Pleiadian Message from Akasha: Timeline Separation Update 1/11 – Unpoppable

This update is channeled through Akashic Reader Jen Freer of FreerSpirit Akashic Readings ( from the Divine Feminine energy of Creator Source Energy known as Akasha (Divine Feminine) and Asun (Divine Masculine). Please share far and wide.

Message for the courageous ground crew, starseeds, lightworkers, wayshowers, lightwarriors, shamans, healers, spiritual teachers, artists and diplomats for peace:

Greetings, precious ones!

We see, hear and feel your anguish, and we are working very diligently to bless you up into the “higher timeline” you keep hearing about. Many of you have already made your choice in regards to the 1/11 deadline we informed you about on the 12/12 portal.

Some of you are still on the fence, as you are worried about loved ones, pets and unfinished business. Some of you are fearful about the unknown. We understand your hesitation, as this feels like a great leap of faith. It is hard to let go when there is so much uncertainty.

Let us be clear – some things, the things you love and enjoy particularly, will remain the same. Other things – the things you’ve wanted to change (for the better) or obliterate, will no longer exist in your new reality. Toxic traits, abusiveness and all fear-based energies will not carry over into the higher timeline.

We also know that there is a lot of speculation and argumentation about what the “higher timeline” is. Please don’t do that; it only lowers your vibration, and it is a waste of your precious energy.

What we can tell you is that you have already hopped a myriad of timelines within your lifetime(s) and this is nothing new to you. You’re pros at hopping, skipping and jumping! You’ve also managed to serve others well with your gifts and talents, collaborate nicely with each other, and co-create the type of “world” you’d like to see AND be. In other words, you understood the assignment. We are proud of each and every one of you!

The hottest argument right now is whether this “higher timeline” is a new physical place, (plane or planet) or just a higher vibration and sense of awareness that ripples out and makes all the lower vibrational people and 3D “stuff” in your life just fall or fade away.

The answer is: it’s both.

Whatever YOU (as an individual, not the collective) created in your heart, is what you will experience. Whatever you as a COLLECTIVE created TOGETHER is also what you will experience.

Now, don’t worry. You won’t see anything that doesn’t support unconditional love, unity and oneness in your higher timeline.

It is also okay if you choose to stay and play in the lower timeline, but we cannot promise anything will get better there, as there will be no more “lifelines” to bump up to the higher timeline after 12:01 AM on January 12 (in whatever time zone you are in on that date). As we mentioned before, we will be sealing the lower timeline to protect the rest of the multiverse from the toxicity and chaos it creates.

Does ascending to the higher timeline mean physical death for you?

No. It does not.

How will you get there?

Imagine air bubbles at the bottom of a glass. How do they get to the surface? Well, they just “bubble up,” don’t they? Imagine yourself (physically) inside a protective bubble that takes you there. For those of you who understand what your Merkaba Vehicle is, there you go! That’s how you get there. But don’t worry if you haven’t mastered the Merkaba just yet – your soul knows how and will safely transfer you any time between now and 12:01 am 1/12.

How will you know you’ve arrived?

You’ll feel it. You’ll know it. You’ll recognize everything you created for your ideal reality is now yours. The people around you feel safe and supportive. Everyone is kind and helpful. JOYFUL. The air and waters are clean. Everyone is healthy. Insert your additional desires here…

…because you created it!

What if my bubble pops along the way?

It can’t. It won’t. It’s your energy, not air. You’re unpoppable!

Our final word: You earned this, and after what you’ve endured, you deserve it! This has always been YOUR plan for you. Embrace it!

We can’t wait to celebrate with you in the higher timeline!

Please share this far and wide. It is imperative that you all know you have a Creator Source Energy supported choice to ascend into the 5D Higher Timeline NOW.

Pleiadian Message for January 23, 2016: Rise and Shine


Pleiadian Message for January 23, 2016: Rise and Shine.

Message from Scarborough (Master Sarah)

Greetings Starseeds and Enlightened Ones, and to those of you newly awakened ones, we welcome you to your newly created paradigm. It is with great love and admiration, and, yes, even pride, that we, your Ascended Masters, Master Teachers, Angelic Guardians, Star Families and Loved Ones keep watch over you. Although you are in the very early stages (and in varied states of awareness) it is quite clear to us that the majority of your human collective consciousness is on the rise. Sixty-four percent (for those of you who prefer numbers) of your human population is now fully grounded in 5D consciousness and maintaining this vibration quite steadily. That is very good news for Earth and humanity, and we, your Pleiadian brothers and sisters celebrate this victory, for it ensures the evolution of your planet and race into a more peaceful way of being and interacting with one another.

Congratulations to all of you, the Enlightened Ones who have served as the embodied master teachers and wayshowers, empaths, messenger and healers, and the starseeds who have accepted and are now fulfilling or moving into their missions to facilitate the necessary changes that will free the rest of humanity from debt slavery and elitist fear-based control systems. You have all worked so very hard to awaken and evolve into higher consciousness, and we applaud your efforts because we know exactly how much you have struggled with fear, self-doubt, criticism, judgments, accusations and financial setbacks to get where you are. Many of you had to sacrifice everything you thought you knew and everyone you thought you loved as you shed your skin along the way, and we know this was a painful process for you. It is never easy, but it is worth it, and we encourage those of you still struggling to simply let go of the old paradigm, for it is crumbling quickly now, and it is time to focus your collective consciousness toward creating a new Earth that honors all beings and Mother Earth equally with abundance, peace, love and harmony.

The main point we want to address with you today is your “state of wait.” Remember that everything is energy. EVERYTHING. Even consciousness is energy. And when you are in a “state of wait,” you create a specific energy that keeps everything you’re trying to manifest at bay. When you maintain the “wait and see” approach, you are literally pressing the “hold” button on manifestation.

We’re sure that you have all boiled water at some point in your existence on Earth, and you have probably noticed that it “seems to” boil much faster when you turn your attention to another task than it does when you stand and watch it. That is because standing, watching, waiting… you are prolonging progress with your state of wait. This is literally an energy you create that makes progress take longer. Remember that TIME is an illusion. TIME moves much faster when you let go of expectations and anticipation in the manifestation process. In other words, if you light a fire under a pot or kettle of water, you KNOW eventually that water IS going to come to a boil. If you turn your attention to another task during the process, the process “seems to” take less time. That is because you are not hovering with expectation and anticipation. You’ve moved your energy toward another task of preparing or doing, moving your consciousness and energy forward. If, in the time you wait for the water to boil, you busy yourself with the necessary slicing and dicing of ingredients that are to go into the boiling water, dinner is served that much faster, is it not?

While it is true that everything is energy and that there is a process or order in which that energy must be applied to manifest your desired results, it is also true that the process will take much less time to manifest those results if you move on with the other necessary tasks or preparation to bring it all to fruition. We encourage you to understand that this process is very much the same with manifesting progressive change on Earth. You can light the fire under the pot of water with your thoughts and feelings. For example, many of you want global peace on Earth. And a lot needs to happen in order to facilitate the changes necessary to make that a reality. But standing around “waiting” for it to happen after you have meditated on it, wished for it, prayed for it and envisioned it (lit the fire, so to speak) will only prolong it. Especially if you are waiting for that change to come from the top or from the heavenly skies. We’re sorry to tell you that it just doesn’t happen that way, and if you remain in a state of wait for it to happen that way, then you are actually creating the very expectation or anticipation energy that holds peace on Earth at bay – just the same as hovering over the pot of water in anticipation for it to boil. Yes, peace WILL come to Earth just as the water will boil because so many people on Earth WANT peace, but the problem is that not enough are moving forward with tasks and preparation that create that peace.


Create peace within yourself. Forgive others, forgive yourself. Let go of all anger, fear, worry and doubt. Release all grievances. This can take years or minutes. It is really up to you and how serious you are about mastering that 3D/4D fear-based human ego that likes to keep you down. It all begins with YOU and your well-being.

Create peace with others. Human egos clash often. Be aware of this and extend the olive branch in those moments in which human ego creates conflict. Each one of you is under pressure to release the old and embrace the new, but keep in mind that many fear change and the uncertainty of the future. Practice patience, compassion, empathy and forgiveness with those whose human egos are acting out in fear-based behavior (which includes anger or is fueled by it).

Advocate for peace. Regardless of your role in life, always advocate for peace and harmony over conflict, be it physical, verbal, emotional, or mental, personal or political. Even if you are a warrior soul type (military, police, athletics, etc.) you have incarnated on Earth at this time to promote peace and to stand up to those who have kept your planet gridlocked in duality and polarity for centuries. Your mission is to protect your planet and her inhabitants from those who create wars and destruction and deplete your planet’s natural resources for their personal gain. Your mission is to arrest those above you who implement corruption as a means to strip the human race of their personal rights and freedoms. Your mission is to protect the innocent beings on your planet who suffer endlessly and needlessly at the hands of your corrupt controllers. Your mission is to bring peace to your planet with the gifts and skills you have been given and have worked so hard to develop. If you are a diplomatic soul type, lobby for peace. If you are an artist soul type, create work that invokes peace, love and harmony. If you are a teacher, profess and exemplify peace and harmony.

Peacefully participate. In all you do, remain harmonious and peaceful. In so doing, you set a vibrational tone. Remember that a lot of the chaos and discord on Earth is merely illusion. The sky is not falling. All war/violence shown to you by your news media is contrived. They created Hollywood, dear one. Don’t be fooled by special effects and crisis actors. Remember that those who wish to keep you under their control feed off your fear-based vibrations. As long as you are somewhat fearful, you cannot ascend, and they manipulate your consciousness levels and personal vibration with their false-flag operations. If you do not react to their grandiose tactics to make you believe you are in danger or that you must comply to their commands, then you are no longer in their control. Remember that it will take all 64 percent of you peacefully participating on Earth to sway the remaining 36 percent of humanity to do the same. So it is time to peacefully participate – without anger or trepidation. Without quoting scripture that your controllers wrote themselves centuries ago. Of COURSE their prophecies APPEAR to be coming to fruition. That is all part of their plan. Understand that it is the illusion they created and peacefully help others understand it as well without investing any emotional energy into your presentation or discussion. Encourage those emotionally invested to unplug and prepare for peace by peacefully participating. (Light the fire under the pot of water and peacefully prepare your ingredients instead of expectantly watching and waiting for the water to boil, dear ones.)

Teach peace. Whether you are a literal teacher (in a learning environment) or not, you are always teaching. No matter what role you play in your career or at home, there is always someone watching you and learning from you in everything you do. Even if it is your pet. This is why it is so very important to peacefully lead by example. If you succeed in steps one and two, creating peace within yourself and with others, and you are peacefully participating in life by not emotionally investing yourself into the drama of others, then you’re already teaching and leading by example, and we encourage you to look for more opportunities to share these gifts within your community. Whether its volunteering to be a buddy or a coach of some kind to youngsters or serving on a board or committee that serves your community or region in some way doesn’t matter. Big or small, when the majority of the collective peacefully participates and teaches peace, your energy is shared and peace is promoted to others in a way that feels positive and uplifting, and this inspires others to hop on the peace train.

Become peace. Once you have mastered these steps, your personal vibration will match that of “peace,” and you will become peace. When you become peace, you attract peace and you create peace everywhere you go.

These steps are as simple or as complicated as you allow your human ego to make them out to be for you. If you find it “too difficult,” or “impossible,” ask yourself why. Write down your reasons. Now you have your list of what you need to forgive yourself and others for. Good start! You’re ready to begin changing the world by changing yourself. And you are the ones you are waiting for to become that change you wish to see in the world. When you release the expectation and anticipation and the state of wait by moving forward with the process of creating peace, you manifest global peace much quicker.

We share this with you because we know so many of you still believe you have to wait for the governments and world leaders to make or declare peace. Still others are waiting for some special “event” that has been promised to you (for several Earth years) by a number of self-proclaimed “lightworkers” who have duped you into believing they have more privileged information than the rest of you, keeping you in this state of wait that puts everything you wish to create on hold.

Trust your own inner eternal wisdom now and know that YOU are the ones you have been waiting for and that YOU are the ones with the power to raise the vibration and consciousness levels on your planet simply by moving into the mode of peacemaking through the above steps. As you collectively release the expectation and anticipation that this false “event” promise has manipulated you into and move forward with your peacemaking missions and roles, you will soon realize that YOU, as a collective peaceful energy and loving consciousness, ARE “the event.”

Now that you know this truth, go forth and share it with everyone, even those who still slumber, for your calm, cool, collective energy is power.

Create peace; become peace. Become peace; create peace. Infinity. It’s a peaceful cycle.

Believe in you as we do, dear ones, for you are far more powerful than you realize, and it is time for you to rise and shine.

All our love to you.


© Jen Freer 2016| | Pleiadian Message Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website,

Master Sarah: Regarding Suicide



As we are all still reeling and perhaps feeling devastated by the recent suicide of Robin Williams, I have decided to channel some thoughts and wisdom from Master Sarah via my Akashic Records.

Although I admired Robin Williams, I would not consider myself a super fan, so the devastation I felt with the news of his recent suicide surprised me. Being an empath, I thought maybe it was my tapping into the collective and their shared sadness, but I am not sure exactly. It could also be just the general heaviness I have been feeling coming from the collective, as I have been hearing from many sad and frustrated star seeds lately who are ready to call it quits here on Earth. I don’t judge, for I have felt this way myself MANY times. It is especially difficult for highly sensitive people to detach, I know, and most of my clients are, like me, super sensitive and emotional when it comes not just to their own suffering, but the suffering of others – people, animals and the planet herself. If you ever looked into the beautiful blue eyes of Robin Williams, you could see quite clearly that he was also a highly sensitive soul.

I’d like to call on Master Sarah now to ask her to shed some light on the challenging energies we have been dealing with lately and, since Master Sarah’s area of expertise is collective consciousness, I would like to ask her to share with us how these energies are affecting the collective and what we need to do in order to cope with and possibly even transmute these energies into light. So, without further ado, I now hand this missive over to Master Sarah…

Greetings Starseeds,

First, we want you to know that the multidimensional light being you knew and loved as the human being Robin Williams is still alive and well in his Pleiades galactic home. His mission on Earth was a great success, and we are celebrating his lifetime achievements at this time.

We know that most of you understand that there is no real death of a soul/light being. We also know that most of you understand that life incarnate as a human being is a precious gift that is to be honored and cherished, although the density of 3D Earth is often so heavy that many of you often find yourselves feeling uncomfortable in so many ways that it’s difficult to feel the positive with the seemingly unrelenting negative. We want to remind you, right now, that you are not there to experience the energy any longer. You are there to CHANGE the energy… to lighten it… to help raise it into the higher vibrations.

Robin Williams worked hard every day to lighten the load there on Earth with his comedy, for laughter, as you know, is not only the best medicine, but also the pathway to a brighter vibration.

So why, then, you ask, did his life end on such a dark note?

First, we want you to remember that you are much more than just a human being. You, like Robin, are a bright, shining, multidimensional light being. Your human life is one of many important roles that you are playing in the multiverse, dear ones. You are all made up of the very same magic that Robin’s soul shared with you there on Earth throughout his mission and human career as a comedian and actor. And, just like you, Robin was also encumbered with the same challenging obstacle that you possess: the human ego. Because of this human ego handicap, all light beings incorporate several exit strategies into their incarnate life plans as a human being. Yes, that’s right… just in case things get too unbearable… even for a light being, there is a “get out of polarity and duality fast and free” card. The use of this card does not signify weakness or cowardice. It simply signifies that there are alternatives and higher missions awaiting the energy of the light being in another realm or dimension that you cannot see, hear, feel or understand with your present ego blinders intact. Please do not judge suicide as a negative, for all human deaths are suicide in one way or another. If you had mastered the 5D or higher vibration, then you would not be slowly killing yourselves with negative thought patterns that manifest into physical disease within the physical body. Yes. All human death is suicide in one way or another… whether it is the awakened conscious choice of the human being or the higher self, it IS all the same.

We want to remind you, right here and now, that your personal vibration is always controlled by YOU and you alone. Your vibration has always been your personal choice, NOT the result of something. It is time for you to take responsibility for your OWN reality by understanding that YOU, as a collective, have all of the power within you to change the vibration of your planet. No one else… no fleet of peace-loving galactics, no benevolent band of angels, and no one supreme being is going to swoop in and save you. It is up to YOU, as a collective, to begin to control and raise your own vibration instead of constantly reacting to the existing vibration and “waiting on the world to change.” NO. It does not work that way. If you are WAITING, then you will always BE WAITING.

It has been said before, and it is being said AGAIN and AGAIN… YOU are the ones you have been waiting for. YOU are the ones who are there to change the energy on Earth with your own personal, loving, raised vibration. What happens to you can only affect your vibration if you allow it. If you are mission-oriented, then you will not allow it. If you are self-loving and determined to create your own reality of a better world for yourself, your loved ones, your community, your human family and your planet, then you will stand steadfast against all fear-based negative energy, ego projections and abusive behaviors.

HOW, you ask? By practicing self love. Always. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Self love ensures a high personal vibration. So love yourself and love you neighbor, equally. Help others love themselves. This is your mission, individually AND as a collective.

Right now, your collective energy is being controlled by your mass media with the communication of fear-based energy, consumerism and materialism. Yes. STILL. Had enough? Change it! FIRST… change you. THEN, help others change themselves for the better. Empower each other by helping everyone love themselves enough to raise their personal vibration.

Remember that the energy of the collective is what wields the true power and control on your planet. It is your collective energy that dictates whether your planet and her inhabitants ascend or not. Keep this in mind with your thoughts that are constantly creating your reality: your collective unity consciousness controls your planet. And… it is time to lighten the load, starseeds. That is, after all, your mission. Raise your vibration, and raise the vibration of the collective.

We have faith in you!

Pleaidian Message Regarding Access Symbols to Web of Collective Unity Consciousness


Message from Jen

Hello fellow Starseeds! A few of you are asking for clarification regarding the symbol you received from Peter to access the Web of Collective Unity Consciousness (WCUC). I knew questions would arise, so I asked Peter if I should share the symbol I received. He said no. Here is the reason: The symbol is different for each individual Starseed. I will let Peter explain the rest.

Message from Peter

Dearest Starseeds, we do apologize for any confusion regarding the access symbol. It will, indeed, be a different symbol for each individual starseed. The symbol was encoded into your DNA by your higher self for secure connection purposes. More than likely, your access symbol will be extremely familiar to you, and there is good reason for that. You have most likely found yourself attracted to this particular symbol since your awakening. The first time you ever noticed it, you were most likely fascinated by it, and began drawing it often or have purchased several items for yourself that have this symbol in it. The reason for your fixation on this particular symbol isn’t necessarily what you think it is. The reason is actually because your higher self encoded it into your DNA as your pass symbol to the Web.

SO… that mystery being solved… let’s try this again. When you are relaxed and heart centered, call on me, Peter, to telepathically flash your PERSONAL symbol to you. Once you have it, you can envision it in your mind’s eye anytime you would like to access the Web. Please do not share your symbol with others. Yes, you have backup symbols encoded in case you accidentally shared it in your excitement or anxiety about whether or not you saw the right symbol.

Again, please relax, Starseeds. We know you are all very anxious to connect with one another and to begin your personal and group missions. We are excited about this, too! This is why we ask you to become relaxed and heart centered, so that you can be absolutely certain in faith that you have the correct symbol and that yes, you have indeed made a clear connection.

As stated before, if you are unable to connect, simply work on raising your vibration.

We are currently working on some new information for you entitled Steps to Self Love that should be published this coming weekend that will help you work on raising your vibration if you continue to experience access issues.

Until then, all our love to you!

URGENT Pleiadian Message for all Starseeds 1.30.2014

ImageNote from Jen: Peter has not asked me to share any messages for a long time. This one felt rather urgent to share. He sounded quite grave and serious. I felt, at first, it might not even be him, and that the message would be all doom and gloom. However, what came through seems legitimate given my personal work and “mission” coming through my higher self Master Sarah/Scarborough. We began the Being Sarah chapter about the Web of Collective Consciousness last month which seemed to be put on hold for whatever reason. Now this message from Peter comes with what feels like a sense of urgency for all starseeds currently inhabited on Earth. If you know yourself to be a starseed, please become heart-centered before reading this message. Also, please share this far and wide AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE through all starseed channels to which you belong. Translation to other languages is requested.


Dear fellow brother and sister starseeds currently inhabiting planet Earth,

By this time, you know who you are. Or you at least know in your heart and soul that your light being originated from a star system that is not the one you currently inhabit. Whether you know yourself to be Pleiadian, Andromedan, Sirian, or the like, we call on you now to ascend into your higher self starseed being. It is time to shed the human ego and transcend all that keeps you imprisoned in 3D bondage.

As we told you before, YOU are the ones you have been waiting for. And now is the time for you all to rise and shine your light onto the truth of the power and control you have subjected yourselves to for so very long now. You are there to free humanity from its own debt slavery, human trafficking, poverty, war, environmental destruction, and planet resource stripping. You are there to usher in the new, positive energy and not only witness, but to participate in the “changing of the guards.” For you, dear starseeds, are the new guardians of planet Earth, and it is you who will educate those still slumbering about the new, peaceful way of living, without fear and in full confidence that your lives are meant to be fair, free and enjoyed to the fullest as you nourish your mother, Gaia, back to health while instituting the technology that enables free energy to sustain the entire planet.

You have waited long enough to blossom into your full power and potential, dear ones. Now is the time to believe in yourselves and your personal power. Now is the time to gather together with your fellow starseeds and to begin developing your grand master plan which has been encoded within you since the day you incarnated into physical form. You all have a piece of the puzzle, and it is time to share your piece with the others to create the big picture, which you all have a snapshot of in your mind’s eye. You all know in your hearts how this will play out. It is time to begin using your telepathic and visionary gifts and sharing them with one another. The faster and sooner the better!

You have a communication web that you all created for yourselves to use exactly for this time. It is now time for you to telepathically access that web of unity collective consciousness and begin filling it with your visions and heart knowledge/wisdom. Only starseeds of the proper vibration can begin using this web. If you cannot access it, then you need to work on your personal vibration. I am now sending out a visionary symbol that will give you access to this communication web. Close your eyes now and look to your mind’s eye to see it. This is what you must envision in order to gain secure access to the web. It is already encoded within you, so, if you are meant to see it, you will, and it will give you complete access to the web once you envision it if you are in correct, heart-centered vibration when you do so.

Many of you starseeds are clustered close together within various regions throughout your planet, and you are all encoded with your personal missions. Those you are living close to in proximity are all assigned to the same mission or missions that are linked to one another. Remember, you each hold a key piece to the puzzle, and each of you is needed at this time to contribute your piece. Do not hold back your energy from this project or your mission. The big picture cannot be complete without you. Trust us when we tell you that you KNOW in your HEART what your mission is.

Drop all fears and grievances now for the sake of your planet and all of the people you love so dearly. Become heart-centered, joyful and loving. You are needed. Immediately.

One people, one planet, one love.

Please relax and focus your intentions and connect to the web of unity consciousness. NOW is the time.

All our love and protection to you.

Peter and Pleidian Ring of 500.