Now TRENDing: #Twin-Flame #SoulMates# ~ Debunking the Myths (Part One)

Most twin-flame gurus will tell you that you’re estranged from your twin flame because you “still have work to do,” or that you “need to work on yourself more; love yourself more.” Even after you’ve done all the therapy and loved yourself raw and you’re still finding yourself alone, you’re still thinking, because THE GURUS said so, that you can’t make it to 5D without a harmonious reunion with your twin-flame soul mate. You believe without this unconditional love for yourself and each other, you simply cannot ascend. Some may even try to tell you that the one you believe to be your twin-flame was actually a “false twin” or a “catalyst,” leaving you even more confused than ever before. That’s the last thing you need when you feel like you can’t breathe… can’t function… can’t even LIVE anymore.

So I decided it’s time for us to really dig for the truth about this twin-flame business. Using some of the “information” found around the internet that never resonated with me about twin-flame soul mates as well as some questions from my clients, I created the following list and asked for my Akashic team to please reveal the truth for all of us.