How can an Akashic Reading help with Holiday Blues?


‘Tis the season… holiday time! For many (especially kids and the young at heart) the holidays bring excitement and anticipation, but for some, the holiday season can bring a sense of sadness and withdrawl, especially if there has been a recent loss within the family.


Some of us are spending the holidays completely alone not just because the blood relatives bring too much agony, but we are also single, either due to breakup or the passing of a beloved. The feeling of loneliness and separation that accompanies the holiday season for people like us can, at times, be overwhelming and unbearable.


For those courageous enough to attend holiday gatherings and face those family members who trigger the lower, darker energies within us — whether it be fear, anger, pain, anxiety, sadness or just a general uneasiness or rigidness — holiday time can feel especially stressful or bothersome.


The key to managing or even rising above these holiday blues is to take a good, honest look at your personal triggers, especially if the triggers are directly linked to other people, such as friends, relatives or in-laws, and to transmute those triggers with love and light.

If you are still having difficulties finding or identifying your triggers or blocks, a soul reading that accesses your Akashic Records can be quite healing this holiday season. A look into your records can reveal soul contracts with others within your soul group and the lessons your light beings have agreed to teach one another in this incarnation. A reading can also put you in touch with loved ones who have crossed over into spirit world for an inspiring holiday message. Or you can simply learn how marvelous you truly are! There is no better gift to give yourself or a loved one than a healing Akashic soul reading!

To schedule a reading with Jen, please visit this link:

You can even schedule one for your pet… if your pet agrees!


Best of luck with that! 🙂

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