Pleiadian Message: It’s GO Time!


This is a channeled message I received from my star brother, Peter, of the Pleiadian Ring of 500, on Sunday, April 1, 2012. No foolin’.

Greetings and hello to all our Earth being family members! This is Peter, once again, from the Pleidian Ring of 500, and my crew and I are orbiting your planet, serving as intel for the Pleiadian Council of Light, The Galactic Federation of Light, and Ashtar Command. What we do, in a nutshell, is a lot of “real-time research,” if you will. Basically we intercept all kinds of information from various satellites (yes, especially the “top secret” kind, which we decode and decipher for our allies in the skies. Our ship crew is made up of a diverse group. We’re not all Pleiadians. We have Sirians, Arcturians and Andromedans aboard as well.

We group together in small teams, and we work together in various categories. For example, my small group works on the political scene. I cover what is going on in the U.S. while others in my group focus on other countries. We do conduct our investigations on our assigned country, and then come together to update one another and cross reference any suspicious movements. Then we gather with the larger group and discuss our findings with those who are strictly monitoring your global finance sectors, military sectors and other things such as healthcare, media, and natural resources.

We keep our eye on what you have been referring to as the cabalists, New World Order, old regime, Bilderburgers, Skull and Bones Secret Society, mafia and more. The good news about these groups, which many of you already know, is that they are pretty much incapacitated at this point. Our ground crew (special ops teams) is taking care of them quite nicely. Arrests are being made. April should shape up as a fairly productive month for all of you, and we do mean on a global scale.

The cabalists are fighting amongst themselves, turning on one another, and cutting each other off financially. One prime example is JP Morgan closing the financial door  on the Vatican. It is quite amusing to watch from here. We get a good chuckle now and then as we observe these antics. Not that any of what they have done to you is a laughing matter, of course, but what they are currently doing to each other in their fear and panic is very entertaining. We hope you can find a way to laugh at all of it as well, because the higher vibrations from all of you are very, very necessary at this time.

Do know that NO ONE will suffer from the consequences. A new financial system is already in place. It is NOT the BRICS one you are reading about. There is a higher evolved group that has put this one together. They are based in Switzerland at the moment. NO ONE knows about them. Not even Ben Fulford. So don’t worry about whether his system will work or any of the others that are being talked about on this site or that site. Forget the chatter. All those folks are still operating from ego. Yes, they DO have inside information. Yes, most of it IS correct. But the final solution is still extremely top secret. It will be unveiled soon…after all governing houses are thoroughly cleaned.

For those of you hanging on Ben Fulford’s word about everything, please stop and think about it. Why would a group of nations who still have cabalist minions working for them be told of ANY new financial system? This is not to discredit Ben in any way. He does great work. He has been monumental in this shift. And his information about countries/nations in alliance with one another and supporting the BRICS new financial system is not incorrect. They are doing that. They are working on it. But their “solutions” are still very 3D and set in the old ways. Don’t waste any of your energy thinking about it or worrying about it. Think of it as a “decoy.” It’s not the real plan.

Now, recently, Archangel Michael has been channeled by two different reliable sources – his twin flame Ariel DeAngelis and Ron Head – as Ashtar Sheran of the Ashtar Command telling you that their restrictions for helping the people of Earth have been lifted and all systems for both Ashtar Command and Galactic Federation of Light are GO. And that is what is happening now. Ground crews are on the move, making  arrests and containing military movement in all countries.  Do NOT worry about things you have been reading from your still corrupt media such as “Martial Law.”

In the U.S., recent acts and bills signed by President Obama have NOT been put in place to detain or confine the American people. This “lockdown” has been put in place basically to detain/confine the cabalists in that country. You have been told by others that the American military will not turn on its own people. That is true. Unless, of course, you are somehow affiliated with the cabalists and assisting them in any manner. If you are, then you will be rounded up and sent to the very camps you created to hold American citizens.

Everyone who assisted in the attacks of the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001 will be rounded up as well. You have not gotten away with anything. Even though years have passed, enough evidence against you has been gathered, and you will not escape your consequences for this heinous, murderous crime, not only against your own people, but against many foreign representatives who died in that tragedy as well. That was no small operation by any means. MANY people were involved in that plot. And all of it was about MONEY. Gold that was being stored in the basement of one of the towers. MANY security personnel guarding that gold died that day. The planes hitting the other towers were just a distraction from what was really going on.

Gold and money have been the main source of all dastardly deeds on your planet. Wars have never truly been about religion. They have always been about money, which, on your planet, is what gives a false sense of power and control. So we say to you, again, THINK ABOUT IT. Why should anyone with this false mindset have the power to create a new financial system? It won’t work. You will only have more of the same. Until the mindset shifts into a more evolved consciousness regarding the true nature of abundance, and what abundance really IS…then you will only have more of the same.

We ask you now…all of you who are reading…to envision a world where all resources flow graciously, to everyone, FOR everyone…without lack. Imagine there IS no money. Everything you want and need is yours, and it is plentiful. The sky is the limit. No one is hoarding anything. There is no need to hoard. Everyone shares. Everyone helps one another by sharing talents and skills. No one needs to be paid for their services. Because love is the most valuable energy exchange. What does that look like to you? Utopia? Just know that this is possible. WITHOUT “money.” But it is up to all of you to reach that vibration. Just because the cabalists are being rounded up does not mean the end of your problems. It means less fear, of course. Which helps lift your vibrations. But it is only one small step. A new financial system that is fair will help a little. But it is still not the end of your problems. It is only a bandage. Without healing ointment. You vibration is the ointment. Raising your vibrations is what will heal your planet. And there is no reason you can’t start now. Because money isn’t going to solve your problems. We know it is one way to assist in raising your vibrations. But, as the old saying goes, money cannot buy happiness. It only buys material things. Materialism will not help you evolve. Materialism is a 3D habit. “Stuff” does not buy you happiness. Of course, it is important to be comfortable. It is important to not live in a fear-based world. And we know that, right now, money brings food, shelter, warmth and comfort. And having money will allow you to focus on other things. The more important things in life. Like LIVING. Traveling. Socializing. Meeting people of other cultures. Exploring other cultures. Finding your roots. Remembering who you ARE. WHY you exist. THESE are the important things. And this is how you step out of your boxes – your comfort zones – to discover that you – that WE – are all ONE.

We’re willing to wager that most of you have not taken the opportunity to swim with dolphins or get up close and personal with a primate. We’re willing to bet that the majority of you have not been to more than two other countries than the one you live in now. And we know the reason. Lack of money. Because, right now, in your world, EVERYTHING that should be free costs way more money than the majority of you can afford.

So what if the sky really WAS the limit? What if you really COULD just pick up and head to a tropical seacoast to swim with dolphins on a whim? Or, better yet, what if you could do it without having to pay a dime? Would you do it? Would you visit the places you’ve always wanted to see but never had time or money to do it? Would you try all the things you always wanted to try but could never afford? What if you could build the house of your dreams in your favorite location without signing your life away into slavery to pay the mortgage?

We’re telling you now that ALL of these things and MORE are possible. With NO LIMITS. All you have to do is raise your vibrations. Rise ABOVE it. Stop sitting around reading blog after blog about cabalist and unleash your energy to the Universe. We need your love vibes. It is now safe for you to raise you vibrations and send them out and around your planet. Stop waiting to see if the bad guys have been captured yet. Stop waiting for a new financial system. Those things are in the works, and they are inevitable, but we need YOUR vibrations to help it all come about faster. We need you to be joyful and grateful that you are FREE. Because you really are. Once you raise your vibrations, you ARE free. Once you live in light without fear…you are free. But it is up to YOU to begin doing that…without conditions.

Forget the news. Forget the channels. Just push on up and out. Unchain yourselves from your laptops and mobile devices and go LIVE. Be FREE. THAT is what we need YOU to do. You can check in any time once you raise your vibrations. And you don’t need a laptop or smartphone to do it, either. Just FEEL the air. Tap in, and you will know. You should already be able to feel progress right now. But you don’t need to read about it. You have the power to check in at any time by just stopping to relax, breathe, center into your heart chakra and FEEL what is going on.

We need you to stop taking the shortcuts. We need you to channel your energies into the planet now. Plug into a NEW source. Unity consciousness. We need you to all work together WITHOUT your computers. WITHOUT the Internet. You can do this. You have the tools. You have the skills. You no longer need your training wheels. If more of you begin this practice, you will begin to lift one another higher and higher with your love vibrations. If you all took the time you spend surfing the Internet and reading article after article (that only LOWERS your vibrations) and put it into meditative time, we could definitely reach our goals – and yours – much MUCH faster.

Please consider it. We are depending on you to begin doing ACTUAL LIGHT WORK.

Go into meditation. Find your happy place. Focus on it as LONG as you can, then send the high loving vibrations out around the planet. Imagine the light you’re sending out is enough to surround and embrace the whole planet. Send gold and green healing light. Send pink loving light. Send whatever color light you feel is necessary.  FEEL. Don’t think. Just FEEL. Love. And send.

Thank you! We love you! And we continue to send you love and light as well. Let’s get this planet rockin’ with love vibes. We know you can do it. It is, after all, why you signed up for this gig. Tell your friends. Tell your neighbors. Spread the love. Spread the light.

Peace, love and light to you all. I am Peter, your star brother from the Pleiadian Ring of 500. Nemaste.


Please feel free to share this message far and wide, but please reference when you do. This way, if people have questions, they can refer back to the channel, Jen Freer, and Peter can be questioned directly for further insight. Thank you, and peace and love to all! ~ Jen

78 thoughts on “Pleiadian Message: It’s GO Time!

  1. Hey there, my name is Noah and I’m a fellow blogger out of Louisville, United States. I’m glad to see the work you’re doing on this site. Coming upon was refreshing and helpful in terms of writing and work. Continue the great work guys: I’ve put you guys on my blogroll. I’m sure it will boost
    the appeal of my web site.

  2. I am new to this ….not able to comprehend much..tough i am now understanding things slowly and gradually. I am reading book called “Bringers of Dawn” and it has something which is above my human mind. I read book ” freedom of choice” and “Thiaoouba Prophecy”.

    Can any one enlighten me about what going on. what will happened on 21 dec 2012. how should i prepare for this. I started meditation, fortunately.

  3. Thanks allot for such valueable info. In fact I have been looking for such info for a long time n I still have some questions which I m sure will be answered here. I will post them later. Thanks allot dear members of Light I love u so much n want to have a loving comunion with u.

  4. irgalahadwizard: RE: Thats awfully peculiar… from my understanding and experience the Akashic Records are universal and anyone can access them. I have the Claircognizance ability and I just seem to tap into information directly, I end up “reading” people regardless of their defenses or barriers because im not actually reading the person – im reading the universal record of who they are.

    I thought Akashic Records couldn’t be read by anyone except ourselves when we leave this dimension and are shown them personally?? I don’t know just wanted to see if I could help my BF – I’ll just be there if he needs me

    Irgalahadwizard, any thoughts or comments would be appreciated

    • Your Akashic Records can be read by you or someone who reads them (given your permission) at any time. They are also accessible in your dream state, but most people cannot remember their dreams…until they have a “deja vu” moment.

  5. I’d like to see if Peter could help me with a question. I have a boyfriend who has told me that he sees the future and gets upset with me when I believe things i’ve stumbled upon by reading. His “future” seems bleak to me and I will listen to him but not agree with him. He’s also told me that when he was a child he was visited and they (I think ET’s) told him that they would be back for him. I’m not sure if this visitation was “evil” or good and recent events in his character has caused me to be concerned with something negative affecting him. He’s a good person but needs to let go of this negativity when it arises (he’s not negative all the time) but it comes up frequently and I try to squash it by talking to him positively. Is there something he needs to realize in himself about current events for him or is there something I can do??? I’m worried about him and deeply care for him. I’m sure Peter will know exactly what I’m getting at with this person as it is hard to explain. Any comments from Jen or Peter would be greatly appreciated and helpful 🙂 love and light!!!

    • Need more information. See if he can identify for you who these “ETs” are. Peter specializes more in the research of groups and organizations on Earth, not individuals. You’re getting more into what the Akashic Records are for, but you cannot access the records of your boyfriend. Only he can do that.

      • what kind of extra info would you need? i can give birth date, name? I should try to get a description from him. Is there anything that I can do to help him with this???

      • ok one other thing about my boyfriend – just curious on your thoughts – an aquaintance on line went into the dreamscape and approached him but he had his back turned to her – she said she got persistent and was messing with his ear to get his attention (and he infact felt something like that during the night). Is it necessarily a bad thing to have your back turned to someone? she saw me too but I don’t recall anything – she’s way more “tuned in” than I

      • Is there anything I could provide regarding my boyfriend that Peter could maybe use to help? I’ll try to convince him to get a reading but who knows…………. what does it mean when someone has their back turned to you in the dreamscape – not me persay but an aquaintance saw him and nudge him some and he had his back turned to her

      • Thats awfully peculiar… from my understanding and experience the Akashic Records are universal and anyone can access them.

        I have the Claircognizance ability and I just seem to tap into information directly, I end up “reading” people regardless of their defenses or barriers because im not actually reading the person – im reading the universal record of who they are.

        Maybe im tapping into an even higher plane, a different record of information?
        In the past there have been things I haven’t been able to read, but at the time the impression I got was my Higher Self was intentionally obscuring them for my own good, it wasn’t because I didn’t have permission to know them.

        More or less I do observe the guideline that we shouldn’t look if we don’t have permission, but it hasn’t ever stopped me before.

        There is also a loophole with that too, if you are involved with someone in any way you have the right to look into them, because who they are could affect you. They automatically consent by choosing to be in a relationship (of any kind – romantic, business, colleague – anything more than acquaintance)

        And because we each contain the Infinity of the Creation inside of us… that sort of makes everything out business if we consider it as such.

        So it really seems as if the rule that you need to get permission from someone else… is a self imposed rule.

        What is more important is what you do with the information you get. If you do nothing with the information at all, or because of that info, then it doesn’t really change anything for you to have known it.

      • Everyone has a right to access his/her own personal Akash. I can only access Akashic Records for people with their permission, and with the questions they provide me. Access without permission by the individual would basically be denied, or, if you THINK you’re getting information, it is most likely incorrect. You can ask your records about a person’s role in your life or why they have behaved a certain way or whatever, but it has to directly relate to you and you relationship with that individual. So, for example, I cannot go and just access the Akashic Records of President Obama. I would have to have his permission to do so. Trying to do so without permission is crossing ethical boundaries, and access will be denied.

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  7. Pleiadian Message: It’s GO Time! Freer Spirit I was suggested this blog by my cousin. I am not sure whether this post is written by him as no one else know such detailed about my trouble. You are incredible! Thanks! your article about Pleiadian Message: It’s GO Time! Freer SpiritBest Regards Lawrence

  8. Pleiadian Message: It’s GO Time! Freer Spirit I was suggested this website by my cousin. I am not sure whether this post is written by him as nobody else know such detailed about my trouble. You are amazing! Thanks! your article about Pleiadian Message: It’s GO Time! Freer SpiritBest Regards Justin

  9. One more thing – I was told by one of my Facebook friends, who I feel is very wise and in the know, that my boyfriend is a Jedi! Can that be true? Are there really Jedi’s??? If he’s a Jedi than what am I? Chubacka!!!! LOL 🙂

  10. I was wondering if our Star Brother could tell us what our human family (family members that have passed previously) are doing during all this? Also, what is a good way to meet our guides/angels and even if I could get their names and address them before I fall asleep.

  11. Hello Jen,
    thank you for your work, the messages are uplifting…

    Question regarding Obama: how did the Pleiadians come to see him positively? Have they had direct contact with him? or otherwise? I would like to see them respond in some detail.

    Is it possible that they are mistaken about him and his agenda…

    • No, they are not mistaken. They know by his vibration. Peter feels no further detail is necessary. They ask that you learn to feel your way by vibration, rather than reading and listening to media that is designed to keep you in duality. It is time to abandon logic and depend solely on what you feel, as opposed to what you think, or what you are allowing others to manipulate you to think.

    • The time is now especially for those who already recognize themselves as light workers or as I prefer spiritual warriors, to do every thing in there power to raise their vibration to love and appreciation. Please visit this movement has just been channeled and is very powerful. In order to create a powerful conscious resonance timing and consistence are key.
      Think about it… all our work is timed all our TV shows are perfectly timed, our holidays everything is timed and all of it is part of the illusion of fear and separation. Now is the time for the beings of light to dance to the same drum at the same time, timing is very important, it creates resonance.
      Remember we have already made the shift we just have to go through the steps. Life is fun, joyful and loving now be Who and What you truly are.

  12. I want to reach a higher vibration but am having difficulty – i can’t seem to meditate – is there something I can do or proclaim maybe before I fall asleep for instance that can aid me in reaching these vibrations. I also had a question of about crystals that I should get one to keep in my possession at all times that will aid in this process also

    • I have found Azeztulite to be the best crystal for meditation for myself, but you need to work with either Angelite or Aquamarine a LOT first, otherwise Azeztulite can be a bit of a shock to the system with its high vibrations. Ask your higher self to blend with you as much as possible and to assist you in meditation. Also, be sure you are breathing deeply and keeping this consistent. I find that this is key to achieving that relaxed state. Oh, and rosemary tea helps, too. But use organic rosemary in a tea ball. Steep it for ten minutes before drinking it. It will relax you fairly quickly. 😉

      • can these crystals be found locally? I’ve never really meditated before and working full-time with 3 dogs and an 8 year old daughter makes it seem impossible – that his why I asked about maybe holding a crystal with me and asking it to help. I’m a newbie at this but have been seeking the truth for years – any other advice you can give would be very helpful. Even the simplest type of meditation technique would work or an affirmation 🙂

      • thanks – I’ll try to find these crystals somewhere in Ohio. Another question – any suggestions on how I could raise my vibrations in nature? I normally sit outside when it’s nice and just listen to birds, etc.

    • There are many ways to do this. I will share what has worked for me.
      1. I lay down on myback in the bed.
      2. I focus on my breath. I count back from 20. like 20, 19,18. etc. till 1
      3. I sing/chant the sound of the first part of the word HUman. I HU till I fall alseep.
      Youtube has several videos on the chant of HU.

      Many people use the chant OM instead of HU.
      Try several ways and see what works for you. I have found that I need to quiet my mind before I start to Hu, that is why I take deep breaths , slowly in and out, to the count of 10.

      Good Luck,

      PS: When I started , I made a CDR of the chant to play on my CD player at bedtime That helped me.

  13. Let me give you fair warning. Get ready to have your mind and heart stretched beyond normal limits. If you are reading this for the first time, you might want to be aware of your belief systems and suspend them for a moment. It’s quite likely you will be challenged. I was and still am. The New World Order is also divinely mandated beyond the low-level human corporatocracy.

    I’m nobody special, but what I experienced was special. My life changed and has continually progressed in my quest to know and understand who and what I Am and who WE ARE. There truly is no ego without Wego. Confabulation, imagination or realization… the experience happened.

  14. Thank you so much. I am so sick of reading channeling after channeling so I’ve forgotten to listening to my own inner voice and btw I’m also a channeler. This is a great message and thank you Jen and Peter. Love you!

  15. I’m not sure where you are getting your info, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more. Thanks for magnificent information I was looking for this information for my mission.

  16. I guess the real question is, regardless of what is actually going on or going to happen… how does it turn out. And the answer is the Cabal loses. Its just as simple as that.

    Yes the cabal does have scientists who look into the future with special devices, but this layer of their organization will also get exposed too. Those devices will be confiscated. Haarp will get shut down and dismantled. And of course we’re going to go walking right into Area 51 too. And all those classified Patents will get unlocked too.

    And I know enough about what might happen that whether The People are responsible or not, these sorts of capabilities will be taken away.

    For a long time divine intervention has stopped a bunch of things from happening. Gadgets and Resources will simply disappear without explanation, and the cabal people wont know why or where they went. The same thing is going to happen to a bunch of their money too, which they themselves wont even be able to account for.

    This is about more than just people, and more than just people are involved with this.

  17. Again, my main post was concerning the message NOT giving us the real truth. I want to believe , but if part of the message is withholding or incomplete information, I am skeptical of the totality of the entire message.
    I just want the whole truth. ( or maybe the message is telling me that, like in the movie, ” You can’t handle the real Truth”. LOL

    I know that you have no knowledge of me nor my past 33 years on the Spiritual path. I am not a newbie to channelings nor divine messages.
    I do not mean to offend. I am still a Spiritual Seeker of Truth.


    • We all want the truth, Donna Lynne. And that is what I DEMAND when I channel with Peter. He knows that. This is also why I do not channel very often. If I feel the energies are not right, I will not channel. Even when Peter has a really urgent message. I am Pleiadian in origin, and Pleiadians are the keepers of the Akashic Records (according to Wendy Kennedy). That is why I have this particular gift. I have been highly telepathic since I was a child. If something I hear does not ring true to me, I question it. I question Peter constantly. Especially when I feel something is “off.” I have always felt, from day one of the Sept. 11 attacks, that it was an inside job by GW Bush and company. And I KNEW he would go after Saddam, even though there was no relation to the story we were being told about who led the attacks. In fact, the day they announced Bush president, I turned to my friend and said, “We will be at war within a year. WATCH!” And it was so. The VERY same way I told the same friend in 2004 when we watched Obama speak at the DNC, “THAT’s our next American president. WATCH!!” And it was so. And I will tell you one more thing about Obama. He ALWAYS speaks from his heart. And that is how I know he is of the light. For a while, I WAS skeptical, but Peter has convinced me with what I know in my heart (not my head) is true. And this is the complete truth, straight up: I will never EVER channel bullshit. I refuse. If I feel something is not clear, I will not write it. And Peter knows that. And when I read a channel I disagree with, I will not rush to the comment section and say, “This is fake.” Because I AM of the light. And I honor ALL voices. This is not me being high and mighty or egotistical. This is me saying: we are NOT doing our jobs as light workers if we are constantly trying to tear each other down. No one was doing that here at all. I know you are frustrated with the channels. I am, too. And that is why I demand truth from my peeps, or I will not channel. I also do not filter or embellish. Everything you read is straight from Peter. Sometimes he will ask me to fix his grammar, but that is all. Gotta run. Hope this helps you understand where I’m coming from. Peace to you.

      • I guess we will agree to disagree about Obama “always speaks from his heart”. I believe most times, he wants too. I am not privy to what “they” want him to say. Someone stated that there are 32 levels of National Security ABOVE the President’s security, so it is doubtful that what appears on his teleprompter is totally what he composited from his heart. It is sad that his destiny path, of being the 44th President and trained during his past life and agreeing to be the bridge to the new 5th Golden Age in 2030, has not come into manifestation.

        Maybe when he is reelected, he will demonstrate those attribute’s(sp?) . In my opinion, the fix is already in for him to serve another term, so we will have to wait and see.

        As a spiritual person, I can only pray that he is able to raise above these negative vibrations and be whom he was meant to be, and that is my desire for myself and every Human on the Planet, at this timing!


        PS: And no, I am not one of those chosen ones to be SAVED by being taken up into the ships, SAVED by the second coming, or SAVED by any method. I have to SAVE myself.
        In my opinion it is an inside job on myself, to activate my higher vibrations and hopefully ascend to the 5th or higher dimensions.

        Thank you for your site and sharing of your messages, every bit helps me . I am still a seeker and still seeking.
        I did create benefit from most of your message. Everyone receives data and Information , at their own personal level of receptivity.

  18. Well, this is a nice story. Several parts of this message jumped out at me and caused me to doubt the channeling. First, the towers were not hit be planes, it was an energy beam of some kind. Second, Obama was of the Light , as the 44th president, he was to be the bridge to the Golden Age, but that energy has been changed.

    Also, with so many nice storys, always the word “SOON” we are blah, blah, blah…no proof, no time frame given.

    Just a fake message..In my Opinion!

    • “Beam of energy?” Tell me, where did you hear/read such a “story?”

      And, if you will, please explain how the energy has “changed?” In your OPINION, of course.

      There is nothing “fake” about this channel OR the message received. We operate out of pure love and light. Of course, this sort of thing makes those of you with lower vibrations grumpy and irate and accusatory.

      • [“Beam of energy?” Tell me, where did you hear/read such a “story?”

        And, if you will, please explain how the energy has “changed?” In your OPINION, of course.

        There is nothing “fake” about this channel OR the message received. We operate out of pure love and light. Of course, this sort of thing makes those of you with lower vibrations grumpy and irate and accusatory]

        Hi, I am so sorry if I offended . I do apologize if I offended you. I do NOT know all the facts.

        I do not consider myself to be of a lower vibration, per say. I am sorry to admit, that I do not possess as high a vibration as you do , in order to do the Messages like you do.

        And other than some radio shows and websites and independent readings, I have no other sources, sorry.

        And of course, with all information that I am exposed too, I do exercise my gifts of discernment. I do not “walk LOCK step” with any message, book nor any speaker on
        a show.

        Oh, the information about Obama was given last night during the first hour of C2C by Diana Cooper. This show has not yet been posted to YouTube. What she said about the original path of Obama was of the highest vibration and sadly He was not able, once he obtained office , to manifest his destiny. I’m sorry if that source ( C2C) is inferior to you, as a humble human, who works full time, I do not
        have access, nor time to completely research these topics.

        I can only, take the information into my heart and decide if I want it to become part of my belief system. This belief system is subject to change as I change and evolve.

        Please be gentle with me, God is not finished with me

        Blessings and thank you for your wonderful messages and the part you serve in the enlightenment of the planet.

      • I work full time, too. I don’t consider myself “above” anyone else. We all have talents in specific areas. None are better or worse; all are just different. My suggestion to you would be to stop the noise (the programs and radio shows) and just try to connect with your own heart and higher self and learn about YOU and what YOU believe. Not what anyone else is telling you to believe. We all channel. You may not realize that yet, but you do. So turn of the noise and plug into Donna Lynne. You know stuff. You know LOTS of stuff. It’s all right there in your heart. And you don’t need to rely on Internet or TV or radio to learn any of it. Seriously. Try it. Just….silence. Don’t listen, either. FEEL. Turn off all the mind chatter and just feel what you know in your heart. Do it for a week. Take a retreat. Pledge allegiance to yourself. Your high self. And no one else. And ask yourself…what is REALLY going on?

    • Actually the towers Were hit by the planes, thousands of eyewitnesses and video confirm that. As for what Destroyed them, well it is possible that spaceships operated by the secret government could have used antigravity to loosen their structural strength and cause them to fall.

      But in all honesty I do believe the big Towers were destroyed as a result of the plane crash alone. The plane crash caused structural damage which the Fire was then able to capitalize on by weakening structural strength further. And then having 20 or 40 stories of building come crashing down on the rest would just be a house of cards. That was the story the forensics came back with. . . and I don’t think this part is a lie.

      The other buildings that collapsed besides the 2 Towers. . . however. . . were Demolition jobs using explosives. I saw Building 6 go down and it gave me chills because something just didnt look right about it.

      And I feel the message about the Men guarding the gold is true too – while all this rukus was going on nobody would pay attention to scores of men firing machineguns at each other in the basement.

      Its just like the movie Die Hard 3 (1996) – in that movie the bomb threat against the schools was just to keep the cops busy so the crooks could raid the federal reserve gold.

      • Agreed! The other buildings that fell were definitely professionally set to fall. You could tell by the way they collapsed. I always wondered if the plane that went down in that PA field was meant to hit one of those buildings. I also wondered if the first two had “a little help” in falling, if you know what I mean. I once caught an argument on a documentary by an architectural design expert who was insisting the planes alone were not enough to make those towers fall based on the structure and how it was built. He said they were actually designed to take such a hit, so he believed the first two also fell due to strategically placed explosives on the inside. Wish I could remember where I saw that. It was back in the day when I used to watch cable TV, so it was probably a documentary on History channel or something like that.

      • Yes, I know that most people, including my self watched what appeared to be, two planes hitting the towers. Well, I just listened to Coast to Coast show on March 31, 2012, and John Lear explained in detail about what HIS therory was. The discussion was on 9-11 conspiracies and lunar civilizations. I guess the truth will be known in the future.

        What he explained really happened, sounds like a lot more “TRUE” to me. He went in to alot of detail. This show has been posted on YouTube, if you care to hear another therory. The planes were Halograms.

        John Lear starts talking around 41:15 .

        C2CAM – 2012.03.31 – 9-11 Conspiracies & Lunar Civilizations


      • Well, you just said yourself that you and most people watched what appeared to be two planes hitting the towers. That is the reference Peter made because that is what most people believe they saw. If he said said “when the energy beam hit and destroyed the towers,” the majority of everyone would go, “HUH?” He is speaking to what most are familiar with. That does not make either of us “fakes” or “storytellers.” You can apologize ANY time now for that.

        I am also still waiting for you to explain this “theory” of how the energy has changed and Obama is no longer of the light. Are you going to reference us with another youtube video that is absolutely factual because it appeared on Coast to Coast? Or Fox News, perhaps?

      • I don’t agree concerning the towers not been prepared to fall like they did. They collapsed as a controlled demolition. No building drops/falls that perfect down without something else influensing it. The towers where both built to sustain air liners but they didn’t. Dich Cheney admitted 911 was an inside job:

        Another thing he stated was that the pentagon was hit by a cruise missile ( AGM-86B ) and not an air liner. This makes perfect sense sins there where no signs of debri from jet-engines or wings!!

        However the MSM did not report his statement and other officials say that he did this statement due to his heart change (have heard that you can inherit the belief of the donor) His statement was made on April fools day which some people also point to in order to de-justify his claims.

        Well judge for your self… ;O)

    • UPDATE to my post. Well, either I misread the word planes or it was deleted from the message.
      I appolize for my postings .

      Sorry, my bad!

      • I didn’t think I the word “planes” was in there, either, but I didn’t have time to go back and check, myself.

        I have one question for you, though, and maybe it is something you might want to take a deeper look at through meditation or something. You say that you WANT to believe….so my question is, why can’t you? This is the point that Peter is trying to make. Why do you need all this proof before you can believe? Especially when we can never tell if we’re ever being told the truth by the media or the whistle blowers? (Frankly, a lot of the black ops and military whistle blowers tell us stuff that only leaves me feeling worse because they tend to deconstruct, but never reconstruct.) Yes, Obama has been under some heavy control most of his term. We know why that is. So why does he have to prove something before you can believe? What if you need to believe first before he can break out of his shackles? I mean, not to go all Peter Pan or anything, but doesn’t it take a whole audience of believers to bring TInkerbell back to life? Okay, not the same, I know, but in all seriousness, we know how law of attraction works. And we know that when we collectively put our energy and light behind something, our positive energy can produce change. So…what if you just let go of the fear-based energies that say “I’ll believe it when I see it,” and just change the thought process to “I’ll see it because I believe it?” I mean, really…how can it hurt? Do you have something to lose?

      • [I have one question for you, though, and maybe it is something you might want to take a deeper look at through meditation or something. You say that you WANT to believe….so my question is, why can’t you? This is the point that Peter is trying to make. Why do you need all this proof before you can believe? Especially when we can never tell if we’re ever being told the truth by the media or the whistle blowers? (Frankly, a lot of the black ops and military whistle blowers tell us stuff that only leaves me feeling worse because they tend to deconstruct, but never reconstruct.) Yes, Obama has been under some heavy control most of his term. We know why that is. So why does he have to prove something before you can believe? What if you need to believe first before he can break out of his shackles? I mean, not to go all Peter Pan or anything, but doesn’t it take a whole audience of believers to bring TInkerbell back to life? Okay, not the same, I know, but in all seriousness, we know how law of attraction works. And we know that when we collectively put our energy and light behind something, our positive energy can produce change. So…what if you just let go of the fear-based energies that say “I’ll believe it when I see it,” and just change the thought process to “I’ll see it because I believe it?” I mean, really…how can it hurt? Do you have something to lose?]

        Short Answer:

        Well, isn’t that kind of naïve to just Believe ? Been there, done that= didn’t work for me. That worked on me, for 20 years, but not today. I am still human and need some solid proof.
        Yes, for me, he does have to prove that he is demonstrating the vibration of a higher frequencies.

        [“we know how law of attraction works. And we know that when we collectively put our energy and light behind something, our positive energy can produce change”.] I will still continue to put my positive energy towards a positive change, not sure where you picked up that I have not, nor would continue to send energy. Maybe it was my first short post, which was kinda crude, that led you to assume that I wasn’t sending positive energy daily.

        I do expect to see the energy of some changes made by Obama. Well, for instance , remove all of the the czars and replace the cabinet, instead of the recycled good -old -boys. Yes, I will have to see those changes and many, many, more demonstrable changes for me to KNOW that he has changed. ( I am not a Bible scholar, but doesn’t it say somewhere in the Bible…you shall know them by their fruits?”

        Yes, I thank you for your suggestion that I turn off the noise and meditate. I will not turn off my flow of information, that is not my path, but I do need to amp up my meditation time. I still live in the real world and not in LaLa Land, like so many of my very close friends.
        I am still striving for a healthy balance.

        I am kinda sorry I posted about the “plane thing” cause I am not that fluent in grammar nor verbiage and it takes me a long time to compose my thoughts in a cogent form.

        But, I also have enjoyed the sharing. I am not a “star sharer”. I post very infrequently.

        Again, thank you for taking the time to reply back on my posts and thanks for sharing your gift of the message.

        Like I tell everyone, text and emails are so flat and do not have the great vibration like a voice does!!

        Blessings, and good night, you ‘all!

      • The way I know Obama is still on our side is I actually read the man’s energy. When you read a person’s Energy its like reading their mind, you get an accurate gauge of what they’re really up to, beyond just want they are doing externally.

        When you are super high vibrating there are things that you cannot do, motivations that you cannot have. The negative, controlling, enslaving stuff inspires William Wallace (braveheart) type actions.

        Mister Obama has the same vibration right now that he had when he was elected, and on a spiritual level it is about 40 times higher than the average person.

        That is because this man embodies and works with the energies of the 8th Chakra (the one above the head, outside the body). That means he is 3 steps higher than an Indigo child/adult.

        Being that im only one step above him in vibration and I remember hovering at his vibration level for quite some time… I can tell you that He Is Authentic. With that much zeal, commitment to Freedom and Truth, there is no way that you can truly hold the kind of motivations or even abide with the policies of the cabal.

        So it makes absolute sense what Peter said, that all this time Obama has been making it –look– like he is (barely) working with the Cabal… but really he has been stabbing them in the back with almost every bill or order he has signed into law.

        When someone tries to enslave you or keep you under lock and key… when you have this sort of vibration… you just play the part until you get your chance to find your master in the middle of the night and cut their neck open. Freedom becomes more important than life.

  19. ► ► ► Thank you Jen. Ive heard about this (thru the Drake interviews) and ive started preparing for it myself (red beans and rice). I would like yours and Peter’s feedback on something.

    I imagine that your friend Peter and his friends know about ME and what I am Planning on doing… and what I have been doing to support this. Calling in backup from the I AM level to maximize the effects of these things and draw them closer. Though mostly ive been affecting the weather.

    Supposedly. . . I am supposed to become –exceptionally powerful– in this regard very soon, If only so that I can be in an empowering position (where I can render more service) and be enabled to work through the needs of my own destiny.

    I don’t know when that will happen though, my Higher Selves have been silent on when I will get my “upgrade”. My only guess – is either just before or when the mass arrest takes place, to make sure my safety is guaranteed.

    And I am looking forward to continuing this agenda, so let Peter know that they have my full support. . . and that I am going to be asking questions about which ventures to focus these energies on. I would ask about “my upgrade” but I don’t think anyone will speak of it.

    Ive heard of other people saying that this could really be a ploy from the Cabal to trick us.
    Well I say then if that is true they should get caught off guard when it becomes the Real Thing. And then as far as we know, that’s the way it really was to begin with.

    And I am glad that you touched on the President Obama issue. I have always supported him but my confidence has waned because of the things he’s been forced to do, and the things that other people have said about him. I hope that he is one of the good people, and that he will continue to serve us and guide us through this transition phase.

    • Hello, Sir!

      First, thank you for reading and commenting. I have not yet listened to the Drake interviews. Meant to over the weekend, but my schedule would not allow it.

      Peter says: You all have been receiving upgrades in a slow, gentle manner while you sleep. The key to activating them is to activate the light body by moving up out of the lower fear vibrations. You’ll know you’re still in them when you catch yourself judging. Not discerning, but judging. Especially others. You will know when you’re operating from a higher vibration when you can look at EVERYone with love and feel love for everyone and everything. Yes, you will still be able to wisely discern between higher and lower vibrations. Anything that feels as if it is pulling you downward into the lower vibrations again can be rectified by sending love and light to it. Once you are able to stay in the higher vibrations for longer periods of time, you will notice your upgrades assisting you. You should no longer be operating from the head/mind. You must operate from the chest/heart. You must no longer think. You must FEEL. Doing so will fire up those upgrades and enable you to use more of your personal power. Everyone ascends at different rates because many still have lots of lower energies they must clear from their auras and chakras. Once you’re spending more time sending light and love than you are checking for “good news” on the Internet, you will being your ascension. At this point, many of you are still doubting your own abilities as light workers. Dear ones, you ARE the “good news.” You are the ones who accepted this assignment. You are not there on Earth for yourselves. You are there for the planet and everyone on it. You are there to bring the light, share the light and spread the light. Remember who you are and why you are there! It is not about just you. It is about ALL of us. Limit yourselves to one hour of check-in time. The rest of your free time should be spent raising your own vibrations and sharing and spreading the light. If that means you channel or do readings to help heal others, then that is what you do (in addition to your personal meditation and self work). If it means you teach others Yoga or heal people with Reiki energy or any of these things, then that is what you spend more of your time doing. Earth needs healing. Her people need healing. You are there to channel these healing energies. If it means you do it through song and dance or caregiving, then that is how you do it. To revise Gandhi, “Be the LIGHT you wish to see in the world.”

      Now, as far as the “ploy by the cabal” goes, could you please expand on that, my brother? We wish to know exactly what you mean by this so we can help clear up any confusion or fear.

      If you are speaking of folks like Kerry Cassidy and George Kasavalis who are saying that the GFL is planning to “harvest souls,” we assure you that no soul can be “harvested” (whatever that means) unless it CHOOSES such action. No one will ever be forced by the GFL or Ashtar Command to do anything he or she does not agree to. We are still not sure what “harvesting” means, and we do NOT believe in slavery. That is the very thing we are trying to help free you from, is it not? (If you’re still wondering, yes, it IS what we are going to free you from!)

      Jen asked me today about the latest channels who are saying that ships will evacuate people from the planet. I told her, “Yes, in some cases, this may be true. For islanders in the middle of the ocean who have no hope of surviving if a tsunami hits, we will be there to assist. But no one will be forced to join us. If a being chooses to stay on an island in danger, then that is the choice of the soul. Every soul chooses when it wants to exit the body and become a light being again. We honor all of those decisions by each soul/light being. There is no need for sadness in this case. Ultimately, your light being chooses its own experiences and destiny. No light being or soul dies. They simply ‘choose a new model,’ so to speak. The body is a vehicle for the soul to experience life. Much like an automobile. When you’re done with the sports coupe, you may want to try out a sedan or truck. The freedom of choice is yours. And we honor ALL choices. Have no fear. Fear is just ridiculous at this point!”

      The way we feel about Kerry and George is that they are not fully or truly remembering who they are or what they agreed to prior to incarnating. Once they ascend, they will remember, and the fear they currently cling to will all be “water under the bridge” as you say.

      Now, to recap, no one will be forced to board ships. No souls will be “harvested.” This is not possible. Are there still “bad guys” out there? Yes. But they play in their own space, just as Earth beings have, and they learn their lessons just as you do. Can they come get you? Absolutely not. Are we going to make you promises of a wonderful new world? Yes. But it takes your participation to create it. If you choose not to, then you can stay in the lower vibrations. That is your choice. Look, Earth is not going anywhere. Ascension is energetic vibration. Beings do not need to leave your planet to ascend. Most of you can stay put. Those of you living near temperamental faults, volcanoes and low land near the sea coasts MAY need to evacuate at some point. You can go with us or you can go with your military rescue. Neither are going to harm you. Most of the people who were planning to harm you are now incapacitated. Those who are not yet incapacitated don’t have the power to harm you.

      Let’s move away from this fear-based stuff now, shall we? It is time for you, as light workers, light warriors, wayshowers…by whatever name you resonate…to begin the LIGHT WORK. Please, let us commence, so we can begin this ascension process and avoid things like the need for evacuation. It is, after all, up to each and every one of you.

      Obama IS of the light, and you will soon understand this to be true once the big secrets are revealed. Do know that NDAA was signed to basically arrest and detain those responsible for 9/11. The latest bill signed that gives Obama absolute power is for you protection against things like losing your property (if the government owns it and Obama has the power to administer a financial “reset,” then no lender can fight this, and your property will remain yours). He knows what he is doing. Try to see the brighter side of things once in a while. As I said before, you ARE, after all, LIGHT workers. Are you not?

      Let’s go to work. All our love to you, always, with absolutely no ill intentions. Your brother, Peter.

      PS: In answer to your specific question about yourself and which areas to focus, Peter says: Do not what you feel you are best at, but that which brings you the most JOY. 😉

      • Aww thank you for responding to my post.

        I am sending light right now ambiently, at all times, like a Violet Flame Lightbulb I guess you could say. But that’s normal for me.

        I also try to teach others advanced manifesting/spiritual concepts who already know enough that they could benefit from my knowledge.

        What ive been inspired to do is wield my connection with the Higher Self to alter reality and shift events into the favor of those doing the Mass Arrests thing. I had been taking a break from doing that kind of activity.

        The key word here being “Maximized”… for the maximum possible effect.

        More divine intervention… even the things the white hats are worried about will somehow fail too. Like those buildings wired to blow, or places that have important documents. Just like how guns and missiles have been jamming and failing to launch.

        And that somehow they will manage to get almost everyone if not everybody on their list, when the barn-burning commences, and none of these people will be able to wiggle out of it.

        But im sure my Higher Self knows everything about it, those are only examples I can think of for maximizing the effect off the top of my head.

        – – –

        The view I have had about Obama is that he has been signing Cabal Laws but only because he has effectively had a gun to his head, and that he is looking forward to the day when he is free of them. Like some princess locked in the tower of a castle.

        Now that I understand these Arrests going to take place, everything he has signed are tools he can use against them. Yeah – with the NDAA he can just have them rounded up and not even give them a trial, just have them sequestered in some underground military base. Or how about GitMo.

        No… my Heart gives me a bad feeling about George/Sheldon Nidle (and basically anyone who talks about GFL at all)… so I don’t listen to these people usually.

        Another disinformation source I came across is Tim Turner, I didn’t even know about him until recently but as soon as I found out about him and his “republic for the united states” my internal warning light went off.

        But I heard the information about the cabal springing a trap from a member of a site I visit (indigosociety, under a thread I posted to spread the word about the arrests).

        What I tried to reassure them of is because of the Energetic Undercurrent things like that just cant work. Even if it was a False Flag event, because of the dynamics of Mass Consciousness Manifesting it would be –Made– to be the Real Thing and the cabal would still be ruined.

        I guess that may already be the case with the financial system fix, as you explained for the Switzerland system. Maybe the other system was the false one, thinking it would become implemented, and because of conjured the Real Thing came out of the woodwork. Manifested as if it was always going to happen, since creation operates outside of time.

        This kind of manifesting I call Alternate Reality Travel. Its a 4D/Paradox kind of thing.

        Those mountains of documents for evidence against the cabal, might also be conjured as well. Months or years ago (at least from my perspective) the 20-40 year old movement to arrest the cabal might not have existed. The past may have been changed to make it work.

        – – –

        Indeed im not worried about having my soul harvested or something stupid like that, that’s probably the silliest thing ive ever heard (and this is the first place ive heard it).

        In fact I think it would be quite difficult to wrangle a being like myself if that was the case, since I would just sidestep into other realities where these creatures do not exist. Its my Free Will and its not the kind of thing my soul would be interested in, so it wouldn’t happen.

        – – –

        I had a more significant kind of thing in mind for my “upgrade” than simply what I receive in my dreams. I was using the term lightly. It is an epic leap for me that has been building for years.

        It is like the ability of instant manifestation, but one which you can call upon only when you want to use it (so you don’t create anything you don’t desire).

        Its too complicated for me to explain here… these are powers the Higher Self (christ) can bestow on its own lesser evolved self (me). A loophole in non-interferance.

        Make somebody’s blown off leg grow back instantly? Make a plate of savory and wholesome food appear out of thin air (or a boatload of cash)? Ill be able to do those things, without technology.

        Just imagine what I could do in the Manifestation (of world events) department. . . . . which is why I need some suggestions for what to do beyond the scope of my own life.

        Peter ought to know. Because it will create energetic shockwaves in the future when it happens – so he should see this coming.

        Unless of course the reason I don’t hear anything in response is because it has to be kept secret, and nobody wants to spill the beans (this is very annoying for me).

        – – –

        Most of this lightworker advice stuff I have aced.

        I don’t really have anything to do at the present time, I am extremely bored so I am actually looking up things online just to have something to occupy myself. That wont change until I get my Special Gift (which I just talked about)… there’s no way around that.

        I am too restless to simply sit somewhere and meditate all day. But I believe my boredom has to do with me letting go, so it is something I have to continue to suffer until then.

        Im not concerned about my “light quotient” or ascension progress or anything like that, im quite comfortable with it and my present level of advancement. I would say it is almost “maxed out” in fact for the appropriate needs of my life purpose, for a long time.

        I need to be able to Grow before I can be at peace. Those in higher positions know I am stuck like this.

  20. ► Thank you Jen. Ive heard about this (thru the Drake interviews) and ive started preparing for it myself (red beans and rice). I would like yours and Peter’s feedback on something.

    I imagine that your friend Peter and his friends know about ME and what I am Planning on doing… and what I have been doing to support this. Calling in backup from the I AM level to maximize the effects of these things and draw them closer. Though mostly ive been affecting the weather.

    Supposedly. . . I am supposed to become –exceptionally powerful– in this regard very soon, If only so that I can be in an empowering position (where I can render more service) and be enabled to work through the needs of my own destiny.

    I don’t know when that will happen though, my Higher Selves have been silent on when I will get my “upgrade”. My only guess – is either just before or when the mass arrest takes place, to make sure my safety is guaranteed.

    And I am looking forward to continuing this agenda, so let Peter know that they have my full support. . . and that I am going to be asking questions about which ventures to focus these energies on. I would ask about “my upgrade” but I don’t think anyone will speak of it.

    Ive heard of other people saying that this could really be a ploy from the Cabal to trick us.
    Well I say then if that is true they should get caught off guard when it becomes the Real Thing. And then as far as we know, that’s the way it really was to begin with.

    And I am glad that you touched on the President Obama issue. I have always supported him but my confidence has waned because of the things he’s been forced to do, and the things that other people have said about him. I hope that he is one of the good people, and that he will continue to serve us and guide us through this transition phase.

  21. Thank you, my brothers and sisters — beloved Cosmic Citizens. I bless you with Love. I bless the Earth -Gaia With Love. I blesd humankind with. Love. I bless the cosmos with Love. Namaste. Thank you.’

  22. Thank you so much for this message. It sounds just clear and true to me.
    Indeed, we (I) have a tendency to read message after message, hoping to find something that will trigger the light inside of us. Why is it so? Why is it so hard to search inside of us? Surely the prospect of finding our true selves should be attractive enough for us to commit to the task?
    I wish I knew how to kick my own butt strong enough to do this, and hold on to it.
    Thanks for not being affraid of shaking our egos!
    Om Shanti.

    • Dear Tiamssai,

      We are so used to being judged and kicked down. That is what makes it so difficult for us to believe how powerful and brilliant and FREE we truly are. All it takes is one little spark to ignite a flame! We can DO this!!! Wishing you lots of “sparks,” my friend. Love and light! 🙂

    • I feel that way too, Tiamssaï. But is it so easy?
      The bad people, the Illuminati, the anti-Christ, whatever; They are the ones who made us forget how to tap into inner-selves.
      Is it because we are nearing Gaia’s Ascension this year that the universe is now forced to interfere and lend a helping hand of light to humanity?
      Maybe it’s because of our attachments to this life: I can’t seem to just let go of school, work, ect. The fear of failing/getting fired hinders most of us maybe.
      I read blog after blog searching for “hope” because deep down I always knew: LOVE is the only essence of NEED, and everything builds around that. But the bad people exist because there is no good without it. There can’t be light without darkness: yin and yang. We exist because God exists, and God exists because we exist; ONE is ALL, and all is one. The more information I consume, the more restless and anxious of the waiting day I become.
      My life is litterally in heaps of ruin. I feel selfish because I’m impatient for relief to strike the entire planet. . .

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