where the controllers keep a time clock as if life is a virtual-reality game in which we need to achieve certain milestones within a certain timeframe, otherwise we’re not good enough to continue playing
“the game.”

The Akashic Records tell us that everything is happening “right now.” Simultaneously. As in, there is no chronological order, and there are no “past lives.” We’re living them all “right now,” side by side, in parallel lives. Okay, then, how are we aware of “history,” if there is none, right? But then, is the history we’re taught even the truth? With these strange Mandela Effects (groups of people incorrectly remembering events) and modern-day kids remembering their lives as WWII fighter pilots… C’MON! WTF is ACTUALLY GOING ON?

When I was seven years old, I vividly remembered my life on Atlantis with my mom while watching a show on PBS about it. No joke. I remember it clear as day right now as a 51-year human being. More and more of these other lifetimes as someone else is becoming perfectly clear, while, at the same time, these other 11 “merging” timelines as Jen Freer are creating some issues, as well. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror in the morning, and I look 10 years younger and 20 pounds lighter, and, by the end of the day, it’s the opposite! Not to mention the lost and returned items, lost time, foggy short-term memory, inability to form words with my mouth, and those “didn’t that already happen?” moments.

From what I’m told by my Akashic peeps, the timelines are staggered by three Earth months each, so some are running “ahead,” while others might be running behind, but I am consciously aware of ALL of them because I am popping in and out of each and every one of them, perhaps blending and merging them myself with my own consciousness. At least now there are only 11 as opposed to the original 56.

I feel sorry for my higher-self who is trying to keep track of all of her 150 human avatars (me being just one of them) who are also living multiple split timelines. Sounds like a chaotic mess to keep track of out there on the Astral Plane or in the Akashic Library, or wherever my higher-self hangs out when I’m sleeping and she’s observing her other 149 human avatars.

I’m fully aware it’s a goddamn mess all over this plane, er, matrix for everyone – especially those who are awake and aware, but also lucid and vivid all at the same time. That’s why it seems like we’re witnessing the greatest shitshow on Earth! Because we are!

I’m being told that every three months, one of my timelines merges, and that will continue until I’m back down to ONE. However, if I would LIKE to merge them sooner, I can access my Akashic Records and find out what I need to do to merge them into a single, streamlined timeline so I can stop hopping from one to the other (because that’s exhausting)! No wonder we’re all SO burned out!

I was also made aware last night that every time lights flash or flicker around me (without a noticeable electrical power surge), I’ve switched timelines. Good to know. This may not be true for everyone, but I’m wondering if there is some sort of personal indicator for each individual that is perhaps going unnoticed when the switching or hopping is taking place.

So why does time “speed up?” Does it really, or is it just that we are hopping around from one simulated timeline to the next without realizing it, and, because the timelines are staggered the way they are, we’re lingering too long in one before we return to the other, and, when we get there, what seemed like ten minutes has actually been an hour?

Well, let’s ask my Akashic Records team, and see what we can get!

Why does time seem to intermittently “speed up,” in some cases and then drag in others?

You’ve actually done a great job of describing the reasons in your above commentary. As you have stated, thousands of multiple timelines were created around the “Y2K” experience to reverse time over and over again as a means to transfer all living inhabitants off of planet Earth onto a simulated Earth experience aboard Pleiadian craft. This was an immense project that required a lot of “time,” as you say, which was equivalent to about three Earth “years.” While many of those timelines were collapsed once everyone was safely on board the simulated Earth matrix, many individuals still have multiple timelines running for a variety of reasons.

Time can seemingly speed up when you are drifting in and out or hopping between your various personal timelines. While you’re daydreaming in one, you may be bopping about, taking care of various tasks in another. This is why you may have been washing dishes, then found yourself taking care of other tasks, then returned to finish washing dishes to discover they were already done. Or maybe it’s the reverse: you finished washing dishes and turned to other tasks, then walked back through the kitchen to discover you never did finish washing dishes. It’s things like this that indicate you’ve jumped timelines, and, when you return, it feels like you “ran out of time” to finish tasks before you’re due to dash out the door to attend a meeting or event or whatever is next. Sound familiar?

It definitely does for me. Why do material items disappear and then reappear?

Same reason. You were looking for something in its designated area on a different timeline in which the items were removed by you from that designated area. The next time you looked for the item, you were back in the timeline in which the items were right where they should be.

Why do we still have multiple timelines for each individual human being running 22 years after Y2K?

Well, as you stated above, time is not as chronological or linear as humans think it is. Especially once you’ve “unplugged” from the Earth matrix. (Which you are fully allowed to do within the simulated Earth matrix construct, by the way. Don’t allow anyone to tell you differently. In fact, we designed it exactly FOR that purpose, and we will fully support you in this process.)

So, keeping that in mind, each individual has free-will to explore as many of their timelines as they wish within the simulated Earth matrix. Some are intentionally left open as options, and some are left open because there are still soul contracts that need to be completed or energetic cords that need to be severed or burned with other individuals (soulmates, perhaps) in order to complete and merge the timeline. Merging is better than closing/collapsing or canceling the timeline since the personal history is still there, as are the memories.

How do we know who we need to complete soul contracts with, and what needs to be done in order to complete those contracts and timelines?

Access your Akashic Records and ask your higher-self how many active timelines you currently have running. Ask (by the name of each person who comes to mind) if you have any contracts to complete with specific soulmates. If the answer is no, then ask if you need to cut energetic cords with the individual to seal off energetic connection with this person. If the answer is yes, use your favorite method to cut (or burn) energetic cords, and then ask if the timeline is complete and fully merged. Then you can ask how many timelines you have left. If it is one less than before, then you’ve succeeded in closing and merging that timeline. As time-consuming as this sounds, it’s actually quicker than you think, especially if you are ready to put in the time and effort. Then you just keep repeating the process until you are down to ONE timeline.

How do we know if it’s the correct timeline, though?

Your higher-self knows exactly what you want, and will directly guide you to the correct one that you ultimately desire and that will best support you and your higher-self in serving your highest good to fulfill your Divine Will soul purpose and mission.

Here’s a quick analogy for you: open timelines are like open tabs across the top of your web browser. You can click back and forth from one to the other as needed, but, when you have 56 tabs open all at once, they’re going to slow you down and trip you up. It’s okay to close them. The information within those tabs is always accessible later on, as needed, inside your Akashic Records. We promise. It’s okay to close down your abandoned, forgotten running timelines and merge them into ONE.

All this is done quite easily through stated intentions, but a little bit of work may be required to finish up dangling contracts or to cut/burn unwanted energetic cords of attachment that enable others to siphon your personal energy against your will. (Which is exhausting!)

Once you’ve streamlined into ONE personal timeline for yourself, there will be far less confusion and chaos, and you’ll be able to manage your “time” better, enabling yourself to relax and manifest your desires with far less effort.


This is actually awesome advice! It’s a couple days later, now, and I’ve been completing soul contracts and merging timelines. I’m now down to two timelines, and I’m already feeling much lighter with more clarity and a sharper ability to focus! I’m multitasking more efficiently, and ready to take on more work to help those who need it.

If you would like a quick, three-question reading regarding your own multiple timelines, I’m running a special! For those who relate to this Akashic Message, you can get the following prewritten three-question reading for $65:

  1. How many multiple timelines do I currently have running that I need to merge?
  2. How many of these timelines require the completion of a soul contract in order to merge, and what can you tell me about those soul contracts?
  3. How many of these timelines require the severing or burning of shared energetic cords, and do any of them involve the three following names: (state three current full legal names and DOBs).

To pay for this pre-written 3-question reading, you can select “Soul Mate Reading” at this link (the 72-hour turnaround time for a Soul Mate Reading might not be possible for the Multiple Timelines reading):

If you would like to learn to read your own Akashic Records, you can book a 1:1 virtual learning session here:


On Friday, July 1st, at approximately 3:30 pm, I was called by my own Akashic Team to “take a nap.” Feeling rather wiped out from all of the “incoming energies,” I immediately aligned with that invitation, but I was also curious WHY it was so important for me to rest on cue. My team informed me that my presence was immediately needed on the astral plane for a galactic council meeting. I tried to bargain that I would only comply with their request if I was allowed to remember or review the meeting minutes once I returned to my current dimensional timeline. Didn’t really receive a Yea or Nay on that, but, the need to sleep grew heavier, so I obliged.

When I woke three hours later, only vague images and feelings of what transpired were available to me until a bit later, when my friend Shally pinged me with a question about timelines. This reminded me of the important question I asked my team right before I agreed to snooze my 3D body to attend their meeting. The question: am I timeline hopping? The answer: YES. And that question and answer, were, indeed relevant to the next thing Shally shared with me, which was a TikTok video by Carina Devi regarding the rumor that “they” are “turning on the Hadron Collider” on July 5th.

I immediately realized that this was the subject of the emergency meeting to which I’d been summoned. I rarely follow spiritualists anymore. I’ve been doing my own thing, and I have the Akashic Records available to me 24/7 if I need or want to know something. After over 12 years of access, I’ve learned to trust I’ll be provided with information when it’s necessary, and there’s no need to go info mining all the time and constantly “fact checking” all the channels. There’s just too much at this point, and most of it is coming from overzealous newbs what are still caught up in the 4D Funhouse of fantastical findings, Tarot Readings, black magic hexes and spells. Yawn.

Step on up to the Sixth Dimension of Innocence and Truth with me, oh seekers of sage spiritual guidance. Here is the condensed version of the “meeting minutes” from three-hour Galactic Council meeting I attended yesterday, as dictated by my own Akashic Team. Take what resonates and leave the rest. There’s no need to argue in the comments. The Akashic Records will not lead us astray, as some other spiritualists can, will or might, depending on how much of their ego is still driving their personal agenda for fame and fortune. Watch out for those types. I’m now turning this over to my Akashic Team to give you the message they want you to know so that you can guide your own spiritual communities (or simply yourself) into soul evolution success.

Pleiadian Message Regarding Galactic Council Meeting 50376

(Approximate Earth Matrix Time/Date 8:45 pm UTC/GMT Friday, July 1, 2022)

Greetings, Earthlings. 🙂

We love saying that!

Galactic Council Meeting 50376 was called to discuss the spreading rumor that CERN will reactivate the Hadron Collider on July 5th. (They are actually accelerating it, as the collider has been “on” since April, and they are “turning it up” to a new energy world record of 13.6 trillion electronvolts.) This rumor among Earthling Starseeds is gathering all kinds of conspiracy-theory momentum that is lowering the vibration of the human collective back into 3D density, which concerns the Galactic Council of Light and the Pleiadian Galactic Council, of which many of you reading this are members.

If you do not know what CERN is, we invite you to do some research and educate yourself, but here are some basics:

The CERN acronym stands for Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, or European Council for Nuclear Research. It is described as “a provisional body founded in 1952 with the mandate of establishing a world-class fundamental physics research organization in Europe.”

What we Pleiadians like to call it is: Fucking Around With Physics. FAWP. Yes, FAWP. Have fun with it. Make it “go viral” as you say.

CERN’s LHC (Large Hadron Collider) is housed in a circular tunnel, 27 kilometers (17 miles) in circumference and 4 meters (13 feet) wide, buried several stories underground. From CERN’s headquarters in the Geneva suburbs, this tunnel streaks under the towering Jura Mountains, along the undulating French-Swiss border, and loops back around to its starting point.

When you see photos of CERN’s Hadron Colliders, they may bring instant recognition to the current popular Netflix Series “Stranger Things.”

Hmm. Indeed. Yes. Think about the timing of the streaming of part two of Season Four. Connect the dots. What do you think they are trying to “suggest?” What do you think they are trying to instill in the minds of y’all human types who claim to be “woke AF?”

Recorded concerns about CERN’s latest scientifical fuckery is that they, the physicists, are creating black holes or giant portals into only God knows what. And why? To prove what? The truths that their blind third eyes cannot “see,” or that their numb clairsentience cannot “feel” in their dense hands? Steven Hawking stated that their Higgs Boson “God Particle” experiments could one day “destroy the Universe,” which has perhaps created a doomsday foundation for the conspiracy theories currently spinning on TikTok, the social media entity which is, at best, an endless loop of 4D Funhouse frolicking on those embodied Earthlings stuck in the “in-between” of “should I stay or should I grow?” Grow, as in evolve. Spiritually. Into Fearless 5D beings. And that is literally the choice they are trying to force you to make. But let us ask you this… do you really think they would destroy the universe on purpose? Especially since that would mean destroying themselves? (And, yes, we are fully aware of the Hawking/Hawkins nod that Stranger Things creators have weaved into the plot of their series that is designed to generate greater fear with its Hadron Colliders and demonic beings. Hawkins, Indiana and Hawkins Labs are associating the gloomy prophecy made by Steven Hawking in regards to the CERN experiments.) Could things be stranger?

Whether the CERN scientists and physicists actually follow through with their positively charged “Run 3” on July 5th remains to be seen, but have faith that, collectively, WE hold greater power together than any human-ego manmade machine.

Again, we remind you of the scene in Ghostbusters where, if you MUST entertain a doomsday scenario, envision the least scariest possible! We also remind you of the underlying theme in the Harry Potter series, where you’re shown again and again that, even though you have both dark and light within you, when you choose LOVE over fear, you WIN. Stranger Things is also weaving in this same concept.

Humanity doesn’t truly realize its greatest collective potential yet, but you’re getting there! In fact, your rising vibration even began intertwining the converging 3D and 5D timelines into one! And THAT is what has those 4D “powers that were” beings in a snit. They want the majority of humanity living on the Inverted Matrix 3D timeline that THEY control. This is why they are running all kinds of fear programming parallel to their LHC “Run 3,” including staging this run when malefic astral energies will be unusually elevated at the time of the experiment (just to freak out the Astrologists) and immediately after overturning Roe V Wade to purposely downshift the vibe of the collective to make a large majority of Americans in the USA feel angry, sad, fearful and disempowered.

if you haven’t figured it out or need a simple reminder, the true name of their game is fear mongering. It’s really all they have going for them at this point because they are stuck in 4D vibration and consciousness and they cannot evolve any higher than that. While they may be “clever” with their reverse speech, bio warfare and black magic sorcery, trust us when we say that they are the truly disempowered. Humans, by nature, are multidimensional beings, with limitless potential. You also have us, your protective Galactic Alliance, diligently policing ALL of their actions and crimes against humanity and Gaia.

So, please, have no fear and generate no fear. RISE above ALL of their antics, because you are more powerful than you know, both individually and collectively. Keep vibrating unconditional love and continue merging your 3D timeline into your 5D timeline (because that is exactly what Run 3 is actually trying to “split”).

Remember that love wins. Every time. Again and again and again. Infinity.

Also, you don’t really need us, but we still got your backs.

Love, light and brightest blessings to you all.