Message to Our American Families from The Pleaidian Ring of 500 – Affiliates of The Pleiadian Council of Light

The original message from Peter came through on February 27, 2012, but I was hesitant to share it until I saw a video this morning (embedded at the bottom of this post) that proposed something similar. After further discussion with my Pleiadian brother Peter, I agreed to record his telepathic message on the subject. Although this message leans more toward Americans, I do think it can be applied globally. ~ Jen

Hello, Jen, it is I, Peter, your Pleiadian brother from The Ring of 500, Affiliates of the Pleiadian Council of Light. We are so pleased to hear from you how many people have delighted in our first message through you. We thank you and your friends who helped spread the message across your Internet system. As you stated to some of your friends, our first message was, yes, basically geared toward the newly awakened souls of your planet. We apologize for its length, but we felt the need to cover a lot of ground quickly. Jen, you have wondered about taking questions from people, and that would be fine, although we do not wish to wear out our channel too quickly! We have lots we wish to share with you, as you know, and several others within our group are very eager to talk to you and through you, as well.

The hot topic of the moment, as we are well aware, is the financial situation. I spoke to you last night about making the suggestion, and I know you were a bit nervous with the subject matter, but now that you have seen the video about the “I don’t pay” movement that is quickly sweeping your way in the United States after kicking off quite successfully in Greece, you have communicated to me that you feel more comfortable with the subject matter we discussed last night, so let’s get down to it.

Although you are witnessing many big bank CEOs resigning left and right across the globe, you need to know that those of you who are still cruising along with the “business as usual” attitudes, dutifully paying your bills and your taxes there in the United States of America…you are the very people who are keeping the financial elite alive and hanging on by a thread. Okay, maybe more like a pretty thick rope. You see, even though some of them have been cut off by larger, international lending institutions, their bread is still buttered by the profits they make from the money they have lent you and are collecting monthly – with interest. Yes, we are speaking of loans and credit cards. Those bits and pieces – mere scraps, mind you, compared to what they WERE hoarding for themselves in stolen, fiat money – are what continue to support these thieves who keep all their riches to themselves.

Now, if the money were real – backed by something substantial such as gold and precious metals, or gemstones, even, then we would hesitate to suggest what we are about to, be it considered a  somewhat unethical tactic. HOWEVER, if you have been paying attention and doing your homework, you know that most of the money that is loaned out by the Federal Reserve to the hardworking citizens of your country doesn’t even exist in most cases. So…that being said…and given what these immoral scoundrels have done to keep the majority of you in lack for centuries, we feel no guilt for what we are about to suggest. But, of course, it is going to take the majority of you to pull it off.

Here’s our suggestion. Cut them off. As much as you can. We’re not suggesting you put your home ownership on the line, of course. But, if you can get by without a credit card or two…or three or four…then stop paying them. Especially those with the highest interest rates. Student loans are another one to sacrifice. After all, they cannot repossess your education.

If this is absolutely out of the question for you, then consider filing bankruptcy on credit card debt if you are able. Although, do know, most big lending houses are insured for this sort of thing. But, again…insured with fiat money. But, still, somehow it continues to have value.

These are the small steps you can take right out of your very own home without having to spill into the streets or subject yourselves to tear gas at an Occupy event. And it will free up more cash for the more important things in life – while your cash still has any value, that is.

If enough people participate in this “I don’t pay” movement, you will see those with all the power crumble much, much faster. Again, it is a suggestion. Do know that a new financial system is on its way. There is nothing to fear in empowering yourselves in this manner. You will not be penalized for doing so with the new financial system.  The only folks who will be penalized are the elite families who kept so much from you for so long.

Remember, none of you were ever meant to experience such lack. No one was ever meant to live in poverty. Your rightfully entitled abundance has been stolen from you by a group of cold, senseless beings . It is entirely up to you whether or not you reclaim it.

We will continue to brainstorm on our end new and creative ways to assist you in reclaiming your financial abundance. We are still running numbers and other detailed scenarios on what a complete and total global work stoppage might accomplish for you. We realize it is extreme and radical, but so is creating $16 trillion out of thin air, if you know what we mean.

We wish you all the best, and, of course, to “live long and prosper.” Ahh, but we jest. In all seriousness, we do wish to let your audience know that, despite what you see as a dismal outlook for your financial sector, we truly do see brighter days ahead for you all. We can be a playful bunch at times, and for this, we do apologize, if any offense is taken.

Love and peace to you all. This is Peter of The Ring of 500, Affiliates of The Pleiadian Council of Light, signing off until next time. Nemaste, our brothers and sisters.

NOTE: You may share this material, but please credit Jen Freer as the channel, and please reference as your source. Thank you.

36 thoughts on “Message to Our American Families from The Pleaidian Ring of 500 – Affiliates of The Pleiadian Council of Light

  1. I would like to ask Peter if worrying about IRS payments and home foreclosure at this moment is a waste of time. Specifically trying to bend over backwards and send the IRS money to stop the letters and threat of garnishment – I don’t fear the IRS but want to make my life as carefree as I can at this time – should I just keep sending them money right now when I could use that money to help my family and friends. 🙂

    • I have asked him these questions for myself and he keeps replying “you do not have to pay them” and “don’t worry about that.” So, there is your answer. However, you must keep in mind that their “timeline” and our linear time are not always the same. For example, they have been saying “soon” about getting NESARA passed for 12 years now. SO…let your conscience be your guide. I will not take ANY responsibility for what you choose to do. I, personally, continue to pay what I can, with mortgage and auto loans being priority over everything else, including income taxes, because I need a roof over my head and transpo to work until we are truly “free.” So look out for number one. Worry about foreclosure on your home before Uncle Sam.

  2. Hi , peter and council, I was just wondering about the whole mutual fund scenarios, does that create real reserves of cash, or are the just stealing from us that way too , thanks and light to you

    • Hi, Christina.

      Peter says:

      None of the American currency has any real worth. It is all fiat money. As good as Monopoly money or plastic poker chips. It is a fake system with no real worth or value. The new financial system will bring a total global reset, which will cancel out all debts and redistribute wealth. Nothing is lost. There is only gain. No one will ever experience lack again. Abandon your worries and fears about this current system. You are losing nothing. Only gaining. Trust that. Believe that. Know that. ~ Peter

      • Thanks Patrick! Have you or anyone you know of ever really done thing that Jen said someone blogged about on a different site? Writing the IRS a check on their letter??
        Mentally difficult – could you elaborate please?

      • while I’m at it – what about home foreclosure? When I pay my lawyer off I hope to be filing chapter 7 – haven’t paid lawyer yet so he can’t file for me. Freddie and Fannie want their $$$$ LOL

      • No I have not. I am 3 months into this year without paying them. I am working on defenses at the moment. I haven’t even finished the CTC book, but I got half way through to know my strategy is flawed (I used their forms to go exempt, i need to rise above that form and work with my payroll dept). So I have it on my agenda to finish shortly after tax season finishes…only can do so much in one day and one week and one month 🙂

      • ulskiw – home foreclosures depends on if you have $…there is a fool proof way especially if your mortgage has MERS fingerprints on it…i dont own a home so I have spent NO TIME looking into how/what the strategies are. I will say this, it depends on funds…i have two places I would recommend, but due to the nature of ONE of them, I can not discuss it publicly.

        YOURREMEDYISTHELAW is one of the best…though pricey, but how much is your home worth you know? It comes down to STANDING YOUR GROUND and send letters, lots and lots of letters. administrate your affairs and stay our of the CORP COURTS! DO NOT IGNORE A SINGLE LETTER YOU GET!!!!!!

      • sorry Patrick – one more question – Have you known anyone that has done this?

        Whenever you get a letter from the IRS demanding that you pay amount: $XXXXX.XX, then this is what you should know:
        The IRS usually always sends you the check to pay your bill if you believe it or not. The perforated remittance that is attached to the letter is the check…you just need to turn it into one.

        as blogged here by Jen?

      • PS, i dont think u need to file bankruptcy, but that’s a personal decision…just ELIMINATE the debts, dont subordinate and let bankers decide your fate (or a court for that matter). TAKE IT INTO YOUR HANDS…maybe you should email me privately.

      • Re: Remittance…

        The theory makes sense…however the application I am 100% unsure of. I am aware of the remittance angle. Since we are based in debt, we have no money for real, this actually makes perfect sense. However there is a massive problem in my eyes with this strategy.

        It follows that the entity’s account you are accessing is not your property. See it is a fictional account in YOUR ALL CAPS NAME, and you are the trustee. I think, the living person is the trustee (i am 90%+ on that) and so the government is the executor and beneficiary of that trust. It just happens to be in your name. Your parents made you trustee through the registration of the birth certificate. That gave legal title of your body to the government as beneficiary and executor (again I am 90%, just not clear on when/how they separate the duties.)

        So the problem with this theory is I have heard of plenty of people trying this A4V (Accepted for value), trying to access the public (though hidden from you) account in your ALL CAPS NAME that supposedly has money in it and they go to jail for it. Winston Shroud is the top man on this and I think he got himself deeply in some hot water but I think he’s still out…I honestly don’t remember its been awhile since I’ve looked at A4V material.

        To truly understand this Frank o Collins is the man with a plan. I am currently taking in information from him as he’s gone all the way back to ecclesiastical law and roman law, the birth of our current cancer. He might have the most comprehensive grasp of this but one must use discernment, he is a member of this inner circles and he claims he rebelled against it. His uncle is a top priest at the Vatican I do believe and he says he learned about everything from the inside out and now he’s sharing how to take your legal power back.

        You must begin to see the layers of onion this is. Ecclesiastical gave birth to all other forms after. So when you are dealing in UCC law (commercial law), you are in some of the lowest form of law, actually it might be the lowest now that I think about it. Bottom line, there are multiple strategies just depending on how you want to set the dominoes up to fall. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is being free in Mind. If you remain free in Mind, the answers will present themselves…just dont give up on YOUR SELF!

  3. RE: GET RID OF IRS DEBT – I would definitely want to do this – I owe the IRS – can you elaborate more on this? I don’t mind trying this out since they took my 2011 refund and I still owe them

      • Go here:

        download 3/28 show. scroll in one hour and sit back for 30 mins.

        then go here:

        🙂 Its basically like this. claim the house through a quiet title action. you first NOTICE the chief magistrate though and get permission. quiet title works as such. you have documents proving ownership. you are first in lien and are basically legal squatter. now if anyone brings documents showing they are the true owner then u lose. here is kicker…the banks are the only ones going to do that and guess what MERS screwed up all the transfers through the trusts so they cant prove they hold the title/note what have you. this is the best I have as this is outside my experience thus far…

  4. Hi, Thank You for sharing, really enjoyed your channeled messages. Question to Patrick, doses he know anyone in Canada I could get support from regarding our laws? Thank You, Kindest Regards, CW

    • Canada has some of THE BEST material out there! Look up a gentlemen named Arthur Menard along with Dean Clifford…Dean is probably #1 right now from where I sit!

      • Hey, Patrick! I found this in a comment on another blog a few weeks ago, and I’ve been meaning to ask you about it. This is the post. Please respond and let me know your thoughts on it:


        Whenever you get a letter from the IRS demanding that you pay amount: $XXXXX.XX, then this is what you should know:
        The IRS usually always sends you the check to pay your bill if you believe it or not. The perforated remittance that is attached to the letter is the check…you just need to turn it into one.
        Since there is no real money (Gold/Silver) to “lawfully” pay a public debt [not to be construed as “legally”] as the United States is still operating in Bankruptcy [1933] under chapter 11 reorganisation, you take the remittance and do the following:

        – You write “Pay to the order of: United States Treasury”
        – put in the amount i.e.: $1234.56
        – write out the amount: i.e. “onethousandtwohundredthirtyfourdollarsfiftysixcents”
        – Date it
        – put in your SSN with dashes
        – reference the form if you know it: i.e.: “1040” “1041” ect…
        – Sign it in RED INK. Just like they did 100’s of years ago they signed in Blood. [always sign in RED INK]
        – under your signature you put ” Authorized Signature” (Just like on the microprint of the signature line of a personal check).
        – send it certified, however I like to send it registered. Certified is “Public” and Registered is “private”. You are a private citizen doing business with the public (IRS).

        The IRS will accept this as payment and use your “bank account number” (SSN) to access your credit to adjust the debt.
        So all you ever really had to do is to “click your heels” as you were following the yellow-brick road (Following the Gold-Bricks/Money).

      • Freer Spirit Re: Remittance…

        The theory makes sense…however the application I am 100% unsure of. I am aware of the remittance angle. Since we are based in debt, we have no money for real, this actually makes perfect sense. However there is a massive problem in my eyes with this strategy.

        It follows that the entity’s account you are accessing is not your property. See it is a fictional account in YOUR ALL CAPS NAME, and you are the trustee. I think, the living person is the trustee (i am 90%+ on that) and so the government is the executor and beneficiary of that trust. It just happens to be in your name. Your parents made you trustee through the registration of the birth certificate. That gave legal title of your body to the government as beneficiary and executor (again I am 90%, just not clear on when/how they separate the duties.)

        So the problem with this theory is I have heard of plenty of people trying this A4V (Accepted for value), trying to access the public (though hidden from you) account in your ALL CAPS NAME that supposedly has money in it and they go to jail for it. Winston Shroud is the top man on this and I think he got himself deeply in some hot water but I think he’s still out…I honestly don’t remember its been awhile since I’ve looked at A4V material.

        To truly understand this Frank o Collins is the man with a plan. I am currently taking in information from him as he’s gone all the way back to ecclesiastical law and roman law, the birth of our current cancer. He might have the most comprehensive grasp of this but one must use discernment, he is a member of this inner circles and he claims he rebelled against it. His uncle is a top priest at the Vatican I do believe and he says he learned about everything from the inside out and now he’s sharing how to take your legal power back.

        You must begin to see the layers of onion this is. Ecclesiastical gave birth to all other forms after. So when you are dealing in UCC law (commercial law), you are in some of the lowest form of law, actually it might be the lowest now that I think about it. Bottom line, there are multiple strategies just depending on how you want to set the dominoes up to fall. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is being free in Mind. If you remain free in Mind, the answers will present themselves…just dont give up on YOUR SELF!

    • At this point, I can’t say its over. They are basically leaving me alone thus far. I am still waiting to hear from a third party over the matter which indicates a charge off and I KNOW then I am done with them. I am speaking on the credit cards here…Chase flat said they wont respond to any more of my letters. Sweet…every single time they send one, I RTS it with my conditions for acceptance on the reverse side scribbled out (yes i write on the outside, back, I will accept this if you will answer the dispute for this account roughly speaking). Then circle address and put RTS! If they send junk mail, I’d send blank envelopes to give the mail man something to do on BANKS dime.

      The student loans I am in limbo. I sent final letter beginning of March. Its been two weeks and they are so far silent. I assume legal is involved now because all my prior letters they responded in under a week (they are local, in town) with poor responses.

      Look the issue is this. Everyone will have a different experience but I conduct my business with all the honor I can muster. I give them every opportunity to prove their claim as I make my claims against them. They either ignore me or pretend I asked something else. They wont start really asking for my money until June so I wont know how well this will work until after then. I constantly seek a higher expression of my energy to advise me. I know who I am and I know what they’ve done and I beg them to take me to court to prove it. What would you do if you were accused of this, you think I am wrong, but your legal department says he’s got a point? You’d probably be silent which is acquiescence in the law.

      We need to form local communities of support so when they do come down on someone, we have people who will help, lend support and show up if need be in court! This is how the freemen of UK are taking back their lands by having each others backs. We can not do this alone.

      ALSO please look into the UPPER CASE Name and your “Christian” name. Never sign these letters as the fictional entity that owes them (the UPPER CASE YOUR NAME). You are the authorized representative. You are not this fictional upper case name. You are not a MR or MRS (these are legal titles). It takes a bit of reading to truly get the material. I joke, I got a self made graduate degree in the Law after I graduated college. I ALMOST went to Law school. I realized I didnt need the burden of more debt and decided to learn all about it on my own. I only tend to learn what I need to know, what is practical in my situation.

      So far I have deREGISTERED (look that word up in a law dictionary) my voter registration and started canceling debts I don’t owe. The biggie, income taxes is my current project. Just keep reminding yourself why you are doing this when you get scared. I am not consenting to this madness anymore…

      The final straw will be the letters to the credit bureaus. I am waiting a few more months before pulling it so I can be sure all the CC’s will be on there and then I’ll fire off the letters to them and wait to see what happens. I want to sit down and get all the steps/ideas/concepts down that is needed to do this, but it verges on the edge of legal research/legal advice so I have to be clear to this point, this is all legal research I have done, not advice 🙂

  5. I have some experience to accomplish this ethically in the US. But to FEEL ethical for not paying, first we must explain some minor details.

    You have not been paid for your labor or pay for debts incurred since 1933. It took one generation for the FED RESERVE to destroy the domestic currency markets in their favor. Look up gresham’s law…bad money always drives out good.

    So if you are not getting PAID for your labor, what is going on? Simple…your signature creates money. When you sign a credit card application you are given a line of CREDIT (we don’t even sign anymore, its all electronic, so even less legal). The sad part is this is your money created with your signature but instead of it being a credit amount, its treated as debt because money IS debt. Everything in this system is backwards since 1933…we walked through the looking glass folks, landed in OZ all the stories/movies have been trying to tell us!

    So when you sign that paper, you create money but only if you go to a member of the FED RESERVE banking MOB. When you purchase something, the vendor is supposed to get credited the amount, and your account would be debited and the transaction is complete. However the BANK says, you owe them back your own signature money PLUS INTEREST. And we wonder why they are so “rich.” They risked nothing, their own money was not risked to extend us “credit” which is treated as DEBT.

    There is a way out ethically in my opinion. I am not about dishonoring anyone as I seek to honor my Self in every moment. Since all of you are simply pieces of me, I do not want to violate our contract that I ignorantly signed. So I use the credit dispute law to force this issue into the open and force them to answer my claim, namely that my signature created the money and you are not risking any of your own money and all those times I bought something, you should have debited my account and left it be. Below is the first dispute letter sent…it is highly detailed and if you read it, you will come to know a little more on how the monetary system actually functions.

    I have a degree in corporate finance and studied economics post grad. I wasn’t liked because I pointed much of this out to professors. I barely escaped with my piece of paper 🙂

    One Love Adonai!


    Joe Dokes
    City, State, Zipcode
    CERTIFIED MAILING NUMBER: 1111-2222-3333-4444-5555

    Customer Service
    City, State, Zipcode
    ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1111-2222-3333-4444 AMOUNT IN DISPUTE: $ 6352.37

    This Verified Billing Error Dispute Notice establishes prima facie evidence as to the assertions made herein, and is taken pursuant to the Truth in Lending Act & Fair Credit Billing Act, 15 USC Sec. 1666 et seq. and Public Law 93-495 – October 28, 1974, and 12 CFR 226.13, et seq.



    I, Joe Dokes, declare and state: I am writing concerning a billing error on my account. The monthly statements are inaccurate because they should reflect a bank liability (money owed to me), and not a debt. I am requesting that the error be corrected, and that any finance and other charges related to the disputed amount be credited to properly reflect the transactions that occurred. This Billing Error is limited to your failure to credit my account for credits received, as explained herein, and is not to be construed as alleging anything else.


    1. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s publication – Modern Money Mechanics, Page 6: “Of course, they (the banks) do not really pay out loans from the money they receive as deposits. If they did this, no additional money would be created. What they do when they make loans is to accept promissory notes in exchange for credits to the borrower’s transaction accounts.”
    2. Account Ledger: CreditCardCompany1 accepted my signed promises to pay, receipts, notes or other similar instruments as bank money, creating and issuing new credits to my account that resulted in a bank liability (money owed to me).
    3. Payments to merchants and other financial institutions: CreditCardCompany1 used my new credits to pay merchants or other financial institutions for charges to the account.
    4. Monthly Statements: CreditCardCompany1 failed to enter the new credits on my monthly statements.
    5. Additional payments: CreditCardCompany1 received additional payments, interest and other finance fees, which should have been posted as additional credits to the account, resulting in a bank liability. The error was not apparent in the monthly statements or otherwise disclosed to me, thus no notice was given. However, the statements are a reflection of an underlying in-house error and thus subject to correction.
    6. 12 CFR 226.13(a): [X] The Billing Error stated herein represents: “(4) A reflection on a periodic statement of the creditor’s failure to credit properly a payment or other credit issued to the consumer’s account; (5) A reflection on a periodic statement of a computational or similar error of an accounting nature that is made by the creditor; (6) A reflection on a periodic statement of an extension of credit for which the consumer requests additional clarification, including documentation evidence.”
    7. POSTING DATE(S): [X] All dates listed on the statements.
    8. TRANSACTION DATE(S): [X] All dates listed on the statements.
    9. TRANSACTION(S): [X] All transactions listed on the statements.
    10. NAME OF MERCHANT(S): [ ] N/A. This Billing Error Dispute does not involve any merchant(s).


    • A complaint about unauthorized charges on the credit card.
    • A complaint about undelivered goods and services or an overcharge by a merchant.
    • A dispute with a merchant or a dispute about a specific item of goods or services.
    • A complaint about the quality of the goods or services.
    • A complaint about alleged fraudulent and deceptive banking practices.
    • A complaint about alleged claims regarding perpetration of fraud.
    • A complaint about an unlawful extension of credit or creating credit instead of money.
    • A complaint about my legal obligation to pay back money owed. • A complaint about fraudulent creation of the account or an invalid agreement.
    • A refusal to pay, or if I made charges to the account.
    • A complaint about whether I accepted the terms and conditions and benefited.
    • A preconditioning of my obligation to repay the party that funded the capital for money loaned.


    Fair Credit Billing Act. Requirements:

    1. An acknowledgment of the dispute within thirty (30) days. 15 USC Sec. 1666(a)(3)(A);
    2. If the error is not corrected, a written explanation report following a reasonable investigation, including the production of documentation evidence, within ninety (90) days. 15 USC Sec. 1666(a)(3)(B)(ii); and
    3. No restrictions or adverse actions on the account, pending resolution. 15 USC Sec. 1666(d). FAIR CREDIT BILLING ACT VIOLATIONS.

    Failure to follow the rules pending resolution:

    1. Relinquishment of the right to collect any alleged debt on the account. 12 CFR 226.13(d)(1);
    2. Exposure to liability for actual damages plus twice the amount of the finance charges. 15 USC Sec. 1640(a)(1)&(2); and
    3. Potential criminal liability for willful and knowing violation of the FCBA and other Truth in Lending provisions. 15 USC Sec. 1611(1)&(3).


    I hereby state that this Billing Error Dispute will be withdrawn if CreditCardCompany1 verifies the following statements under oath:
    1. That they do not follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (hereinafter “GAAP”) or the Federal Reserve Bank’s policies and procedures;
    2. That they did not create any new credits from my signed promises to pay, receipts, notes or other similar instruments, and use said new credit to pay for the charges to the account;
    3. That they used their own assets or other depositor’s money to fund the charges on the account;
    4. That I am not entitled to have the account credited for any form of payment that they accept as money and/or assets under GAAP, or otherwise; and
    5. That the foregoing was disclosed to me on a specified date in a document that is attached and incorporated into the affidavit.

    Failure to verify the above five (5) statements under oath shall constitute additional proof that the stated Billing Error is correct.


    Notice to the Principal is Notice to the Agent, and Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal.

    WHEREFORE, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best o f my information and belief.

    Joe Dokes
    City, State, Zipcode

    cc: Consumer Protection Division, Office of the Attorney General, P.O. Box 12548, Austin, Texas 78711-2548 (512) 463-2070
    Federal Trade Commission, 8303 Elmbrook Drive, Dallas TX 75247 (214) 767 7050

      • Not a problem! I am so happy to finally be doing what it is I came here to do 🙂 Well, at least I am awake enough now, perhaps just aware, of what I am doing rather than just going through the motions…

        The energies are beyond phenomenal now…the intense negative polarity is withering and we can all expedite it by denying them our energy which to them is MONEY AND FEAR!

      • I feel the same way! Nothing but happiness since I began reading the Akashic Records for others, and now even more so since I have begun publishing these channels with my Star Family! You’re awesome, Patrick! If you’re on FB, swing on by the FreerSpirit Akashic Readings page and give it a LIKE so we can connect! Love and light!

      • Thank you and it takes guts to put this on the net…I have played with a few sites and I’ve just never put much effort so I applaud you!

        I’m not on FB, well I am but its turned off…since they wont let me delete my own stuff, oh wait, I don’t own it:

        Just not a FB fan, but we’ll definitely be sharing a lot as next week feels like the kickoff to the big game…

  6. Jen this is an awesome message! I’m so happy you decided to post it. I’m going to repost it on my blog. I love that Peter doesn’t mince his words, he’s direct and to the point!
    Thank you Thank you Thank you

    • Thank you, Debbie! It took a lot of courage, but I did it, and it feels great! I am so happy with all of the positive feedback I have been receiving from so many who say this totally resonates with them and has brought them a feeling of relief! I will definitely continue to channel messages from my star family and share them as often as possible. Namaste, my sister. ❤

  7. I set up Soul Energies R&D LLC to create a Lightworkers healing, teaching and trainig center (LIGHTWORKERS BASE) for creating NEW EARTH SPIRITUAL EMERGENCY HEALER COMMUNITY jobs and services that work with our divine Soul (love and light) energy connections to the Holy Spirit realm and lightships.

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